2024-03-04T21:57:18+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Tissue</p>, <p>Organ</p>, <p>Organ system</p>, <p>Digestive system </p>, <p>Liver produces ..?</p>, <p>Bile function</p>, <p>Enzymes have a ______ site where the _____ attaches to it perfectly</p>, <p>Starch enzyme</p>, <p>Protein enzyme</p>, <p>Lipid enzyme </p>, <p>Different affects of temp on enzyme:</p><p>1) Increasing temp =</p><p>2)Optimum temp =</p><p>3) Past optimum temp =</p>, <p>Ph affect on enzyme</p>, <p>Effect of Ph on amylase</p>, <p>Test for starch</p>, <p>Test for sugar</p>, <p>Test of protein</p>, <p>Test for lipids</p>, <p>Food solution</p>, <p>Villi</p>, <p>Micro Villi</p>, <p>1 adaptation of micro villi</p>, <p>Another adaption of micro villi</p>, <p>Pulmonary artery </p>, <p> Vena Cava</p>, <p>Pulmonary vein</p>, <p>Aorta</p>, <p>Circulatory system </p>, <p>Right vs Left</p>, <p>Pacemaker job</p>, <p>Where pacemaker found</p>, <p>Artery 1 adaptation</p><p>Vein 1 adaptation</p>, <p>Vein VS artery (2 differences)</p>, <p>Blood Plasma role</p>, <p>Red blood cells role</p><p>2 adaptations</p>, <p>White blood cells role</p><p>1 adaptation </p>, <p>Platelets </p>, <p>Donated blood 2 uses</p>, <p>2 adaptations of alveoli</p>, <p>benign tumors</p>, <p>malignant tumors</p>, <p>Statin advantage disadvantage 2 each</p>, <p>Stent advantage disadvantage 2 each</p> flashcards

Biology Paper 1 - Organisation


  • Tissue

    a group of cells with a similar function

  • Organ

    a group of tissues working together

  • Organ system

    a group of organs working together to form an organ system

  • Digestive system

    Food is chewed in the mouth. Enzyme in the saliva digest the starch into smaller molecules. It passes down the oesophagus into the stomach. In the stomach enzymes digest proteins. The churning of the stomach muscles turn the food into a fluid. It passes down to the small intestine which chemicals are released into. It passes down to the large intestine and released as faeces

  • Liver produces ..?

    Produces bile

  • Bile function

    Speed up the digestion of lipid and neutralises the acid release of stomach

  • Enzymes have a ______ site where the _____ attaches to it perfectly

    Enzymes have a ACTIVE site where the SUBSTRATE attaches to it perfectly

  • Starch enzyme


  • Protein enzyme


  • Lipid enzyme


  • Different affects of temp on enzyme:

    1) Increasing temp =

    2)Optimum temp =

    3) Past optimum temp =

    1)Increased collision per second

    2)Maximum frequency of successful collisions

    3)The active site is denatured and the enzyme doesn't work

  • Ph affect on enzyme

    Enzymes have an optimum ph and too acidic or alkaline it denatures

  • Effect of Ph on amylase

    Drop of iodine in a spotting tile. places 3 test tubes containing ph 5, starch and amylase into a water bath. Now combine 3 solutions into one test tube and mix. Then put in water bath and after 30s put a drop of solution into the spotting tile and it will be blue black showing starch present. Take a sample every 30s until iodine remains orange showing starch no longer present. Repeat using different PH.

  • Test for starch

    Test tube of food solution. Few drops of iodine. If starch present iodine turns blue black. If no starch it stays orange

  • Test for sugar

    Test tube of food solution. 10 drops of Benedict solution place the test tube in a beaker with hot water. If sugar present the Benedict solution colour will change, green little and brick red a lot of sugar.

  • Test of protein

    Test tube of food solution. Add biuret solution. If protein present it will change to purple. iF NOT

  • Test for lipids

    Test tube of food solution. Add a few drops of distilled water and ethanol. Gently shake. White cloudy emulsion form.

  • Food solution

    Grind food with Mortar

    Add distilled water



  • Villi

    Massively increase the surface area for the absorption of molecules

  • Micro Villi

    Increase the surface area even further

  • 1 adaptation of micro villi

    Thin membrane which ensures a short diffusion path

  • Another adaption of micro villi

    Very good blood supply increase the concentration gradient

  • Pulmonary artery

    The blood passes from heart to the lungs in the pulmonary artery

  • Vena Cava

    Brings in deoxygenated blood from the body

  • Pulmonary vein

    Oxygenated blood passes from heart to the lungs in the pulmonary vein

  • Aorta

    Oxygenated blood pumps from heart to the body in the aorta

  • Circulatory system

    Blood enters left and right atrium

    Atria contract and blood forced into ventricles

    Ventricles contract forcing blood out the heart

    Valves stop backflow of blood

  • Right vs Left

    Deoxygenated blood into lungs


    Oxygenated blood into organs

  • Pacemaker job

    natural resting heart rate

  • Where pacemaker found

    Right atrium

  • Artery 1 adaptation

    Vein 1 adaptation

    Thick walls to withstand high pressure of blood

    Valves to stop back flow of blood

  • Vein VS artery (2 differences)

    Low pressure blood + Thin walls

    High pressure blood + Thick walls

  • Blood Plasma role

    Transport dissolved substances along the body, like c02, urea

  • Red blood cells role

    2 adaptations

    Transport oxygen from lungs to body cells

    Oxygen carrying molecule haemoglobin

    No nucleus so more room for haemoglobin

  • White blood cells role

    1 adaptation

    Part of the immune system by making antibodies

    Contains nuclei which has the DNA to allow them to do their job

  • Platelets

    To help the blood to clot

  • Donated blood 2 uses

    Protein extracted from blood can be useful for antibodies

    To replace blood lost from injury

  • 2 adaptations of alveoli

    Thin walls so diffusion path is short

    Large surface area

  • benign tumors

    growth of abnormal cells in one arrea

  • malignant tumors

    invade neighbouring tissues and move into the bloodstream to spread around the body

  • Statin advantage disadvantage 2 each

    decrease blood cholestrol

    low cost

    drugs need to be taken long term

    side effects

  • Stent advantage disadvantage 2 each

    effect of stent is immediaterapid recovery from operation

    risk of infection

    risk of blood clot