2024-01-11T16:50:30+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Name two major characters who played a role in the Moral Treatment Movement.</p>, <p>What was the AOTA called prior?</p>, <p>When was OTA founded as a profession?</p>, <p>Who were the founding members of NSPOT</p>, <p>Who was the first president of AOTA?</p>, <p>Who was the mother of OT? why?</p>, <p>Who was the father of OT? why?</p>, <p>Who advocated for OT in the designing of architecture?</p>, <p>Who advocated for the use of crafts as a therapy tool?</p>, <p>Susan Tracy</p>, <p>Rehabilitation Act of 1973</p>, <p>Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EHA) 1975</p>, <p>Handicapped Infants and Toddlers Act 1975</p>, <p>Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988</p>, <p>Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990</p>, <p>Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1991</p>, <p>Levels of supervision in OT</p>, <p>What are the AOTA practice? </p>, <p>Example of Emerging trends</p>, <p>What does ACOTE do?</p>, <p>What does NBCOT do? </p>, <p>What are the AOTA practice areas?</p>, <p>Beneficence in ota core values means:</p>, <p>Non maleficence in the OTA code of ethics means:</p>, <p>Autonomy in ota code of ethics means?</p>, <p>Justice in ota code of ethics means?</p>, <p>Veracity in ota code of ethics means?</p>, <p>Fidelity in ota code of ethics mean?</p>, <p>What are the 7 core values</p>, <p>What are 6 code of ethics?</p>, <p>What does AOTA do?</p>, <p>What are the disciplinarity actions (in order from least to greatest)</p>, <p>Fair Housing Amendment Act- 1988</p><p>•</p>, <p>Hearing Aid Compatibility Act (HAC) 1988</p>, <p>Television Decoder Circuitry Act 1990</p>, <p>Section 508 of Rehabilitation Act 1998</p> flashcards

OTA foundations of theory and practice

OTA intro class flash cards

  • Name two major characters who played a role in the Moral Treatment Movement.

    . Philippe Pinel, a philosopher and physician

    . William Tuke, a quaker who used moral treatment in his settlement house

  • What was the AOTA called prior?


  • When was OTA founded as a profession?


  • Who were the founding members of NSPOT

    .Eleanor Clarke Slagle

    .Susan Cox

    .Thomas Kidner

    .William Rush Dutton

    .George Edward Barton

    .Susan Tracy

    .Herbert hall

  • Who was the first president of AOTA?

    Herbert Hall

  • Who was the mother of OT? why?

    Eleanor Clarke Slagle

    -shaped standards and regulations for care through the use of habit training

  • Who was the father of OT? why?

    William Rush Dutton

    -infused moral treatment in his work and research at the psych hospital

    -coined "occupational therapy"

  • Who advocated for OT in the designing of architecture?

    Thomas kidner and George barton

  • Who advocated for the use of crafts as a therapy tool?

    Susan cox

  • Susan Tracy

    -taught ot nurses to treat wounded vets

    - advocated for OT for invalids

  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    •special emphasis on services to those with the most severe disabilities .expanded federal funding, civil rights protections for people with disabilities

    . developed standard for service delivery, research, and training.

  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EHA) 1975

    •provided free and appropriate education to all children regardless of disability

  • Handicapped Infants and Toddlers Act 1975

    •free education for preschool children aged 3-5 and early intervention services (EI) for children birth to 3 years

  • Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988

    provided assistive tech to individuals with disabilities

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990

    •Expanded the scope of practice specialties within our profession

    •Ensures civil rights to people with disabilities

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1991

    •Required the need for OTs in public schools and the need to teach children in the least restricted environment

  • Levels of supervision in OT

    .General:Overseeing practitioner is available as needed, but no planned reviews are required.Monthly:Overseeing practitioner meets with the treating practitioner once monthly

    .Daily: Overseeing practitioner meets with treating practitioner every day

    .Direct:Overseeing practitioner is available to the treating practitioner within the sameintervention setting during the time that treatment takes place

  • What are the AOTA practice?

    •Children & Youth

    •Health & Wellness

    •Mental Health

    •Productive Aging

    •Rehabilitation & Disability

    •Work & Industry

  • Example of Emerging trends

    •Autism spectrum disorder


    •Cancer care and oncology

    •Hand transplants and bionic limbs

    •New technology for rehabilitation

    •Emerging Niche: Telehealth

    •Veteran and Wounded Warrior care

  • What does ACOTE do?

    oversees standards for education

  • What does NBCOT do?

    Responsible for certifying practitioners through the exam.

  • What are the AOTA practice areas?

    •Children & Youth

    •Health & Wellness

    •Mental Health

    •Productive Aging

    •Rehabilitation & Disability

    •Work & Industry

  • Beneficence in ota core values means:

    .Occupational therapy personnel shall demonstrate a concern for the well-being and safety of the recipients of their services.

    . The action of doing what's right by the patient and promoting good. the practice of justice.

  • Non maleficence in the OTA code of ethics means:

    obligation to AVOID/ABSTAIN from causing harm.  Due care. preventing harm

  • Autonomy in ota code of ethics means?

    Occupational therapy personnel shall respect the right of the individual to self determination, privacy, confidentiality, and consent.

  • Justice in ota code of ethics means?

    Occupational therapy personnel shall promote equity, inclusion, and objectivity in the provision of occupational therapy services.  OT personnel also respect the applicable laws and standards related to their area of practice.

  • Veracity in ota code of ethics means?

    .Occupational therapy personnel shall provide comprehensive, accurate, and objective information when representing the profession

    .telling the truth

  • Fidelity in ota code of ethics mean?

    .Occupational therapy personnel shall treat clients, colleagues, and other professionals with respect, fairness, discretion, and integrity


  • What are the 7 core values








  • What are 6 code of ethics?


    2.non maleficence


    4.justice (a. procedural b. social)



  • What does AOTA do?

    oversees code of ethics and builds upon the profession

  • What are the disciplinarity actions (in order from least to greatest)

    1. Reprimand: private formal expression of dissaproval without disclosure to the public(least)

    2.censure: public formal expression of disapproval

    3.probation: public formal expression of disapproval with set terms to abide by

    4.suspension: removal of aota membership for a set amount of time

    5.revocation: permanent denial of AOTA membership

  • Fair Housing Amendment Act- 1988

    •Reasonable accommodations to private and common living spaces

    -Architectural access assistive technology

  • Hearing Aid Compatibility Act (HAC) 1988

    •Telephones hearing aid compatible

  • Television Decoder Circuitry Act 1990

    closed captioning.

  • Section 508 of Rehabilitation Act 1998

    •Electronic and information technology developed, maintained, procured, or used by the Federal government accessible to people with disabilities