2022-03-07T11:03:20+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Respiratory <span class="tt-bg-yellow">surfaces</span> in <span class="tt-bg-yellow">mammals</span></p>, <p>Respiratory <span class="tt-bg-yellow">surfaces</span> in <span class="tt-bg-yellow">insects</span></p>, <p>Tracheal Systems in Insects consist of...</p>, <p>Respiratory system order in mammals</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Tidal</span> Volume</p>, <p>Vital <span class="tt-bg-green">Capacity</span> </p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Residual</span> Volume</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Negative</span> Pressure Breathing</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Positive</span> Pressure Breathing</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Who</span> performs <span class="tt-bg-yellow">negative</span> pressure breathing?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Who</span> performs <span class="tt-bg-yellow">positive</span> pressure breathing?</p>, <p>Is <span class="tt-bg-yellow">breathing</span> associated with a negative or positive feedback loop?</p>, <p>What happens if breathing is ineffective?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">What</span> <span class="tt-bg-yellow">controls</span> O2/CO2/breathing concentration in <span class="tt-bg-yellow">humans</span>?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">How many air sacs</span> does a <span class="tt-bg-blue">bird</span> have?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">How</span> do the <span class="tt-bg-yellow">air sacs help</span> a bird breathe?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Partial Pressure</span> in the <span class="tt-bg-yellow">alveoli</span></p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Partial Pressure</span> in the <span class="tt-bg-yellow">capillaries</span></p>, <p>How many <span class="tt-bg-blue">subunits</span> does a single <span class="tt-bg-blue">hemoglobin molecule</span> have?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">How many</span> molecules of <span class="tt-bg-blue">O2</span> can each Hemoglobin <span class="tt-bg-blue">(Hb) carry</span>?</p>, <p>What <span class="tt-bg-green">facilitates the binding and offloading of O2</span> among the 4 subunits of Hb?</p>, <p>What causes the Bohr shift?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">CO2</span> is transported <span class="tt-bg-yellow">into the lungs </span>as</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Why</span> is <span class="tt-bg-yellow">O2 more challenging in the wate</span>r than the air to get?</p>, <p>Why are <span class="tt-bg-yellow">gills</span> extremely <span class="tt-bg-yellow">thin</span>?</p>, <p>_____, in which<span class="tt-bg-green"> blood flows in the opposite direction to water, </span>maintains <span class="tt-bg-green">high △p </span></p>, <p>A <span class="tt-bg-yellow">skeletal muscle </span>consists of a bundle of ____, each a <span class="tt-bg-yellow">single cell,</span> running <span class="tt-bg-yellow">parallel</span> to the length of the muscle </p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Each muscle fiber itself is a bundle of smaller</span> _____ arranged longitudinally </p>, <p>myofibrils are composed of <span class="tt-bg-blue">2 kinds of myofilaments</span>:</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Thick</span> filaments</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Thin</span> filaments</p>, <p>Functional <span class="tt-bg-green">unit</span> of a muscle</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Actin</span> filaments are anchored by</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Myosin</span> filaments are anchored by</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">First</span> step of the Sliding-Filament model of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Second</span> step of the Sliding-Filament model of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Third</span> step of the Sliding-Filament model of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Tropomyosin/Troponin</span> complex</p>, <p>What <span class="tt-bg-yellow">concentration</span> ions are involved in muscle contraction?</p>, <p>An <span class="tt-bg-yellow">action potential</span> in a motor neuron that makes a synapse with the muscle fiber is the </p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">First</span> step of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Second</span> step of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Third</span> step of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Fourth</span> step of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Fifth</span> step of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Sixth</span> step of muscle contraction</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">2</span> basic mechanisms by which the <span class="tt-bg-blue">nervous</span> system produced <span class="tt-bg-blue">graded contractions</span></p>, <p>Tetanus</p>, <p>Oxidative Fibers</p>, <p>Glycolytic Fibers</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Slow</span>-twitch fibers</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Fast</span>-twitch fibers</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Slow Oxidative</span> Muscles </p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Fast Oxidative</span> Muscles</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-yellow">Fast Glycolytic</span> Muscles</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Molarity</span></p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Os</span>molarity</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Iso</span>smotic</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Hypo</span>smotic</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Hyper</span>osmotic</p>, <p>Osmo<span class="tt-bg-green">conformers</span></p>, <p>Osmo<span class="tt-bg-green">regulators</span></p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Steno</span>haline</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Eury</span>haline</p>, <p>Why is <span class="tt-bg-yellow">life hard for freshwater </span>fish?</p>, <p>How do <span class="tt-bg-yellow">freshwater fish maintain osmotic balance</span>?</p>, <p>Why is <span class="tt-bg-yellow">life hard for saltwater </span>fish?</p>, <p>How do <span class="tt-bg-yellow">saltwater fish maintain osmotic balance</span>?</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Hyper</span>tonic</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Isot</span>onic</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Hypo</span>tonic</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">3</span> forms of <span class="tt-bg-blue">nitrogenous wastes</span></p>, <p>Ammonia</p>, <p>Urea</p>, <p>Uric Acid</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">4 stages of excretion</span> by the kidney</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Stage 1</span> of excretion</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Stage 2</span> of excretion</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Stage 3</span> of excretion</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-blue">Stage 4</span> of excretion</p>, <p>Kidney <span class="tt-bg-yellow">structure</span></p>, <p>Nephron <span class="tt-bg-yellow">position</span> within the kidney</p>, <p>What is the <span class="tt-bg-yellow">nephron</span> organized for?</p>, <p>What does the <span class="tt-bg-yellow">blood filtrate </span>produced in Bowman's capsule <span class="tt-bg-yellow">contain</span>?</p>, <p>What are the <span class="tt-bg-blue">two</span> primary <span class="tt-bg-blue">solutes affecting osmolarity</span>?</p>, <p>Proximal tubule</p>, <p>Descending limb of loop of Henle</p>, <p>Thin segment of ascending limb</p>, <p>Thick segment of ascending limb</p>, <p>Distal Tububle</p>, <p>How do the <span class="tt-bg-yellow">proximal and distal tubules regulate pH</span>?</p>, <p>Collecting Duct (When <span class="tt-bg-yellow">conserving</span> water)</p>, <p>Collecting Duct (When eliminating water)</p>, <p>Anti-diuretic hormone <span class="tt-bg-green">(ADH) Function</span></p>, <p>When osmolarity <span class="tt-bg-yellow">rises above </span>its set point, ADH release</p>, <p>When osmolarity <span class="tt-bg-yellow">drops below</span> its set point, ADH release</p>, <p>Function of Aquaporins</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Herb</span>ivore</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Carn</span>ivore</p>, <p><span class="tt-bg-green">Omni</span>vore</p> flashcards

