2024-04-22T20:12:54+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Clinical oberservation and how they diagnosed illness </p>, <p>Bloodletting</p>, <p>Why did church back Galen</p>, <p>Why did patients go ill in medieval times? (what did medieval doctors think happened)</p>, <p>Care not cure</p>, <p>Why was Roger Bacon arrested in 13th century </p>, <p>What did Prophet mohammed say in regards to diseases</p>, <p>What did Al Razi do</p>, <p>What did Ibn Sina (Avicenna) do</p>, <p>2 reasons why surgery was dangerous in medieval times </p>, <p>Trepanning</p>, <p>What happened in the streets where it rained</p>, <p>Rivers and streams were used to ???</p>, <p>Worcester 1466 law to do with public health</p>, <p>Why did monasteries have pure clean water</p>, <p>Where did people in monasteries wash</p>, <p>Black Death killed how many people in Britain and what fraction of population</p>, <p>Beliefs about the cause of black death </p>, <p>What really caused Black Death</p>, <p>What did Vesalius do and give me a fact</p>, <p>What did Pare do and give me a fact</p>, <p>What did Harvey do</p>, <p>Dissolution of the monasteries </p>, <p>Hospital boom from the year ? to ? AND ? new hospital built</p>, <p>What did hunter do and a fact</p>, <p>How did Jenner discover vaccination and then tested on _______</p>, <p>Why did Jenner findings not be accepted</p>, <p>Why did Jenner findings finally get accepted AND what years did it get made compulsory by government</p>, <p>James Simpson discovered chloroform by accident in what year</p>, <p>who used chloroform which led to it becoming fashionable </p>, <p>Opposition to anaesthetics as who died</p>, <p>Germ theory</p>, <p>Louis (no Mansell) experiment</p>, <p>James Greenless story</p>, <p>Long term impact of Lister methods</p>, <p>Robert Koch found what bacteria</p>, <p>Why did Koch use dyes</p>, <p>Franco-Prussian war led to what</p>, <p>1800S average man lifespan</p>, <p>1800S average man in Liverpool lifespan</p>, <p>In the year ?, Cholera arrived killing x amount of people</p>, <p>Chadwick report found ?</p>, <p>the year 1866 what law was passed</p>, <p>Artistans Dwelling act, what year what it said</p>, <p>How did Alexander accidentally find his antibiotic</p>, <p>The two scientists who helped mass produce penicillin </p>, <p>WWII was a vital factor for producing of penicillin how</p>, <p>Hypnotherapy </p>, <p>Acupuncture </p>, <p>Boer war unfit soldiers</p>, <p>2 liberal reforms</p>, <p>What report led to reforms like NHS</p>, <p>Beveridge report had "5" what?</p> flashcards

History - Medicine

buss down Rollie avalanche if ur reading this go sym u black bastard go sym sym sym sym and ur dad as well

  • Clinical oberservation and how they diagnosed illness

    Carefully watching observation and then giving a diagnosis through the patient's pulse and their urine

  • Bloodletting

    cutting open a vein to let blood out or using leeches to suck it out

  • Why did church back Galen

    Galen believed in one god

  • Why did patients go ill in medieval times? (what did medieval doctors think happened)

    Unbalanced 4 humours

  • Care not cure

    Christians believed lines were sent from god who made people sick to test faith

  • Why was Roger Bacon arrested in 13th century

    For suggesting doctors should do research and not trust old books

  • What did Prophet mohammed say in regards to diseases

    "For every disease allah has given a cure"

  • What did Al Razi do

    Wrote 150 books that built on the work of Galen

  • What did Ibn Sina (Avicenna) do

    Wrote an encyclopaedia of medicine called 'Canon of Medicine' that became the standard European textbook used to train doctors until 1600s

  • 2 reasons why surgery was dangerous in medieval times

    1) surgeons didnt know dirt carried disease

    2) used anaesthetics such as mandrake root or opium but too much can kill

  • Trepanning

    Drilling a hole in the head to release demons - thought to cure headaches

  • What happened in the streets where it rained

    Open drains overflow and spread human waste across town

  • Rivers and streams were used to ???

