>=25 mmHg
Pulmonary HTN is defined as ________ in the setting of normal fluid status.
schistosomiasis, congenital HD
What is the most common cause of PAH worldwide? (2)
SSRIs ( increase risk in newborns), weight loss drugs, amphetamines
What drugs can cause PAH? (3)
family history, obesity + OSA, female gender, pregnancy, higher altitudes
What are the risk factors for PAH? (5)
inhaled NO, IV: epoprostenol, adenosine
Which vasodilators are used in right heart catheterization? (3)
reduction of mPAP by 10-40 mmHg
What is indicative of a positive vasoreactivity response?
assess treatment interventions; follow disease progression
What is the purpose of an echocardiography? (2)
right heart catheterization
What is the gold standard for Diagnosing PAH?
African-Americans, women
Mortality rates of PAH are highest in who? (2)
50-65 yo
What is the mean age of diagnosis for PAH?
increase; decade
There is a _______ in incidence of Pulmonary Fibrosis with each _____ of age.
This is more common in men.
a) PAH
b) Pulmonary Fibrosis
50-70 yo
What is the age of diagnosis in PF?
amiodarone, nitrofurantoin, chemo, methotrexate
What drugs can cause Drug-Induced PF? (4)
idiopathic, drug-induced, radiation, environmental, autoimmune, occupational
What are the 6 types of PF?
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
-exposure to mold, bacteria, animal droppings, or other triggers that cause PF
Autoimmune PF
-rheumatoid arthritis; also known as connective-tissue disease related.
Pneumoconiosis (Occupational)
- exposure to asbestos, coal, silica, or dust
chest exam, PFT, pulse oximetry, High-resolution CT
How do we diagnose PF? (4)
subacute dyspnea, nonproductive cough, velcro crackles
What are the clinical findings of a chest exam in PF? (3)
current/former smoker, male, viral infections, GERD
Risk factors for PF? (4)
Which has a worse prognosis?
a) PAH
b) Pulmonary Fibrosis
3 years
What is the median survival from the time of diagnosis? *PF
respiratory failure, right-sided HF
What is the cause of death in PF? (2)
smoking/2nd hand smoke, face mask
To lower the risk of developing PF, what should be avoided/done? (2)