2019-04-02T15:54:12+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Mitosis, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis, interphase, centriole, spindle fibers, chromosome, cell cycle, cleavage furrow, replication of nucleus so cells can carry out growth, repair, reproduction of more cells, S phase of interphase, G1 phase, G2 phase, Daughter cells of mitosis, Prometaphase, Chromatin, Chromatid, sister chromatids, homologous chromosomes, Centromere, Diploid, kinetochore, Cytoskeleton, cell plate, asexual reproduction, Cancer flashcards


  • Mitosis
    A type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
  • prophase
    Chromosomes become visible, nuclear membrane dissolves, spindle fibers forms
  • metaphase
    Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
  • anaphase
    Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell
  • telophase
    Phase of mitosis in which a nuclear membrane reforms around each new set of chromosomes.
  • cytokinesis
    Division of the cytoplasm during cell division
  • interphase
    A period of time in between mitosis during which a cell grows and copies its DNA,
  • centriole
    Cell organelle that aids in cell division in animal cells
  • spindle fibers
    help pull apart the cell during replication and are made up of micrtubules
  • chromosome
    A threadlike, gene-carrying structure found in the nucleus.
  • cell cycle
    series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide
  • cleavage furrow
    The area of the cell membrane that pinches in and eventually separates the dividing cell
  • replication of nucleus so cells can carry out growth, repair, reproduction of more cells
    purpose of mitosis
  • S phase of interphase
    DNA is replicated
  • G1 phase
    stage of interphase in which cell grows and performs its normal functions
  • G2 phase
    The second growth phase of the cell cycle, consisting of the portion of interphase after DNA synthesis occurs.
  • Daughter cells of mitosis
    Genetically identical cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
  • Prometaphase
    The second stage of mitosis, in which discrete chromosomes consisting of identical sister chromatids appear, the nuclear envelope fragments, and the spindle microtubules attach to the kinetochores of the chromosomes.
  • Chromatin
    Clusters of DNA, RNA, and proteins in the nucleus of a cell
  • Chromatid
    one of two identical "sister" parts of a duplicated chromosome
  • sister chromatids
    Identical copies of a chromosome; full sets of these are created during the S subphase of interphase.
  • homologous chromosomes
    Pair of chromosomes that are the same size, same appearance and same genes.
  • Centromere
    Area where the chromatids of a chromosome are attached
  • Diploid
    containing two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.
  • kinetochore
    A specialized region on the centromere that links each sister chromatid to the mitotic spindle.
  • Cytoskeleton
    A network of fibers that holds the cell together, helps the cell to keep its shape, and aids in movement
  • cell plate
    In a plant cell, midline of dividing cells. Becomes the cell wall eventually.
  • asexual reproduction
    process of reproduction involving a single parent that results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
  • Cancer
    A disease in which some body cells grow and divide uncontrollably, damaging the parts of the body around them.