Flashcards: Lesson 44 and 45 - Kuo, mo, and fakataha
Has Peter come already
Kuo 'osi ha'u 'a Pita
Not yet
Te'eki ai
Peter is sick
'Oku puke 'a Pita
Peter was sick
Na'e puke 'a Pita
Peter has become sick
Kuo puke 'a Pita
Have you already eaten
Kuo ke 'osi kai
The school year has begun
Kuo fokotu'u e ako
The food is done
Kuo moho e me'akai
The head master has returned
Kuo foki e pule ako
Have you eaten already
Kuo ke 'osi kai
Has he died
Kuo ne mate
Have you slept
Kuo ke mohe
Have you swam
Kuo ke kakau
Are Siaki and Kepu studying together
'Oku ako fakataha 'a Siaki mo Kepu
Theyre studying together
'Oku na ako fakataha
Are you going with the boss
Te ke 'alu mo e pule
We're eating soon
Te ma kai 'anai
Siaki Kepu and Seini are studying
'Oku ako 'a Siaki mo Kepu mo Seini
The man and woman are studying
'Oku ako e tangata mo e fefine
Bring the rope with you
Ha'u mo e maea
Take it (with you)
'Alu mo ia
Shall we go with Kepu
Tau ō mo Kepu
Let's go with him
Tau ō mo ia
DId you see Peter and Kepu
Na'a ke sio kia Pita mo Kepu
Will you faikava with Tupou
Te ke faikava mo Tupou
John and Mary returned
Na'e foki mai 'a Sione mo Mele
Has Mary come
Kuo 'osi ha'u 'a Mele
I'll watch a movie with Sione
Te u mata faiva mo Sione
John and Peter returned
Na'e foki mai 'a Sione mo Pita
Have Mary and the boy eaten already
Kuo 'osi kai 'a Mele mo e tamasi'i
Are the teacher and the school children coming
'E ō mai e faiako mo e tamaiki ako
Come with the pen
Ha'u mo e peni
Take it
'Alu mo ia
Take the basket
'Alu mo e kato
Take the rope
'Alu mo e maea
Will you faikava with Peter and Siaki
Te ke faikava mo Pita mo Siaki
Will you play with Mary and Kepu
Te ke va'inga mo Mele mo Kepu
Have John and the kids gone already
Kuo 'osi ō 'a Sione mo e tamaiki