2021-08-16T10:10:27+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueCustomer groups represent separate segments if:, Customer groups represent separate segments if:, Customer groups represent separate segments if:, Customer groups represent separate segments if:, Customer groups represent separate segments if:flashcards
5 reasons why customer groups represent separate segments
• Their needs require and justify a distinct offer
Customer groups represent separate segments if:
• They are reached through different Distribution Channels
Customer groups represent separate segments if:
• They require different types of relationships
Customer groups represent separate segments if:
• They have substantially different profitabilities
Customer groups represent separate segments if:
• They are willing to pay for different aspects of the offer
Studylib tips
Did you forget to review your flashcards?
Try the Chrome extension that turns your New Tab screen into a flashcards viewer!
The idea behind StudyLib Extension is that reviewing flashcards will be easier if we distribute all flashcards reviewing into smaller sessions throughout the working day.