2023-11-30T07:33:46+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Forming </p>, <p>Storming</p>, <p>Performing</p>, <p>Norming</p>, <p>Adjourning</p>, <p>Role identity</p>, <p>Role perception</p>, <p>Role expectations</p>, <p>Role conflict</p>, <p>Norms</p>, <p>Deviant Workplace Behavior</p>, <p>Cohesiveness</p>, <p>Effectiveness</p>, <p>Efficiency</p>, <p>Groupthink</p>, <p>Groupshift</p>, <p>Brainstorming</p>, <p>Nominal Group Technique</p>, <p>Task Conflict</p>, <p>Interpersonal conflict</p>, <p>Problem solving</p>, <p>Self managed</p>, <p>Cross Functional </p>, <p>Virtual Teams</p>, <p>Traditional View</p>, <p>Interactionist View</p>, <p>Managed Conflict View</p>, <p>Intentions</p>, <p>Leadership</p>, <p>Trait theory</p>, <p>Initiating Structure</p>, <p>Consideration</p>, <p>Contingency theories</p>, <p>Transformational leaders</p>, <p>Dependency</p>, <p>Coercive Power</p>, <p>Reward Power</p>, <p>Legitimate Power</p>, <p>Expert</p>, <p>Referent</p>, <p>Politicking</p>, <p>Impression Management</p> flashcards
Mgt exam 2 main flashcards

Mgt exam 2 main flashcards

  • Forming

    Uncertainty about purpose, structure, and leadership

  • Storming

    Intragroup conflict as members resist constraints

  • Performing

    Group is cohesive with strong group identity

  • Norming

    Group fully functional and working toward goals

  • Adjourning

    For temporary groups: breaking up

  • Role identity

    alignment of attitudes andbehavior with given role

  • Role perception

    our view of how we’resupposed to act in a given situation

  • Role expectations

    how others believe youshould act in a given situation

  • Role conflict

    conflict experienced whenmultiple roles are incompatible

  • Norms

    Acceptable standards of behavior within agroup that are shared by the group’s members

  • Deviant Workplace Behavior

    Voluntarybehavior that violates significantorganizational norms and, in doing so,threatens the well-being of the organization orits members

  • Cohesiveness

    The degree to which membersof the group are attracted to each other andmotivated to stay in the group

  • Effectiveness

    .Accuracy – group is better than average individualbut worse than most accurate group member.Creativity – groups are better.Speed – individuals are faster

  • Efficiency

    Groups are generally less efficient

  • Groupthink

    A deterioration of individual’smental efficiency and moral judgments as aresult of group pressures

  • Groupshift

    Groupdiscussions leadmembers to assumemore extreme positions

  • Brainstorming

    Generates a list of creative alternatives whilewithholding criticism

  • Nominal Group Technique

    Restricts discussion during the decision-makingprocess to encourage independent thinking

  • Task Conflict

    Helps team perform better (good)

  • Interpersonal conflict

    I don't like you you don't like me (bad)

  • Problem solving

    solving problems

  • Self managed

    everyone in charge of everyone else

  • Cross Functional

    team comprised of people from different departments

  • Virtual Teams

    Connected through technology

  • Traditional View

    All conflict is harmful and mustbe avoided

  • Interactionist View

    Conflict is encouraged to preventgroup from becoming stale

  • Managed Conflict View

    Conflict is inevitable but weshould focus on productiveconflict resolution

  • Intentions

    The decision to act in a given way

    The decision to act in a given way

  • Leadership

    The ability to influence a grouptoward the achievement of a vision or a set ofgoals

  • Trait theory

    focuses on personal qualities andcharacteristics

  • Initiating Structure

    Attempts to organizework, assign roles, andgoals (productivity

  • Consideration

    Concern for followers’comfort, well-being,status, and satisfaction

  • Contingency theories

    attempt to match leadershipstyle with work contextbecause one leadership styledoes not work in everysituation

  • Transformational leaders

    Inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization

  • Dependency

    Based on the available alternatives(control) and their desirability (significance)

  • Coercive Power

    Complies from fear of the negative results

  • Reward Power

    Complies due to desire for positive benefits

  • Legitimate Power

    From the formal authority to control and useorganizational resources

  • Expert

    Influence wieldedas a result of expertise,special skill, or knowledge

  • Referent

    Based onidentification with a personwho has desirable resourcesor personal traits

  • Politicking

    Twisting facts to support one’sown goals and interests

  • Impression Management

    The process by which individualsattempt to control the impression othersform of them