2021-02-09T00:31:17+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true proletariat, socialism, Chartist movement, Communism, The Communist Manifesto, Concert of Europe, Congress of Vienna, historical materialism, New Harmony, Conservatism , Great Reform Bill of 1832 flashcards

Birth of Modern Politics 1815-1848

Western Civilization, Blackman Vol.2 Ed 3

  • proletariat
    Latin proletarius: literal translation, people who smell. Pejorative term suggesting poverty, stupidity, dirty. A term popularized by Marx to describe the working class.
  • socialism
    social and political ideology that advocates reorganization and cooperation of society to restore harmony post industrialization
  • Chartist movement
    Labor movement by London Working Men's Assoc. 1838
  • Communism
    Socioeconomic movement advocating destruction of capitalism and new classless freedom. Based on Marxism but NOT identical
  • The Communist Manifesto
    1848 book written by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels that presents a Marxist view of history and class struggles.
  • Concert of Europe
    Body of diplomatic agreements aimed at maintaining balance of power on continent and present social and political destabilization throughout Europe. Designed by Metternich 1814-1848
  • Congress of Vienna
    1814-1815 diplomatic conference led by "Great Alliance" countries, goal of dividing territories after decades of upheaval from war and revolt. Metternich was a key figure.
  • historical materialism
    the process by which economic concerns propel historical change according to Marxism
  • New Harmony
    socialist "ideal community" started in Indiana 1825 by industrialist Robert Owens. Failed after 3 years but the social experiment contributed to co-op movements and a national trade union
  • Conservatism
    political approach that values tradition and stability above individual freedoms
  • Great Reform Bill of 1832
    legislature passed by British Parliament that changed electoral system in England and Wales; pool of voters increased from 366,000 to 650,000. The working class and women were still excluded.
  • 19th cent idealized view of domesticated women's role in the home; taboo for women to seek work or pursue other opportunities