BIOL 1720 TEST 2

Chapters 34, 38, 39, 41

  • Respiratory surfaces in mammals

    Large network of alveoli in lung tissue

    Large network of alveoli in lung tissue

  • Respiratory surfaces in insects

    Extensive tracheal system

    Extensive tracheal system

  • Tracheal Systems in Insects consist of...

    Tiny branching tubes that penetrate the body

    Tiny branching tubes that penetrate the body

  • Respiratory system order in mammals

    1. Nasal cavity and pharynx2. Trachea3. Bronchi4. Bronchioles5. Alveoli (site of gas exchange)

    1. Nasal cavity and pharynx

    2. Trachea

    3. Bronchi

    4. Bronchioles

    5. Alveoli (site of gas exchange)

  • Tidal Volume

    The volume of the air inhaled and exhaled during a normal breath

    The volume of the air inhaled and exhaled during a normal breath

  • Vital Capacity

    The maximum volume of air that can be inhaled and exchaled

  • Residual Volume

    air remaining after full exhalation (incomplete removal)

    air remaining after full exhalation (incomplete removal)

  • Negative Pressure Breathing

    Pulls air into the lungs

    Pulls air into the lungs

  • Positive Pressure Breathing

    Forces air down the trachea

    Forces air down the trachea

  • Who performs negative pressure breathing?

    Mammals, birds, reptiles


  • Who performs positive pressure breathing?

    Amphibians, fish

  • Is breathing associated with a negative or positive feedback loop?

    Negative feedback loop

  • What happens if breathing is ineffective?

