2024-03-11T08:27:45+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Communicable disease and what it spread by</p>, <p>Non Communicable disease</p>, <p>Health definition </p>, <p>Pathogen</p>, <p>4 pathogens</p>, <p>How does bacteria cause illness</p>, <p>How does virus cause illness</p>, <p>3 ways pathogens spread</p>, <p>3 ways to prevent pathogen spread</p>, <p>2 symptom and how it spread (Measles - virus)</p>, <p>1 symptom and what HIV does</p>, <p>Drugs for viruses</p>, <p>2 symptoms of salmonella</p>, <p>Example of vector</p>, <p>2 ways to prevent malaria</p>, <p>3 non specific defence systems</p>, <p>Phagocytosis</p>, <p>Antibodies</p>, <p>Tobacco Mosaic Virus</p>, <p>Rose black spot </p>, <p>2 ways fungi can spread</p>, <p>Vaccination</p>, <p>Herd immunity</p>, <p>3 things u need to check for medicine </p>, <p>Double blind trial</p> flashcards

Biology Paper 1 - Diseases


  • Communicable disease and what it spread by

    Diseases spread organism to organism. Spread by pathogens

  • Non Communicable disease

    Diseases that cannot be spread organism to organism

  • Health definition

    The state of physical and mental well being

  • Pathogen

    Microorganisms that cause infectious disease

  • 4 pathogens





  • How does bacteria cause illness

    Bacteria rapidly reproduce and release toxins

  • How does virus cause illness

    Invade a host cell, reproduce and leaving the cell causing it to burst

  • 3 ways pathogens spread

    The air


    Direct contact

  • 3 ways to prevent pathogen spread

    Basic hygiene like washing hand before eating

    Clean drinking water

    Condom in sexual intercourse

  • 2 symptom and how it spread (Measles - virus)

    Fever and red skin rash

    Spread by air

  • 1 symptom and what HIV does

    Flu like symptoms

    Attacks immune system until it cannot fight other infections

  • Drugs for viruses

    Antiretroviral drugs

  • 2 symptoms of salmonella

    Vomiting n Diahorrea

  • Example of vector

    Mosquito bites people spreading malaria

  • 2 ways to prevent malaria

    Prevent mosquito form breeding and biting humans

  • 3 non specific defence systems

    Skin - protective layer protecting body

    Nose - hair and mucus trapping pathogens

    Lungs - trachea and bronchi covered in cilia that trap pathogens

  • Phagocytosis

    White blood cell ingest pathogens and uses enzymes to destroy pathogens

  • Antibodies

    White blood cell releases antibodies that destroy specific bacteria

  • Tobacco Mosaic Virus

    Discolour in a mosaic pattern reducing the rate of photosynthesis

  • Rose black spot

    Fungi causes leaves to develop black spots which make the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

  • 2 ways fungi can spread

    Water + Wind

  • Vaccination

    Introducing small quantities of dead/inactive pathogens into your body. This stimulates white blood cell to produce antibodies against it

  • Herd immunity

    If lots of people are vaccinated, unvaccinated people cannot get infected as nobody has the pathogen to spread to them

  • 3 things u need to check for medicine

    Check toxicity of drugs

    Check its effectiveness

    Check the perfect amount of dose

  • Double blind trial

    Neither patient nor doctors know which group got a placebo and which got the active drug