The Civil War Past Questions


The Civil War & Reconstruction Potential Essay Questions

For what reasons, and with what impact, did abolitionism develop in the north of the United


For what reasons and, in what ways, did supporters of slavery in the nineteenth century use legal, religious, and economic arguments in its defense?

Who opposed slavery in the Americas, and why?

Analyze the main arguments of

(a) those who supported slavery;

(b) those who opposed slavery.

With reference to at least two examples of slave rebellions, analyze the reaction to the rebellions in one country of the Americas.

Analyze the effects of the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) on the region [the Americas].

“The Kansas-Nebraska problem destroyed the power of the Southern pro-slavery group.” To what extent do you agree with this view?

Why was compromise no longer possible between the North and the South in the United States by 1860?

Why did the United States Civil War break out in 1861?

“The Civil War in the United States was caused by political disagreements.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

To what extent did economic and social differences cause the United States’ Civil War?

To what extent was the victory of the North in the United States Civil War due to its superior industrial resources and manpower?

Assess the relative strengths of the North and the South at the beginning of the United States

Civil War in 1861.

Compare the political, economic and military strengths and weaknesses of the North and South

United States at the beginning of the United States Civil War in 1861.

Why, in spite of the advantages of the North over the South, did the Civil War in the United

States last so long?

Abraham Lincoln’s leadership was the main reason why the Union won the Civil War. To what extent do you agree with this claim?

“Abraham Lincoln has been given greater credit than he deserves for the emancipation of slaves in the US.” How far do you agree with this statement?

‘The attempts in the Reconstruction period 1865 to 1877 to solve problems caused by the Civil

War failed African-Americans.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Analyze the immediate and longer-term political effects of the United States Civil War in the period 1865 to 1896.

Evaluate the economic and social conditions of free African Americans in one country of the region during the nineteenth century.

“The wasteful economy of slavery was replaced by the productive economy based on salary.”

With reference to two countries of the region, explain to what extent you agree with this view.

Compare and contrast the period of Presidential Reconstruction {1865-1867} with the period of

Congressional Reconstruction {1867-1877}. What went "wrong" with the entire process of reconstructing the South?

To what extent can the entire experience of Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877) be perceived as "revolutionary?" Explain. Is it helpful for historians to view secession, the

Confederacy, and redemption as "counter-revolutionary?" Why or why not?

CHOOSE FOUR of the following events and list them in the order in which they occurred between 1820 and 1860. Order them by significance with respect to starting the Civil War. Discuss them by defining what they were and describing their relative importance in the context of the political polarization over the slavery issue. In each instance, be sure to explain the reaction that they provoked in the South as well as in the North: 1. Kansas-Nebraska Act; 2. John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry; 3. Sumner-Brooks

Incident; 4. The Missouri Compromise; 5. Texas Annexation; 6. The Wilmot Proviso; 7. The Compromise of 1850 (including the Fugitive Slave Act); 8. Formation of the “Southern Rights” Democratic party; 9.

Outcome of the 1860 election; 10. The Dred Scott decision; 11. Lecompton Constitution for Kansas statehood; and 12. the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
