2022-04-15T17:43:51+03:00[Europe/Moscow] af true <p>What element is X</p>, <p>Why are high energy electrons used to determine nuclear size</p>, <p>Electron diffraction experiments have been performed on a range of different nuclei to give information about nuclear density and average separation of particles in the nucleus</p>, <p>An argon atom formed by electron capture releases an x ray photon how ?</p>, <p>Which of the two radioactive isotopes, plutonium –239 or the uranium isotope, has the longer half-life? </p>, <p>Half life - 50s</p><p>Decay constant - 0.014 s^-1</p><p>Number of particles initially - 1.7 x 10^7</p>, <p>82 p 214 nucleon </p> flashcards
Nuclear physics flashcards

Nuclear physics flashcards

  • What element is X

    What element is X


  • Why are high energy electrons used to determine nuclear size

    Not subject to strong nuclear force

  • Electron diffraction experiments have been performed on a range of different nuclei to give information about nuclear density and average separation of particles in the nucleus

    Nuclear density and average separation of nucleons are constant

  • An argon atom formed by electron capture releases an x ray photon how ?

    Orbital electron vacancy due to electron capture

    Outer electron fills vacancy and emit x ray photon

  • Alpha

    Two different track lengths

    Short range particles have lower energy than long range particles

    Particles in each range have same energy

  • Which of the two radioactive isotopes, plutonium –239 or the uranium isotope, has the longer half-life?


    Inverse relationship Of half life and alpha particle energy

  • Half life - 50sDecay constant - 0.014 s^-1Number of particles initially - 1.7 x 10^7

    Half life - 50s

    Decay constant - 0.014 s^-1

    Number of particles initially - 1.7 x 10^7

  • 82 p 214 nucleon

    82 p 214 nucleon