2022-12-30T10:05:29+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true tributaries, came one of the most brilliant civilizations, the earth has ever known, The Ganges and its tributaries saw the birth, great empires, epic tales, the cosmogonies, that contain the oldest traditions, royal opulence, chivalrous spirit, no one more proud, war chariot, exercising his command, thus consecrates his king, I have brought you before us, the sky is steady, In a later code of laws, burning to destroy each other, display their strength in battle without ever turning their faces, descendants of the gods, they believe their rivals and prepare to be, filial obedience, As for the woman, He only shows her to us under the guise of the faithful wife, as exalted as passionate Sita, breed mixes, slow incubation of religious ideas, multiple shades, It appears to us like a formidable mountain, bearing at its base a melanian race, mestizos at its sides and the pure Aryans at the vertex, The separation of castes was not rigorous, heroic greatness flashcards
grandes iniciados 2

grandes iniciados 2

  • tributaries
  • came one of the most brilliant civilizations
    salió una de las más brillantes civilizaciones
  • the earth has ever known
    que ha conocido la tierra
  • The Ganges and its tributaries saw the birth
    El Ganges y sus afluentes vieron nacer
  • great empires
    grandes imperios
  • epic tales
    Las narraciones épicas
  • the cosmogonies
    las cosmogonías
  • that contain the oldest traditions
    que encierran las más viejas tradiciones
  • royal opulence
    la opulencia real
  • chivalrous spirit
    espíritu caballeresco
  • no one more proud
    Nadie más orgulloso
  • war chariot
    carro de guerra
  • exercising his command
    ejerciendo su mando
  • thus consecrates his king
    consagra así a su rey
  • I have brought you before us
    Te he traído ante nosotros
  • the sky is steady
    El cielo es firme
  • In a later code of laws
    En un código de leyes posterior
  • burning to destroy each other
    ardientes para deshacerse unos a otros
  • display their strength in battle without ever turning their faces
    despliegan su vigor en la batalla sin jamás volver la cara
  • descendants of the gods
    descendientes de los dioses
  • they believe their rivals and prepare to be
    se creen sus rivales y se preparan a serlo
  • filial obedience
    La obediencia filial
  • As for the woman
    En cuanto a la mujer
  • He only shows her to us under the guise of the faithful wife
    no nos la muestra más que bajo los rasgos de la esposa fiel
  • as exalted as passionate Sita
    tan exaltadas como la apasionada Sita
  • breed mixes
    mezclas de razas
  • slow incubation of religious ideas
    lenta incubación de las ideas religiosas
  • multiple shades
    matices múltiples
  • It appears to us like a formidable mountain
    nos aparece así como una formidable montaña
  • bearing at its base a melanian race
    llevando en su base una raza melaniana
  • mestizos at its sides and the pure Aryans at the vertex
    mestizos a sus lados y los arios puros en el vértice
  • The separation of castes was not rigorous
    La separación de castas no era rigurosa
  • heroic greatness
    la grandeza heroica