2023-01-16T22:01:52+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Teeth, Clean-contaminated, Alpha-chymotrypsin, Enter head first, exit feet first, Pfannenstiel, Flat, Potassium, Fascia, Argon, informed consent, Cardia, Spores, Webbed fingers, Backtable, Insulin, Extractions, Escherichia coli, Same side as surgeon, Surgically clean, Ampulla of Vater, Name, DOB, physician, Spirilli, Store bile, Circulator, Aid in controlling temperature, Time, shielding, distance, duodenum, Lateral, Arthropod bites, colposcopy, tamponade, Anesthesia provider, -centesis, Cecum, Gram stain, Mydriatics, U-drape, Never until patient is discharged from facility, Supine, Argon, Biological, omentum, Anaerobes, Fistula, Counteract the action of another drug, Circumferential, Bilateral Fallopian tubes/ovaries and uterus, Kyphosis, hallux valgus, Inguinal, mesentery, Commensalism, Depo-Medrol, Patient marks with an "X" and witness verifies, Feet first, side rails up, HCG, Upper arms, neckline and axillary region, Coude, Reverse Trendelenburg, Patent ductus arteriosus, Formalin, Notify surgeon and repeat count, Parotid, Incident report, Hysterectomy, Adaptic, Aperture, Direct, Kocher, Bakes, Ligature, Pancreas, Cerebellum, Parasitism, Acute, Mitochondria, Balanced, Surgeon, Supine, Serosa, Chlorhexidine, Transverse, Over the thighs, Epispadias repair, Laser, Hypertension, Pharynx and trachea, Trauma, pulmonary embolism, Penrose, Larynx, Artificial active, endotracheal intubation, Trephine, 4, Standard precautions, separation anxiety, Pharynx, Ear, Iatrogenic flashcards

Surgical Technologist Exam Prep (CST) (Deck 1)

This is a deck from Quizlet to prepare for the CST exam.

