2021-08-15T14:06:36+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueback away, back down, back off, boil over, bounce back, break away, break out, catch on, check up, come about, come away, come back, come down, come forward, come in, come on, come out, come round, come up, curl up, die down, die out, drop by, drop out, end up, fade away, fall apart, fall away, fall behind, fall out, fall over, fall through, fight back, get about, get along, get up, give in, go ahead, go along, go around, go away, go back, go down, go on, go out, go up, grow up, hit out, hold on, lie down, look back, loom up, meet up, melt away, move off, move over, opt out, own up, pass away, pay up, play around, pop up, press on, push on, rise up, roll over, run away, run out, sell up, set in, settle down, settle in, sink in, sit around or about, sit back, sit down, speak up, spring up, stand back, stand down, stand out, start out, stay in, stay on, stay up, step aside, step down, step in, stop off, tune in, walk out, waste away, watch out, wear off, account for, allow for, ask for, bank on, break into, bump intoflashcards
1. calmarse, desaparecer el dolor; 2. desgastarse la ropa
account for
1. explicar, justificar; 2. responder de, rendir cuentas
allow for
tener en cuenta, contar con
ask for
1. pedir, solicitar dinero o ayuda; 2. preguntar por
bank on
contar con
break into
1. forzar, entrar por la fuerza; 2. echarse a reír o llorar
bump into
1. chocar contra; 2. toparse con
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