2021-07-26T14:48:50+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Bone: Principal Characteristics, Principal Cell Types of Bone, Osteoblast, Osteocyte, Osteocyte , Osteoblast , canaliculi , Osteoclast (breakdown and rebuild), Space area in bone, Sealing zone , Endochondral Ossification flashcards
Histology lecture 9 study

Histology lecture 9 study

  • Bone: Principal Characteristics
    Vascularized, Innervated, Produces hydroxyapatite crystals [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] within its ECMCollagen type 1
  • Principal Cell Types of Bone
    Principal Cell Types of Bone
    Osteoblast, Osteocyte (fully differentiated osteoblast) and Osteoclast
  • Osteoblast
    Initially forms osteoid forms (pre bone)which continue to mineralize to become a bone matrix. cells within in blue are the osteocytes. Os
  • Osteocyte
    Selected osteoblast that ‘remains behind ’Coated by thin layer of osteoid Connected through canaliculi
  • Osteocyte
    the are Osteoblast that (Stays behind) and become bone. coded by thin layer of osteoid to help them exchanged through membrane.
  • Osteoblast
    clear White part has not become bone, secreting to become bone is between the blue and pink part. The bone matrix is blue part, cells within blue area is osteocytes.
  • canaliculi
    Connected through osteocytes through other cells are canaliculi (small tunnels in the bone that are run between cells and nerves that keep cells alive.)
  • Osteoclast (breakdown and rebuild)
    Bone resorption (osteoclasia) and remodeling. Originate from bone marrow, coalescing monocytes Lysosomally rich.
  • Space area in bone
    The Ruffled border creates a resorption bay (Howslip’slacuna). Vesicular zone. Where lysosome secret out into the space area of bone.
  • Sealing zone
    keep all the enzymes in the area that osteoclast wants them and keeps lysosomes from entering in areas they're not supposed to be in.
  • Endochondral Ossification
    Endochondral Ossification
    Blue: cartilage red: bone