2022-05-09T09:01:51+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>“Theoretical physicist and Nobel prize winner Frank Wilczek is fascinated with the symmetries and harmonies that at their most fundamental level are the DNA to nature’s design model. He asks the question: Is the world a work of art?”</p><p>Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design —&nbsp;Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.</p>, <p>“The overriding Shaker belief was that the outward appearance of all things reveals their inner spirit.”</p><p>Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design —&nbsp;Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.</p>, <p>“Morris’s words across the Atlantic echoed the Shaker guiding principles of simplicity, utility and honesty in everything they designed and made.</p><p>”</p><p>Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design —&nbsp;Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.</p> flashcards
Do Design

Do Design

  • “Theoretical physicist and Nobel prize winner Frank Wilczek is fascinated with the symmetries and harmonies that at their most fundamental level are the DNA to nature’s design model. He asks the question: Is the world a work of art?”

    Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design — Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.

    “William Morris once said, ‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.’ These are the words of a craftsman, dedicated to only bringing the good into the world. Morris’s words across the Atlantic echoed the Shaker guiding principles of simplicity, utility and honesty in everything they designed and made.”

    Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design — Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.

  • “The overriding Shaker belief was that the outward appearance of all things reveals their inner spirit.”

    Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design — Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.

    “What really distinguishes Shaker design is something that transcends utility, simplicity and perfection – a subtle beauty that relies almost wholly on proportion. There is harmony in the parts of a Shaker object. ”

    Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design — Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.

  • “Morris’s words across the Atlantic echoed the Shaker guiding principles of simplicity, utility and honesty in everything they designed and made.

    Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design — Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.

    “It is said that the most appealing thing about Shaker design was its optimism. Those who would lavish care on a chair, a basket, a clothes hanger or a wheelbarrow clearly believed that life was and is worthwhile”

    Excerpt From: Alan Moore. “Do Design — Why beauty is key to everything.” Apple Books.