2025-02-16T15:26:45+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>endocrine</p>, <p>Hormones </p>, <p>by blood vessels </p>, <p>Humoral stimulus </p>, <p>Neural stimulus </p>, <p>Hormonal stimulus </p>, <p>Neuroendocrine hormones</p>, <p>Paracrine hormones </p>, <p>Autocrine hormones </p>, <p>Pituitary glands, thymus, gonads, pineal gland, pancreas, adrenal gland, parathyroid glands, thyroid glands </p>, <p>Pineal gland</p>, <p>Pineal gland</p>, <p>Pineal gland</p>, <p>Melatonin </p>, <p>Somatotropin (STH/GH)</p>, <p>Thyrotropin (TSH)</p>, <p>adrenocorticortropin </p>, <p>Gonadotropins </p>, <p>Follicle stimulating hormone</p>, <p>Luteinizing hormone </p>, <p>Prolactin </p>, <p>Melanocyte stimulating hormone </p>, <p>Oxytocin </p>, <p>Antidiuretic </p>, <p>Thyroxine </p>, <p>Calcitonin</p>, <p>hypothyroidism </p>, <p>Tyrosine, Thyroxine, Triiodothyronine, Reverse T3</p>, <p>hyperthyroidism</p>, <p>Parathyroid gland </p>, <p>Parathormone </p>, <p>Pancreas </p>, <p>Insulin </p>, <p>Glucagon </p>, <p>Islet of langerhans </p> flashcards
ansci endocrinology INTRO up to Pancreas

ansci endocrinology INTRO up to Pancreas

  • endocrine

    consists of glands that secretes and produce hormones

  • Hormones

    chemical substances that are produced by endocrine glands that are

    carried by the circulation to

    the target organs.

  • by blood vessels

    how does hormones circulate throughout the body

  • Humoral stimulus

    hormones released caused by altered levels of certain critical ions or nutrients

  • Neural stimulus

    hormones released caused by neural inputs

  • Hormonal stimulus

    hormoes released by another hormone or a tropic hormone

  • Neuroendocrine hormones

    by endocrine glands that are

    carried by the circulation to

    the target organs.

  • Paracrine hormones

    act on neighboring cells without entering the bloodstream

  • Autocrine hormones

    act on the same cell that produced them

  • Pituitary glands, thymus, gonads, pineal gland, pancreas, adrenal gland, parathyroid glands, thyroid glands

    major endocrine glands

  • Pineal gland

    a small pinecone-shaped

    gland that lies on the roof of the


  • Pineal gland

    known as the ‘third eye” as it

    responds to light and day


  • Pineal gland

    secretes melatonin

  • Melatonin

    a hormone that regulates

    circadian rhythms

  • Somatotropin (STH/GH)

    a hormone that stimulates growth

  • Thyrotropin (TSH)

    a hormone that stimulates thyroid gland

  • adrenocorticortropin

    a hormone that stimulates adrenal cortex

  • Gonadotropins

    FSH and LH are this hormone

  • Follicle stimulating hormone

    stimulates ovarian follicles

  • Luteinizing hormone

    a hormone that stimulates ovulation in females

  • Prolactin

    Initiate milk secretion; maternal behavior

  • Melanocyte stimulating hormone

    a hormone that regulates pigment cells called melanin

  • Oxytocin

    Stimulates uterine contraction and causes milk


  • Antidiuretic

    Regulates water balance in the body by acting on the kidneys to conserve water and decrease urine output.

  • Thyroxine

    a hormone that ccelerates metabolic


  • Calcitonin

    a hromone that regulates calcium metabolism

  • hypothyroidism

    lack of thyroid hormones

  • Tyrosine, Thyroxine, Triiodothyronine, Reverse T3

    thyroid hormones

  • hyperthyroidism

    excess thyroid hormone

  • Parathyroid gland

    main function is to regulate the

    body’s calcium levels

  • Parathormone

    A hormone that Regulates metabolism of Ca and P and bone remodeling

  • Pancreas

    contains clumps of pale-staining cells

    scattered among its alveoli and ducts

    called islets of Langerhans.

  • Insulin

    hormone that regulates

    carbohydrate metabolism and prevents diabetes


  • Glucagon

    Increases blood

    sugar (anti-insulin)

  • Islet of langerhans

    alveoli and ducts in the Pancreas