2024-05-01T22:03:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Parliament had influence over what and how much power did Elizabeth have over them </p>, <p>Patronage</p>, <p>who was Elizabeth most trusted advisor </p>, <p>Spymaster</p>, <p>2 reasons why its a problem Elizabeth got no heir</p>, <p>How many times did Elizabeth call parliament in her 45 year reign</p>, <p>Why did plots fail? 2 reasons</p>, <p>Great chain of being </p>, <p>A reason for unemployment</p>, <p>Agricultural failure fact </p>, <p>80% of people where lived in poverty and what year</p>, <p>Poor law 1601</p>, <p>What was the religious settlement</p>, <p>What did Papal Bull say</p>, <p>Ridolfi plot</p>, <p>Babington plot</p>, <p>Why was Campion executed</p><p>How was he killed</p>, <p>Extreme Puritans called</p>, <p>How did presbyterians protest</p>, <p>Impact of Mary execution (3 points)</p>, <p>Reasons for conflict with Spain (3 points)</p>, <p>How many ships in Spanish Armada</p>, <p>Why did Spanish lose</p>, <p>Which Spanish ship did Drake rob and how much in today money</p>, <p>Where is drake passage </p>, <p>Sic Parva Magna</p>, <p>What did Spain call drake</p>, <p>King Philip II called for Drake punishment , what did Elizabeth do</p>, <p>What happened at Maluku Islands</p>, <p>What happened with Miwok people</p> flashcards
History - Elizabeth

History - Elizabeth

  • Parliament had influence over what and how much power did Elizabeth have over them

    1) tax and laws

    2) Elizabeth decided when to call parliament and how much advice to listen to

  • Patronage

    Giving positions of power to award people for supporting her.

  • who was Elizabeth most trusted advisor


  • Spymaster


  • 2 reasons why its a problem Elizabeth got no heir

    1)meant Mary QoS was next in line

    2)Worried about the future and Henry VIII wants tudor line to continue

  • How many times did Elizabeth call parliament in her 45 year reign


  • Why did plots fail? 2 reasons


    Punishments were harsh

  • Great chain of being

    Hierarchy in society

  • A reason for unemployment

    Henry VIII stopped nobles having their own armies causing mass unemployment

  • Agricultural failure fact

    1566, 200k workers who produced food killed by flu

  • 80% of people where lived in poverty and what year

    Norwich and 1570

  • Poor law 1601

    Helpless poor given food and were cared for

    Able bodied poor helped find work

    Idle poo whipped and sent to house of corrections

  • What was the religious settlement

    Religious compromise between protestant and catholics

  • What did Papal Bull say

    Elizabeth excommunicated from the Catholic Church

  • Ridolfi plot

    Plan for a second northern rebellion at the same time a catholic invasion from Netherlands. Elizabeth murdered and Mary is queen. Spies exposed this

  • Babington plot

    Plan to murder Elizabeth and make Mary queen. Walsingham found Mary sending coded messages leading to her execution

  • Why was Campion executed

    How was he killed

    Preaching catholicism to people

    Hanged drawn and quartered

  • Extreme Puritans called


  • How did presbyterians protest

    Leaflets and prophesyings (Secret meetings)

  • Impact of Mary execution (3 points)

    James VI became next in line of throne

    Catholics seen her as a Marty

    Elizabeth committed regicide (killing of a queen) made some ppl hate her more

  • Reasons for conflict with Spain (3 points)

    Drake attacked Philip ships and stole

    Religious differneces

    Helping Netherlands

  • How many ships in Spanish Armada


  • Why did Spanish lose

    Slow ships

    Weather - could not survive journey home

    English leadership by drake and Hawkins

  • Which Spanish ship did Drake rob and how much in today money

    Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion and £480 million

  • Where is drake passage

    Between Cape Horn and anatartica

  • Sic Parva Magna

    Great things from small beginnings

  • What did Spain call drake

    El Draque

  • King Philip II called for Drake punishment , what did Elizabeth do

    Knighted him

  • What happened at Maluku Islands

    Drake bought six tonnes of spices and ruler was enthustaic for England to be trade option

  • What happened with Miwok people

    Drake claimed the land and named it Nova Albion and had friendly encounter with them increasing England global connection