2021-07-16T18:04:18+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueComponents of the skin, Cells of the Epidermis, Stratum Basale , Stratum Spinosum , Defined by desmosomal presence, Stratum Granulosum, Stratum Lucidum , Stratum Corneum , Cornification = Keratinization , Keratinization, Non-keratinocytes, Melanocytes: Dendritic cells, Clear cells on H & E, Langerhans cells, Dermis , Functions of the Skinflashcards
Melanocytes: Dendritic cells, Clear cells on H & E
Langerhans cells
Special stains are required to visualize LC on histologically
Functions of the Skin
BarrierPhysical and immuneCommunicationTemperature regulationSecretionStoragePigmentation
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