2022-12-31T01:36:03+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true like the miasmas of the undergrowth mixed with the scent of beasts, From the shady underworld of Indian society, the upper classes, the predominance of the Aryan type is noted, purity of the conquering race was altered, and great mixtures took place among those peoples, primitive times, majestic, This lasts all night, the bosses bow down, The idols are thrown down., With tree bark robes and hermit's staffs, Banished, they hide in the woods, are dethroned and outlawed, In the midst of the gigantic epic, strange and endless adventures, This fight abounds in bitter combat, kind of summary in perspective, favored polygamy and tyranny, This cult leaned towards idolatry, female", elective and patriarchal monarchy, two categories of sovereigns, The kings of the solar dynasty claimed descent from the sun, its solvent strength, sublime metaphysical aspirations, the genius of the white race with his moral sense, through so many and so complicated revolutions, a mixture of languor and ferocity, a burning vapor of passions, his sublime metaphysical aspirations, The lunar cult attributed sex to divinity female, form the argument itself flashcards
Iniciados 3

Iniciados 3

  • like the miasmas of the undergrowth mixed with the scent of beasts
    como los miasmas de la maleza mezclados de olor de las fieras
  • From the shady underworld of Indian society
    De los bajos fondos turbios de la sociedad india
  • the upper classes
    las clases elevadas
  • the predominance of the Aryan type is noted
    se nota el predominio del tipo ario
  • purity of the conquering race was altered
    pureza de la raza conquistadora se alteró
  • and great mixtures took place among those peoples
    y grandes mezclas tuvieron lugar entre aquellos pueblos
  • primitive times
    la época primitiva
  • majestic
  • This lasts all night
    Esto dura toda una noche
  • the bosses bow down
    los jefes se prosternan
  • The idols are thrown down.
    Los ídolos son derribados.
  • With tree bark robes and hermit's staffs
    con trajes de corteza de árbol y bastones de ermitaño
  • Banished, they hide in the woods
    Desterrados, se esconden en los bosques
  • are dethroned and outlawed
    son destronados y proscritos
  • In the midst of the gigantic epic
    En medio de la gigantesca epopeya
  • strange and endless adventures
    venturas extrañas e interminables
  • This fight abounds in bitter combat
    Esta lucha abunda en combates encarnizados
  • kind of summary in perspective
    especie de resumen en perspectiva
  • favored polygamy and tyranny
    favorecía la poligamia y la tiranía
  • This cult leaned towards idolatry
    Este culto se inclinaba hacia la idolatría
  • female"
    "El culto lunar atribuía a la divinidad el sexo
  • elective and patriarchal monarchy
    la monarquía electiva y patriarcal
  • two categories of sovereigns
    dos categorías de soberanos
  • The kings of the solar dynasty claimed descent from the sun
    Los reyes de la dinastía solar pretendían descender del sol
  • its solvent strength
    su fuerza disolvente
  • sublime metaphysical aspirations
    sublimes aspiraciones metafísicas
  • the genius of the white race with his moral sense
    el genio de la raza blanca con su sentido moral
  • through so many and so complicated revolutions
    a través de tantas y tan complicadas revoluciones
  • a mixture of languor and ferocity
    una mezcla de languidez y de ferocidad
  • a burning vapor of passions
    un vapor ardiente de pasiones
  • his sublime metaphysical aspirations
    sus sublimes aspiraciones metafísicas
  • The lunar cult attributed sex to divinity female
    El culto lunar atribuía a la divinidad el sexo femenino
  • form the argument itself
    forma el argumento mismo