ecological study
-descriptive data at the group/population level
Which has the limitation of being limited to a single outcome?
a) case report
b) ecological study
c) cross-sectional
d) case-control
e) cohort
Which has the limitation of NOT having individual patient data?
a) case report
b) ecological study
c) cross-sectional
d) case-control
e) cohort
Which is used to explore/study rare outcomes?
a) case report
b) ecological study
c) cross-sectional
d) case-control
e) cohort
Which is the most expensive/time-consuming?
a) case report
b) ecological study
c) cross-sectional
d) case-control
e) cohort
Which is the BEST at determining prevalence?
a) case report
b) ecological study
c) cross-sectional
d) case-control
e) cohort
Which lacks a time component?
a) case report
b) ecological study
c) cross-sectional
d) case-control
e) cohort
selection; attrition
What types of bias are present in Cohort studies? (2)
________ are a major problem in Cohort studies.
lack of randomization, limited cases, matching; controlling background variables/confounders, recall bias
What are the major methodological concerns of Case-Control studies? (4)
cases & controls are selected from the same source population
Define what a " population-based " case-control study refers to.
Useful for estimating the overall burden or presence of a disease in a population
a) incident cases
b) prevalence cases
Useful for investigating risk factors, causes, or natural disease course.
a) incident cases
b) prevalence cases
-is a technique used to ensure that cases and controls or exposed and
unexposed groups are comparable with respect to specific characteristics
(age, gender, race/ethnicity) that are potential confounders
risk is the direct estimate of an event occurring; odds compares the likelihood of an event happening vs not happening
What is the difference between risk & odds?
recall bias
-occurs when there are differences in the accuracy or completeness of
information obtained from study participants due to variations in their ability
to recall past events or exposures.
selection bias
-a type of bias that occurs when the individuals included in a study or sample
are not representative of the target population or when they are chosen in a
way that systematically distorts the true relationship between the variables
being studied
information bias
-a type of bias in research and epidemiology occurs when there are
systematic errors or inaccuracies in how data is collected, recorded, or
-a third variable that is not the primary focus of the study but is related to
both the exposure and the outcome; can falsely suggest a causal relationship
a binary variable that indicates the presence or absence of an event/outcome
Describe the nature of the dependent variable in logistic regressions.
OR < 1
a) event rate is higher in treatment group than control group
b) event rate is the same between both groups
c) event rate is lower in treatment group than control group
a) event rate is higher in treatment group than control group
b) event rate is the same between both groups
c) event rate is lower in treatment group than control group
OR > 1
a) event rate is higher in treatment group than control group
b) event rate is the same between both groups
c) event rate is lower in treatment group than control group