  • Teeth
    Which of the following structures is located in the alveolar processes?
  • Clean-contaminated
    Which of the following is the wound classification for a bronchoscopy?
  • Alpha-chymotrypsin
    An enzyme used before cataract surgery to soften the zonules of the lens is:
  • Enter head first, exit feet first
    How should the stretcher be oriented when necessary to use an elevator to transport a patient to the OR
  • Pfannenstiel
    A curved transverse incision across the lower abdomen used frequently in gynecological surgery is:
  • Flat
    When perforated metal trays are placed on the shelves of the steam sterilizing cart, they should be positioned:
  • Potassium
    Hyperkalemia is a high concentration of:
  • Fascia
    Tissue that is cut using curved mayo scissors
  • Argon
    Laser beam that can travel through clear tissues without heating them
  • informed consent
    Permission for treatment given with full knowledge for the risks
  • Cardia
    Portion of the stomach surrounds the lower esophageal sphincter
  • Spores
    Low level disinfectants kill most microbes, but do not destroy:
  • Webbed fingers
    Syndactyly refers to:
  • Backtable
    The surgical pack utilized to create the sterile field should be opened on the:
  • Insulin
    The islets of Langerhans secrete:
  • Extractions
    Type of procedure that would involve the removal of teeth
  • Escherichia coli
    Organism that is normal resident flora of the intestinal tract
  • Same side as surgeon
    Where should the first scrub surgical technologist stand when handing towels to the surgeon to square off an incision site
  • Surgically clean
    Properly performed surgical scrub renders the skin:
  • Ampulla of Vater
    Through which of the following do the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct empty
  • Name, DOB, physician
    Which of the following identifiers must be verified by the patient or their ID bracelet prior to transporting a patient to the OR
  • Spirilli
    Spiral shaped bacteria
  • Store bile
    Primary function of the gallbladder
  • Circulator
    Which of the following is a non-sterile member of the surgical team?
  • Aid in controlling temperature
    Which of the following is not a benefit of using surface-mounted sliding doors for access to the operating room
  • Time, shielding, distance
    What are the three factors for reducing ionizing radiation exposure?
  • duodenum
    first part of the small intestine
  • Lateral
    Surgical position frequently used for patients undergoing kidney surgery
  • Arthropod bites
    How are rickettsiae transmitted?
  • colposcopy
    Which of the following is an examination of the cervix using a binocular microscope
  • tamponade
    Compression of the heart from excessive fluid or blood buildup
  • Anesthesia provider
    Surgical team member that determines when the patient can be transported from the OR to the PACU
  • -centesis
    Suffice meaning surgical puncture to remove fluid
  • Cecum
    Portion of the colon the appendix is attached to
  • Gram stain
    Laboratory test determines bacterial indentification
  • Mydriatics
    Medications that cause dilation of the pupil
  • U-drape
    Which of the following drapes is non-fenestrated
  • Never until patient is discharged from facility
    Under what circumstances would it be appropriate to remove a patient's identification bracelet
  • Supine
    Position most commonly used for mitral valve replacement
  • Argon
    Laser best used during a vitrectomy
  • Biological
    Monitor that provides positive assurance of sterility
  • omentum
    Apron-like structure attached to the greater curvature of the stomach
  • Anaerobes
    Microbes that live without oxygen
  • Fistula
    Abnormal tract between two epithelium-lined surfaces that is open at both ends
  • Counteract the action of another drug
    Action of an antagonist drug
  • Circumferential
    Directional terms that describes the type of skin prep of an entire extremity
  • Bilateral Fallopian tubes/ovaries and uterus
    What organs are excised if an ovarian tumor is malignant?
  • Kyphosis
    Abnormal thoracic curvature of the spine referred to as hunchback
  • hallux valgus
  • Inguinal
    Incision also known as a lower oblique
  • mesentery
    structure that attaches the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall
  • Commensalism
    Relationship in which 2 organisms occupy the same area and one organism benefits while the other is unharmed
  • Depo-Medrol
    Topical steroid used to reduce inflammation after eye surgery
  • Patient marks with an "X" and witness verifies
    How is the surgical informed consent signed if an adult patient is illiterate
  • Feet first, side rails up
    What direction should the stretcher be oriented when transporting a patient to the OR department?
  • HCG
    Which of the following routine pre-op laboratory studies would be ordered for premenopausal women with no history of hysterectomy?
  • Upper arms, neckline and axillary region
    Which portion of the surgical gown is considered non-sterile
  • Coude
    Type of urinary catheter with a small, curved tapered tip used on patients with urethral strictures
  • Reverse Trendelenburg
    Surgical position commonly used for thyroid and gallbladder surgery
  • Patent ductus arteriosus
    Congenital defect in which the fetal blood vessel between the pulmonary artery and aorta does not close
  • Formalin
    Commonly used preservative for tissue specimens
  • Notify surgeon and repeat count
    First step taken for an initial incorrect closing sponge count
  • Parotid
    Mumps may be diagnosed by finding inflammation in which of the the following glands
  • Incident report
    Institutional document is completed when an adverse or unusual event takes place in the OR that may have legal consequences for the staff or patient
  • Hysterectomy
    Which procedure would trendelenburg position provide optimal visualization
  • Adaptic
    Type of nonadherent dressing
  • Aperture
    Type of fenestrated drape
  • Direct
    Hernia that occurs within Hesselbach's triangle
  • Kocher
    Type of oblique incision
  • Bakes
    Dilator used in the common duct
  • Ligature
    Mechanical method of hemostasis
  • Pancreas
    Organ connected by a duct to the duodenum
  • Cerebellum
    Brain tumor causing alteration of muscle tone, voluntary muscle coordination, gait and balance would likely be located in the:
  • Parasitism
    Relationship that benefits one organism at the expense of another
  • Acute
    Disease characterized by rapid onset and a rapid recovery
  • Mitochondria
    Organelle responsible for the production of energy
  • Balanced
    Type of anesthesia that is a combination of inhalation and intravenous drugs
  • Surgeon
    Ultimately responsible for obtaining the surgical informed consent
  • Supine
    Position most commonly used for neurosurgical procedures
  • Serosa
    Outer layer of the intestine
  • Chlorhexidine
    Solutions that should be used to prep donor site for a split-thickness skin graft
  • Transverse
    Type of drape used for flank procedure
  • Over the thighs
    Where should the safety strap be placed on a patient who is in the supine position?
  • Epispadias repair
    Surgical procedure is performed to correct an abnormality in which the urethral meatus is situated on the superior aspect of the penis
  • Laser
    Thermal method of hemostasis utilizes intense, focused light
  • Hypertension
    Most common cause of intracerebral hemorrhage
  • Pharynx and trachea
    Where is larynx located
  • Trauma
    Most common cause of retinal detachment
  • pulmonary embolism
    Post-op complication associated with total hip arthroplasty
  • Penrose
    Type of passive drain
  • Larynx
    Where are the vocal cords located?
  • Artificial active
    Type of acquired immunity is a vaccination
  • endotracheal intubation
    When would the anesthesia provider request cricoid pressure?
  • Trephine
    Instrument used during keratoplasty to remove the cornea
  • 4
    Required minimum number of individuals to transfer an incapacitated patient from the OR table to the stretcher
  • Standard precautions
    Following regulations that states that blood and body fluids should be considered infectious
  • separation anxiety
    Major source of distress for toddler and preschool age patient being transported to the OR
  • Pharynx
    Structure that has oral, nasal, and laryngeal divisions
  • Ear
    Otoplasty is performed to correct a congenital deformity of which structure
  • Iatrogenic
    Injury a patient sustains as a result of the care given by a healthcare professional