Flashcards: Lesson 55 - More on 'ikai
Kepu did not prepare the lesson
Na'e 'ikai ke teuteu 'e Kepu e lesoni
He did not want to prepare it
Na'e 'ikai te ne fie teuteu ia
Mary knew me
Na'e 'ilo'i au 'e Mele
John did not want to go
Na'e 'ikai ke fie 'alu 'a Sione
siaki did not want to do the work
Na'e 'ikai ke fie fai 'e Siaki e ngāue
I didn't wanna go
Na'e 'ikai te u fie 'alu
He did not want to die
Na'e 'ikai te ne fie mate
I did not want to do the work
Na'e 'ikai te u fie fai e ngāue
John did not want to eat
Na' 'ikai ke fie kai 'a Sione
John did not answer the question
Na'e 'ikai ke tali 'e Sione e fehu'i
The teacher wants it
'Oku fiema'u ia 'e he faiako
He did not answer the question
Na'e 'ikai te ne tali e fehu'i
Mary does not remember Jane
'Oku 'ikai ke manatu'i 'e Mele 'a Seini
She does not remember her
'Oku 'ikai te ne manatu'i ia
Peter didn't want the money
Na'e 'ikai ke fiema'u 'e Pita e pa'anga
He didn't want the food
Na'e 'ikai te ne fiema'u e me'akai
He remembers you
'Oku ne manatu'i koe
The boy doesn't want to go to work
'Oku 'ikai ke fie fai 'e he tamasi'i e ngāue
He doesn't want to do it
'Oku 'ikai te ne fie fai ia
Peter did not answer the question
Na'e 'ikai ke tali 'e Pita e fehu'i
John didn't want it
Na'e 'ikai ke fiema'u ia 'e Sione
Peter did not accept the children
Na'e 'ikai ke tali 'e Pita e tamaiki
He didn't do it
Na'e 'ikai te ne fai ia
John didn't bring it
Na'e 'ikai ke 'omi ia 'e Sione
She didn't look for it
Na'e 'ikai te ne kumi ia
Siaki did not accept the request
Na'e 'ikai ke tali 'e Pita e kole
He didn't find Lupe
Na'e 'ikai te ne 'ilo 'a Lupe
The fellow doesn't want me
'Oku 'ikai ke fiema'u au 'e he siana
The policeman did not find John
Na'e 'ikai ke 'ilo 'e he polisi 'aSione
She does not want you
'Oku 'ikai te ne fiema'u koe
Nuku taught me
Na'e ako'i au 'e Nuku