2024-04-12T21:23:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>anatomy</p>, <p>physiology</p>, <p>cell</p>, <p>nucleus</p>, <p>cytoplasm</p>, <p>cell membrane</p>, <p>tissue</p>, <p>organ</p>, <p>body system</p>, <p>tendon</p>, <p>ligament</p>, <p>cartilage</p>, <p>ossification</p>, <p>joint</p>, <p>fascia</p>, <p>Central Nervous System</p>, <p>Peripheral Nervous System</p>, <p>cerebrum</p>, <p>cerebellum</p>, <p>brain stem</p>, <p>peristalsis</p>, <p>alimentary canal</p>, <p>hormones</p>, <p>metabolism</p>, <p>urethra</p>, <p>ureters</p>, <p>pharynx</p>, <p>larynx</p>, <p>trachea</p>, <p>esophagus</p>, <p>bronchi</p>, <p>plasm</p>, <p>platelets</p>, <p>atria</p>, <p>ventricles</p>, <p>arteries</p>, <p>veins</p>, <p>aorta</p> flashcards
SP CH3 Vocabulary

SP CH3 Vocabulary

  • anatomy

    study of the structure and relationship between body parts

  • physiology

    study of the functions of body parts

  • cell

    basic unit of life

  • nucleus

    brain of the cell

  • cytoplasm

    jelly-like substance that fills a cell

  • cell membrane

    outer covering of a cell

  • tissue

    2 or more similar cells joining together to perform a similar function

  • organ

    2 or more tissues joining together to perform a specific function

  • body system

    2 or more organs working together to carry out a specific activity

  • tendon

    cord of tissue connecting bone to muscle

  • ligament

    band of connective tissue connecting bone to bone

  • cartilage

    flexible connective tissue

  • ossification

    process of cartilage turning into bone

  • joint

    place where 2 bones meet

  • fascia

    band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue

  • Central Nervous System

    CNS: part of the nervous system that includes the brain and spine

  • Peripheral Nervous System

    PNS: all nerve tissues outside of the CNS

  • cerebrum

    biggest part of brain controlling mental activities and movement

  • cerebellum

    part of brain controlling coordination, balance, and posture

  • brain stem

    controls automatic body functions: breathing

  • peristalsis

    rippling motion that mixes food and gastric juices

  • alimentary canal

    digestive tract from mouth to anus

  • hormones

    chemical messengers acting on organs

  • metabolism

    chemical changes in the cell converting nutrients to energy

  • urethra

    tube that goes from bladder out of the body

  • ureters

    tube from kidneys to bladder

  • pharynx


  • larynx

    voice box

  • trachea

    wind pipe

  • esophagus

    connects throat to stomach

  • bronchi

    passageway for air to travel from trachea to lungs

  • plasm

    largest component of blood that transports nutrients and waste

  • platelets

    blood cell fragments that helps in blood clots

  • atria

    2 upper chambers of the heart

  • ventricles

    2 lower chambers of the heart

  • arteries

    carries blood away from the heart

  • veins

    carries blood to the heart

  • aorta

    largest blood vessel in the body