2021-01-29T04:12:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueMetabolism, Anabolism, Catabolism , What is the COHN elements?, In Bacteria, Sugars are used for what?, What is the energy carrying molecule used in bacteria and humans?, What do Enzymes do? , What are the 7 growth requirements for Metabolism?, What is the Origin of energy?, Oxidoreductases, transferase, Hydrolase, Lyase, Isomerase, Ligase, Protease, What are the 2 components that an Enzyme may consist of ? , Apoenzyme , What does the Cofactor consist of?, If the Cofactor consist of organic molecules, what is it referred as? , Apoenzyme + Cofactor =?, What happens in an Enzyme-Catalyzed Reaction? , What are the 9 Metabolic Reactions?, What does pH do in Metabolism? , What can happen if the Temp. is too high? , What can happen if Temp. is too low? flashcards
Changes the charges on Molecules and Changes 3' and/or 4' structure
What can happen if the Temp. is too high?
Denaturation can happen and it can either be reversible or not.
What can happen if Temp. is too low?
Low Enzyme Activity
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