2021-01-13T08:46:32+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueSolubility Rule 1 for Group 1A & Ammonium ions, Solubility Rule 2 for nitrates, acetates, and perchlorates, Solubility Rule 3 for chlorides, bromides, and iodides, Solubility Rule 4 for fluorides, Solubility Rule 5 for sulfates, Insolubility Rule 1 for metal hydroxides, Insolubility Rule 2 for carbonates, Insolubility Rule 3 for sulfides, Strong acids and strong bases, Saltflashcards
Solubility Rules, Insolubility Rules, and more (from TinyCards)
The "more" refers to the relationship of strong acids, strong bases, water, and salt. (This deck used to be on an amazing spaced-learning service called Tinycards.)
Solubility Rule 2 for nitrates, acetates, and perchlorates
All nitrates, acetates, and perchlorates are soluble.
Solubility Rule 3 for chlorides, bromides, and iodides
All chlorides, bromides, and iodides are soluble except when bonded to silver I, lead II, copper I, and 2 mercury II.
Solubility Rule 4 for fluorides
All common fluorides are soluble except when bonded to lead II or 2A.
Solubility Rule 5 for sulfates
All sulfates are soluble except when bonded to calcium II, strontium II, barium II, silver I, or lead II.
Insolubility Rule 1 for metal hydroxides
All metal hydroxides are insoluble except when bonded to Group 1A elements or with larger members of 2A starting with calcium II.
Insolubility Rule 2 for carbonates
All carbonates are insoluble except when bonded to Group 1A elements or ammonium.
Insolubility Rule 3 for sulfides
All sulfides are insoluble except when bonded to Group 1A or 2A elements or ammonium.
Strong acids and strong bases
combine to create water and salt
a precipitate created by double replacement and neutralization when strong acids and strong bases combine
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