2024-06-11T13:01:04+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>outline main stages of cell signalling</p>, <p>describe molecular structure of GPLR &amp; explain how its structure relates to its function</p>, <p>outline how insulin regulate blood glucose regulation</p>, <p>outline how glucagon regulate blood glucose regulation</p>, <p>explain roles of kinases in signal amplification</p>, <p>explain roles of phosphatases in signal amplification</p>, <p>explain roles &amp; nature of second messengers, cAMP</p>, <p>describe phosphorylation cascade &amp; signal amplification in signal transduction</p>, <p>state similarities between GPLR and RTK</p>, <p>why must receptors, channel completely span CSM?</p>, <p>outline advantages of cell signalling systems</p> flashcards
H2 Biology 19 - Cell signalling

H2 Biology 19 - Cell signalling

  • outline main stages of cell signalling


    Ligand-receptor interaction

    ligand r&b specific binding site of receptor on CSM/within target cell >

    ligands complementary in shape to specific binding site of specific receptor protein

    Signal transduction

    ligand binding induces conformational change in receptor >

    relay molecules, various proteins amplify & transduce signal into specific cellular response >

    signals could be transmitted through 2nd messengers(cAMP)/phosphorylation cascades via protein kinases

    Cellular response

    transduced signal triggers specific cellular response, may be change in GE/catalysis by enzyme/rearrangement of cytoskeleton

  • describe molecular structure of GPLR & explain how its structure relates to its function

    made up of 1 polypeptide w/ 7 transmembrane a-helices -> allows embedded in & span CSM >

    has extracellular region(may be glycosylated) -> serve as specific binding site for ligand >

    has intracellular/cytoplasmic region -> serve as specific binding site for G-protein

  • outline how insulin regulate blood glucose regulation

    insulin r&b specific binding site on tyrosine kinase receptor(RTK) on liver/muscle CSM, causes 2 receptor polypeptides to undergo conformational change & dimerise >

    dimerisation activates tyrosine kinase region of each polypeptide; each tyrosine kinase phosphorylates tyrosines of other polypeptide >

    activated RTK recognised by specific relay proteins, pass signal on, leads to activation of glycogen synthase >

    glycogen synthase catalyses glucose -> glycogen conversion(glycogenesis) >

    any 1:

    insulin also stimulates increase in rate of respiration using glucose as respiratory substrate, broken down & oxidised to CO2, H2O ;

    increase in plasma membrane permeability of target cells to glucose, increase rate of uptake of glucose from blood by most body cells ;

    glucose -> fats conversion for storage in adipose cells/tissues

  • outline how glucagon regulate blood glucose regulation

    glucagon r&b specific binding site of GPLR on liver CSM, induces conformational change in receptor >

    receptor binds to G protein, activates it; GTP molecule replaces GDP on G protein; activate G protein dissociates from receptor, activates adenyl cyclase >

    adenyl cyclase catalyses conversion of ATP to cAMP >

    cAMP acts as 2nd messenger, triggers downstream signalling events such that glycogen phosphorylase activated >

    glycogen phosphorylase catalyses glycogen -> glucose breakdown(glycogenolysis) >

    glucagon also stimulates increase in rate of conversion of amino acids, glycerol to glucose(gluconeogenesis) so that BGC increases, returns to normal

  • explain roles of kinases in signal amplification

    enzyme; catalyses transfer of phosphate groups from phosphate-donating groups(ATP) to specific substrates -> phosphorylation >

    phosphorylation activates protein >

    active protein in turn activate other proteins, triggers numerous reactions in cell @ once

  • explain roles of phosphatases in signal amplification

    enzyme; catalyses removal of phosphate groups from proteins by hydrolysis, reverses protein kinase action >

    dephosphorylation deactivates protein

  • explain roles & nature of second messengers, cAMP

    small, hydrophilic molecules; usually non protein >

    second messengers(cAMP) relay signals received @ surface of cell by GPLR/RTK into cytoplasm/nucleus >

    ligand r&b SBS on GPLR, receptor undergoes CC, binds & activates G protein >

    G protein activates adenyl cyclase, catalyses conversion of ATP -> cAMP >

    cAMP binds & activates another protein; activated protein triggers downstream signalling events(phosphorylation cascade), lead to cellular responses

  • describe phosphorylation cascade & signal amplification in signal transduction

    phosphorylation cascade

    activated protein kinase triggers downstream signalling events >

    involves sequential phosphorylation of various other proteins/signal transmitted through phosphorylation cascade >

    signal amplification

    no. of protein molecules phosphorylated increases w/ each level of cascade >

    relay molecules, various proteins amplify & transduce signal into specific cellular response

  • state similarities between GPLR and RTK

    both have extracellular specific binding sites for ligands >

    both change conf to trigger downstream signalling pathways/for signal transduction >

    both have intracellular regions, interact w/ intracellular proteins >

    both have extracellular & intracellular region

  • why must receptors, channel completely span CSM?

    receptors need detect signals outside cell >

    signals transduced/relayed to molecules inside cell >

    receptors span CSM; polar/large ligands cannot pass thru hydrophobic core of transient pores of CSM, remain outside cell >

    channels span CSM; transport polar molecules/charged ions, repelled by hydrophobic core of CSM >

    channels enable polar molecules/charged ions move across membrane

  • outline advantages of cell signalling systems

    polar/large ligand which cannot pass thru CSM r&b to receptor on CSM & activate specific protein within cell >

    1 ligand molecule stimulate production of more than 1 second messenger, results in signal amplification >

    provide diff points @ which cellular response can be regulated(activation of protein, conversion of molecules) >

    allows ligand to trigger specific cellular responses due to collection of receptors, specific proteins & second messenger in target cells