2023-06-14T21:22:31+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueKepu did not prepare the lesson, He did not want to prepare it, Mary knew me, John did not want to go, siaki did not want to do the work, I didn't wanna go, He did not want to die, I did not want to do the work, John did not want to eat, John did not answer the question, The teacher wants it, He did not answer the question, Mary does not remember Jane, She does not remember her, Peter didn't want the money, He didn't want the food, He remembers you, The boy doesn't want to go to work, He doesn't want to do it, Peter did not answer the question, John didn't want it, Peter did not accept the children, He didn't do it, John didn't bring it, She didn't look for it, Siaki did not accept the request, He didn't find Lupe, The fellow doesn't want me, The policeman did not find John, She does not want you, Nuku taught meflashcards
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