2024-09-18T22:14:03+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>What does DNA stand for?</p>, <p>Where is DNA located in human cells?</p>, <p>How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?</p>, <p>Define a karyotype</p>, <p>Describe the structure of DNA</p>, <p>Identify the four nucleotides and how they pair up</p>, <p>Explain the process of DNA replication</p>, <p>Explain the process of DNA profiling. Explain PCR's and STR's</p>, <p>What are proteins made up of?</p>, <p>How many amino acids are there, how many are deemed essential?</p>, <p>What determines the shape of a protein?</p>, <p>Before a protein ends up at it's 3D-shaped form, what shape is the protein in?</p>, <p>Define gene expression</p>, <p>What do we call a genetically modified animal</p>, <p><em>Identify two parts of a gene?</em></p>, <p>Regulatory vs Coding sequences of genes</p>, <p>What are the two steps of gene expression?</p>, <p>Where does transcription and translation occur in the cell?</p>, <p>What does transcription do?</p>, <p>What does translation do?</p>, <p>What do you call a group of three nucleotides?</p>, <p>Identify the three functions of cell division</p>, <p>Identify the preparatory phase of cell division and describe the three sub stages</p>, <p>Identify the two sub-stages of the division phase of cell division.</p>, <p>Identify and describe the 4 phases of mitosis.</p>, <p>Describe cytokinesis</p>, <p>What is the mitotic spindle?</p>, <p>How do chemotherapy drugs work?</p>, <p>What happens if a cell cycle catches a mutation?</p>, <p>How can cancer kill?</p>, <p>What are ways to fight cancer?</p>, <p>How do mutations arise? Identify two types of mutations.</p> flashcards
Biology Unit 2 Flashcards

Biology Unit 2 Flashcards

  • What does DNA stand for?

    Deoxyribonucleic acid

  • Where is DNA located in human cells?

    They are found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells

  • How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?

    23 pairs, half from the mother and half from the father

  • Define a karyotype

    An individuals complete set of chromosomes

  • Describe the structure of DNA

    DNA is composed of nucleotides

  • Identify the four nucleotides and how they pair up

    Adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. A&T and C&G

  • Explain the process of DNA replication

    Natutal cells where cells make an identical copy of a DNA molecule. Semi-conservative mechanism produces 2 copies of the original DNA molecules.

  • Explain the process of DNA profiling. Explain PCR's and STR's

    No two people have the same identity. PCR is a laboratory technique used to amplify a specific DNA segment. STRs are sections of a chromosome in which DNA sequences are repeated.

  • What are proteins made up of?

    Amino acids.

  • How many amino acids are there, how many are deemed essential?

    20, 9 are essential.

  • What determines the shape of a protein?

    It's amino acid sequence.

  • Before a protein ends up at it's 3D-shaped form, what shape is the protein in?


  • Define gene expression

    When a gene is encoded into a function.

  • What do we call a genetically modified animal

    Transgenic organisms.

  • Identify two parts of a gene?

    Regulatory and coding.

  • Regulatory vs Coding sequences of genes

    Regulatory tells the cell when to make protein and how much. Coding tells the cells amino acid sequences.

  • What are the two steps of gene expression?

    Transcription and Translation.

  • Where does transcription and translation occur in the cell?

    Transcription occurs in the nucleus, translation occurs on the ribosomes of the cells cytoplasm.

  • What does transcription do?

    Makes an RNA copy of DNA.

  • What does translation do?

    Directs the addition of amino acids during protein synthesis.

  • What do you call a group of three nucleotides?


  • Identify the three functions of cell division

    Growth, repair, replacement

  • Identify the preparatory phase of cell division and describe the three sub stages

    Interphase. G1 makes more cytoplasm, S phase makes DNA replication, G2 prepares cell for division.

  • Identify the two sub-stages of the division phase of cell division.

    Mitosis and cytokinesis.

  • Identify and describe the 4 phases of mitosis.

    Prophase: Replicated chromosomes coil up.

    Metaphase: Replicated chromosomes become aligned.

    Anaphase: Microtubes shorten, pulling sister chromatids to opposite ends of the cell.

    Telephase: Identical sets of chromosomes reach each pole.

  • Describe cytokinesis

    The cytoplasm divides, two nuclei become seperated into daughter cells.

  • What is the mitotic spindle?

    The structure that seperates sister chromatids during mitosis.

  • How do chemotherapy drugs work?

    They help stop the growing of cancer?

  • What happens if a cell cycle catches a mutation?

    Then it may cause cancer in a cell.

  • How can cancer kill?

    Crowding out normal cells, including other organs.

  • What are ways to fight cancer?

    Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy.

  • How do mutations arise? Identify two types of mutations.

    A change in a DNA sequence. Heritable and somatic. Heritable passes down to offsprings, somatic doesn't.