    PCO2 increases --> pH of blood and cerebrospinal fluid decreases --> ventilation increases by blowing off CO2

  • What controls O2/CO2/breathing concentration in humans?

    Chemosensors in the aorta and carotid arteries (which signals the breathing control centers)

  • How many air sacs does a bird have?



  • How do the air sacs help a bird breathe?

    By functioning as bellows that keep the air flowing through the lungs; have parabronchi (air tubes) instead of bronchi-Air passes in one direction only-Fresh air does not mix

    By functioning as bellows that keep the air flowing through the lungs; have parabronchi (air tubes) instead of bronchi

    -Air passes in one direction only

    -Fresh air does not mix

  • Partial Pressure in the alveoli

    Favors diffusion of O2 into the blood and CO2 into the airAI

    Favors diffusion of O2 into the blood and CO2 into the air


  • Partial Pressure in the capillaries

    Favors diffusion of O2 out of the blood and CO2 into the bloodCO

    Favors diffusion of O2 out of the blood and CO2 into the blood


  • How many subunits does a single hemoglobin molecule have?

    4 (2 alpha and 2 beta)

  • How many molecules of O2 can each Hemoglobin (Hb) carry?


  • What facilitates the binding and offloading of O2 among the 4 subunits of Hb?

    Allosteric cooperation

  • What causes the Bohr shift?

    CO2 produced during cellular respiration lowers blood pH and decreases the affinity of hemoglobin for O2, causing a rightward shift and facilitating the offloading of oxygen

    CO2 produced during cellular respiration lowers blood pH and decreases the affinity of hemoglobin for O2, causing a rightward shift and facilitating the offloading of oxygen

  • CO2 is transported into the lungs as

    HCO3- ions in the plasma

    HCO3- ions in the plasma

  • Why is O2 more challenging in the water than the air to get?

    There is less O2 available in water than in air

  • Why are gills extremely thin?

    Offsets low O2 content in water by minimizing diffusive distance

    Offsets low O2 content in water by minimizing diffusive distance

  • _____, in which blood flows in the opposite direction to water, maintains high △p

    Countercurrent exchange

    Countercurrent exchange

  • A skeletal muscle consists of a bundle of ____, each a single cell, running parallel to the length of the muscle

    long fibers

  • Each muscle fiber itself is a bundle of smaller _____ arranged longitudinally


  • myofibrils are composed of 2 kinds of myofilaments:

    Thick filaments and thin filaments

  • Thick filaments

    Staggered arrays of myosin molecules

  • Thin filaments

    Consist of 2 strands of actin and 2 strands of a regulatory protein

  • Functional unit of a muscle


  • Actin filaments are anchored by

    Z lines

  • Myosin filaments are anchored by

    M lines

  • First step of the Sliding-Filament model of muscle contraction

    Myosin heads split ATP and become reoriented/energized

    Myosin heads split ATP and become reoriented/energized

  • Second step of the Sliding-Filament model of muscle contraction

    Ca2+ binds to troponin so that the binding site is uncovered; Head of the myosin molecule binds to an actin filament, forming a cross-bridge

    Ca2+ binds to troponin so that the binding site is uncovered; Head of the myosin molecule binds to an actin filament, forming a cross-bridge

  • Third step of the Sliding-Filament model of muscle contraction

    Myosin head rotates towards the center of the sacromere (Power stroke); thin filament moves toward the center of the sarcomere.

    Myosin head rotates towards the center of the sacromere (Power stroke); thin filament moves toward the center of the sarcomere.

  • Tropomyosin/Troponin complex

    binds to actin strands on thin filaments, preventing actin and myosin from interacting

    binds to actin strands on thin filaments, preventing actin and myosin from interacting

  • What concentration ions are involved in muscle contraction?

