2019-10-30T14:28:24+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueAlkali Metals (group), Alkaline Earth Metals (group), Transition Metals (group), Halogens (group), valence electrons, Noble Gases (group), Electronegativity, Ionization Energy, Atomic Radius, Alkaline Earth Metals (group), Metals, Non Metals, Orbital, Electron (Lewis) Dot Diagram., Periods/Rows., Alkaline Earth Metals (v.e.), Halogens (v.e.), Noble Gases (v.e), Noble Gases, metals, Electronegativity Trend Across A Period goes (up/down), Electronegativity Trend Down a Group goes (up/down), Ionization energy Trend Across A Period (increase/decrease), Ionization Energy Trend Down A Group (increase/decrease), Atomic Radius Trend Across A Period, Atomic Radius Trend Down A Group, Ga Al Si, Ca Mg Sr, Cl S P, P, S, Cl,, N K He, N K He Na Ca, Li, Be, Mg, Na, Br As K, He F I Cl, C N O, An increase in distance between a proton and electron (increase/ decrease) the force., As orbitals are added down a group how does the attractive force between valence electrons and the nucleus charge change? (Increase or Decrease), The attractive force (increase/ decrease) as number of protons in the nucleus increases., Halogens (picture), Alkali Metals (picture), Alkaline Earth Metals (picture), Metalloids (picture), Non Metals (picture), Transition Metals (picture), Noble Gases (Picture)flashcards
the amount of energy required to remove an electron.
Atomic Radius
1/2 the distance between nuclei of the same element bonded together.
Alkaline Earth Metals (group)
group 2.
lose electrons/form cations.
Non Metals
gain electrons/form anions.
region of space where electrons are most likely to be found.
Electron (Lewis) Dot Diagram.
Shows valence electrons.
From left to right across the periodic table.
Alkaline Earth Metals (v.e.)
two valence electrons.
Halogens (v.e.)
seven valence electrons.
Noble Gases (v.e)
8 valence electrons/ least reactive.
Noble Gases
high ionization energy/ NO electronegativity.
most of the elements on the periodic table.
Electronegativity Trend Across A Period goes (up/down)
goes up left to right across period/ row
Electronegativity Trend Down a Group goes (up/down)
goes down while going down the group/column/family
Ionization energy Trend Across A Period (increase/decrease)
increases left to right across period/row.
Ionization Energy Trend Down A Group (increase/decrease)
decreases going down the group/column/family.
Atomic Radius Trend Across A Period
decrease right to left across the period/row..
Atomic Radius Trend Down A Group
increases going down the group/column/family
Ga Al Si
Ca Mg Sr
Cl S P
P, S, Cl,
N K He
N K He Na Ca
Li, Be, Mg, Na
Br As K
He F I Cl
An increase in distance between a proton and electron (increase/ decrease) the force.
decrease (force of attraction)
As orbitals are added down a group how does the attractive force between valence electrons and the nucleus charge change? (Increase or Decrease)
Decrease (force of attraction)
The attractive force (increase/ decrease) as number of protons in the nucleus increases.
Inrease (force of attraction)
Halogens (picture)
Alkali Metals (picture)
Alkaline Earth Metals (picture)
Metalloids (picture)
Non Metals (picture)
Transition Metals (picture)
Noble Gases (Picture)
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