2021-07-30T20:36:04+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueBone Classification Based On: Development:, Bone Classification Based On: Organization, Bone Classification Based On: Configuration (Shape) , Immature Bone: Spongy bone, trabecular bone, cancellous bone, woven bone, primary bone, osteonal bone, lamellar bone, secondary bone, cortical bone, Osteon/Haversian, Bone Preparation: Decalcified Calcium, Groundflashcards
Osteon/Haversian system (comprises most of compact bone)
Bone Preparation: Decalcified Calcium
Calcium salts are removed through treatment of the tissue
Then bone is cut and stained normally
Trichromeis usually used-bone will stain blue, other tissues pink to red.
Bone is sawed into thin sections and then ground down until it can be observed using light microscopy.
No Staining.
Osteon/Haversian system (comprises most of compact bone)
Bone Preparation: Decalcified Calcium
Calcium salts are removed through treatment of the tissue
Then bone is cut and stained normally
Trichromeis usually used-bone will stain blue, other tissues pink to red.
Bone is sawed into thin sections and then ground down until it can be observed using light microscopy.
No Staining.
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