    Dump waste

  • Worcester 1466 law to do with public health

    Stopped butchers throwing animal blood and body parts into rivers

  • Why did monasteries have pure clean water

    Built near rivers

  • Where did people in monasteries wash


  • Black Death killed how many people in Britain and what fraction of population

    1.5million and over 1/3

  • Beliefs about the cause of black death

    Miasma, position of planets and stars, punishment from god

  • What really caused Black Death

    disposal of bodies, dirty streets, crowded towns

  • What did Vesalius do and give me a fact

    Overturned centuries of Galens study of anatomy

    Found breastbone has 3 parts not 7 disproving Galen

  • What did Pare do and give me a fact

    Pare discovered an alternative cream for cauterising in war

    Developed prosthetic limbs for amputees

  • What did Harvey do

    Built on Galens work on the heart and discovered the heart works as a pump

  • Dissolution of the monasteries

    Henry VIII closed down monasteries in the 1530s

  • Hospital boom from the year ? to ? AND ? new hospital built

    1720 - 1750 AND 5

  • What did hunter do and a fact

    Had books about dissections which were widely read by surgoens

    Hunter trained hundreds of surgeons including Edward Jenner

  • How did Jenner discover vaccination and then tested on _______

    Milkmaids who caught cowpox didnt get smallpox then tested on 16 different patients and none got smallpox

  • Why did Jenner findings not be accepted

    Couldnt explain how it worked

  • Why did Jenner findings finally get accepted AND what years did it get made compulsory by government

    Given 10k and many supporters are members of royal family vaccinated AND 1583

  • James Simpson discovered chloroform by accident in what year


  • who used chloroform which led to it becoming fashionable

    Queen Victoria

  • Opposition to anaesthetics as who died

    A little girl named Hannah Greener

  • Germ theory

    Germs were the cause of disease

  • Louis (no Mansell) experiment

    Boiled bacteria in a closed flask, waited and no growth occurred. Then he boiled bacteria in a closed flask, broke the neck and waited - then there was microbial growth

  • James Greenless story

    James had bones sticking out of his leg, Lister wrapped him in bandages that were soaked in carbolic acid and James was healing well.

  • Long term impact of Lister methods

    Infection massively dropped and laid foundations for aseptic surgery and other significant developments to surgery

  • Robert Koch found what bacteria

    Anthrax (First) then cholera and tuberculosis

  • Why did Koch use dyes

    He used dyes to stain specific microbe to see them under a microscope

  • Franco-Prussian war led to what

    Both nations increased fundings for Pasteur and Koch to help save soldiers lives

  • 1800S average man lifespan

    30y old. this shows poor public health

  • 1800S average man in Liverpool lifespan

    15y old

  • In the year ?, Cholera arrived killing x amount of people

    1831 and 50k

  • Chadwick report found ?

    Found conditions were awful and health were very poor

  • the year 1866 what law was passed

    Sanitary act. Made local councils responsible for cleaning their towns and each town had to have a health inspector

  • Artistans Dwelling act, what year what it said

    1875, house owners responsible for keeping property in good conditions and councils could demolish poor condition slums.

  • How did Alexander accidentally find his antibiotic

    He left several Petri dishes out which when he came home he noticed germs next to the mould were killed

  • The two scientists who helped mass produce penicillin

    Florey and Chain

  • WWII was a vital factor for producing of penicillin how

    Florey convinced US government for funding of the production of penicillin with led to millions of gallons of penicillin being created

  • Hypnotherapy

    Patients are hypnotised to relieved of stress or addictions like smoking

  • Acupuncture

    Needles placed at points throughout the body

  • Boer war unfit soldiers

    40% of volunteers were unfit to be soldiers

  • 2 liberal reforms

    1906 school meals act - provided school meals for free for poor

    1911 national insurance act - benefits paid to unemployed people

  • What report led to reforms like NHS

    1942 Beveridge report

  • Beveridge report had "5" what?

    5 giants