    Calcium ions (Ca2+)

  • An action potential in a motor neuron that makes a synapse with the muscle fiber is the

    stimulus leading to contraction of a muscle fiber

  • First step of muscle contraction

    The synaptic terminal of the motor neuron releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach)

    The synaptic terminal of the motor neuron releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach)

  • Second step of muscle contraction

    Acetylcholine depolarizes the muscle, causing it to produce an action potential, which travels to the interior of the muscle fiber along transverse (T) tubules

    Acetylcholine depolarizes the muscle, causing it to produce an action potential, which travels to the interior of the muscle fiber along transverse (T) tubules

  • Third step of muscle contraction

    The action potential causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) to release Ca2+

    The action potential causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) to release Ca2+

  • Fourth step of muscle contraction

    Ca2+ binds to the troponin complex on the thin filaments, exposing myosin-binding sites (allowing the cross-bridge cycle to proceed)

    Ca2+ binds to the troponin complex on the thin filaments, exposing myosin-binding sites (allowing the cross-bridge cycle to proceed)

  • Fifth step of muscle contraction

    When motor neuron input stops, the muscle cell relaxes; Transport proteins in the SR pump Ca2+ out of the cytosol and regulatory proteins shift back to the myosin-binding sites

    When motor neuron input stops, the muscle cell relaxes; Transport proteins in the SR pump Ca2+ out of the cytosol and regulatory proteins shift back to the myosin-binding sites

  • Sixth step of muscle contraction

    Conformational change in troponin

    Conformational change in troponin

  • 2 basic mechanisms by which the nervous system produced graded contractions

    Varying the number and varying the rate

  • Tetanus

    A state of smooth, sustained contraction when the rate is so high the muscle fiber cannot relax between stimuli

    A state of smooth, sustained contraction when the rate is so high the muscle fiber cannot relax between stimuli

  • Oxidative Fibers

    -Rely mostly on aerobic respiration to generate ATP-Many mitochondria-Rich blood supply-Large amount of myoglobin -Dark meat

    -Rely mostly on aerobic respiration to generate ATP

    -Many mitochondria

    -Rich blood supply

    -Large amount of myoglobin

    -Dark meat

  • Glycolytic Fibers

    -Uses glycolysis (anaerobic) as their primary source of ATP-Less myoglobin; tires more easily-Light meat

    -Uses glycolysis (anaerobic) as their primary source of ATP

    -Less myoglobin; tires more easily

    -Light meat

  • Slow-twitch fibers

    -Contracts slowly

    -Sustains longer contractions

    -ALL oxidative

  • Fast-twitch fibers

    -Contracts rapidly

    -Sustains shorter contractions

    -Glycolytic or oxidative

  • Slow Oxidative Muscles

    -Slow concentration speed-Aerobic respiration-Slow rate of fatigue-Many mitochondria-High myoglobin content

    -Slow concentration speed

    -Aerobic respiration

    -Slow rate of fatigue

    -Many mitochondria

    -High myoglobin content

  • Fast Oxidative Muscles

    -Fast concentration speed

    -Aerobic respiration

    -Intermediate rate of fatigue

    -Many mitochondria

    -High myoglobin content

  • Fast Glycolytic Muscles

    -Fast concentration speed-Glycolysis-Fast rate of fatigue-Few mitochondria-Low myoglobin content

    -Fast concentration speed


    -Fast rate of fatigue

    -Few mitochondria

    -Low myoglobin content

  • Molarity

    Concentration of a dissolved substance

  • Osmolarity

    Concentration of all solutes that contribute to the osmotic pressure of a solution (depends on the number of dissolved particles); determines the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane

  • Isosmotic

    Same concentration of solutes

  • Hyposmotic

    Lower relative concentration of solutes

  • Hyperosmotic

    Higher relative concentration of solutes

  • Osmoconformers

    Isosmotic with their surroundings and do not regulate their osmolarity; consists only of some marine animals

    Isosmotic with their surroundings and do not regulate their osmolarity; consists only of some marine animals

  • Osmoregulators

    Expends energy to control water uptake and loss in a hyper/hyposmotic environment

  • Stenohaline

    Animals that cannot tolerate substantial changes in external osmolarity (most animals)

  • Euryhaline

    Animals that can survive large fluctuations in external osmolarity (common in estuaries and tidal pools)

    Animals that can survive large fluctuations in external osmolarity (common in estuaries and tidal pools)

  • Why is life hard for freshwater fish?

    They constantly lose salts and gain water by diffusion from their hyposmotic environment

  • How do freshwater fish maintain osmotic balance?

    By excreting large amounts of dilute urine and replacing salts by active uptake across the gills and diet

  • Why is life hard for saltwater fish?

