2023-06-14T20:59:58+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueHas Peter come already, Not yet, Peter is sick, Peter was sick, Peter has become sick, Have you already eaten, The school year has begun, The food is done, The head master has returned, Have you eaten already, Has he died, Have you slept, Have you swam, Are Siaki and Kepu studying together, Theyre studying together, Are you going with the boss, We're eating soon, Siaki Kepu and Seini are studying, The man and woman are studying, Bring the rope with you, Take it (with you), Shall we go with Kepu, Let's go with him, DId you see Peter and Kepu, Will you faikava with Tupou, John and Mary returned, Has Mary come, I'll watch a movie with Sione, John and Peter returned, Have Mary and the boy eaten already, Are the teacher and the school children coming, Come with the pen, Take it, Take the basket, Take the rope, Will you faikava with Peter and Siaki, Will you play with Mary and Kepu, Have John and the kids gone alreadyflashcards
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