    They constantly lose water by osmosis and gain salt by diffusion

  • How do saltwater fish maintain osmotic balance?

    By drinking seawater and excreting salts across gills, excreting salts and retaining water by kidneys, and diet

  • Hypertonic

    A solution that contains more solute than the cell which is placed in it (withered cells)

  • Isotonic

    A solution in which the same amount of solute and solution is available inside of the cell and outside of the cell

  • Hypotonic

    A solution that contains less solute than the cell which is placed in it (fat cells)

  • 3 forms of nitrogenous wastes

    Ammonia (NH3), Urea, Uric Acid

  • Ammonia

    -Most Toxic

    -Freely diffuses across the whole body surface or through gills

    -Need access to lots of water

    -Fish/Aquatic animals

  • Urea

    -Less toxic, requires energy

    -NH3 converted to urea in liver, then excreted by kidneys

    -Requires less water

    -Amphibians, sharks, mammals

  • Uric Acid

    -Least toxic, most expensive

    -Does not dissolve readily in water

    -Can be secreted as a paste with little water loss

    -Insects, birds, reptiles

  • 4 stages of excretion by the kidney

    Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion, Excretion

    (Farting Rats Scream Excitedly.)

  • Stage 1 of excretion

    Filtration: blood pressure forces water and small solutes through capillary bed into excretory tubule; cells and large molecules remain in the blood

  • Stage 2 of excretion

    Reabsorption: Valuable solutes actively reclaimed back into the blood (glucose, amino acids, etc.); wastes and non-essential solutes remain

  • Stage 3 of excretion

    Secretion: Nonessential solutes and wastes are added to the filtrate (toxins, excess ions)

  • Stage 4 of excretion

    Excretion: Processed filtrate containing nitrogenous wastes is released

  • Kidney structure

    Located on either side of the vertebreal column; connected to a ureter; consists of a renal vein/artery, medulla, cortex, and renal pelvis

  • Nephron position within the kidney

    In the renal pyramid among the cortex and medulla

  • What is the nephron organized for?

    Stepwise processing of blood filtrate

  • What does the blood filtrate produced in Bowman's capsule contain?

    Salts, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, nitrogenous wastes, and other small molecules

  • What are the two primary solutes affecting osmolarity?

    NaCl and Urea

  • Proximal tubule

    Salts and nutrients are actively reabsorbed; water follows passively by osmosis; as the filtrate passes through the proximal tubule, materials to be excreted become concentrated as water is being reabsorbed in the capillaries

  • Descending limb of loop of Henle

    Freely permeable to water through channels formed by aquaporin proteins, but very low permeability for NaCl and other small solutes. Water moves out freely by osmosis; filtrate becomes increasingly concentrated

  • Thin segment of ascending limb

    Ascending loop of Henle is impermeable to H2O, but permeable to NaCl so NaCal initially passes into interstitial fluid freely by diffusion

  • Thick segment of ascending limb

    Gradient becomes unfavorable for passive diffusion of NaCl --> active transport required; movement of NaCl along ascending limb helps maintain osmolarity of medulla; filtrate becomes increasingly dilute as NaCl is reabsorbed

  • Distal Tububle

    Reabsorption of NaCl and H2O

  • How do the proximal and distal tubules regulate pH?

    Secretion of h+ and reabsorption of HCO3- ions

  • Collecting Duct (When conserving water)

    Aquaporin channels allowed water to be reabsorbed; impermeable to salts; solutes become increasingly concentrated; in the inner medulla, high concentration of urea drives passive reabsorption that helps to maintain high osmolarity of interstitial fluid in this region

  • Collecting Duct (When eliminating water)

    Aquaporin channels are absent; impermeable to water; salts actively reabsorbed; hormones control absorption of water in collecting ducts by regulating aquaporin channels

  • Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) Function

    Prevents water loss by regulating water retention by making the collecting duct epithelium more permeable to water

  • When osmolarity rises above its set point, ADH release


  • When osmolarity drops below its set point, ADH release


  • Function of Aquaporins

    Helps reabsorb water and some solutes across the plasma membrane

  • Herbivore

    Primarily eats plants and algae

  • Carnivore

    Primarily eats other animals

  • Omnivore

    Regularly consume animals as well as plants or algae