Public Schools of Robeson County English Lesson Plan Template Teacher: C. Cook Subject/Grade Level: ENG IV-H/12th Date: 12/1/2014—12/5/2014 Essential Standards for English IV: RL.11-12.5. Analyze how author’s choices contribute to its overall structure & meaning & aesthetic impact 1 RI.11-12.1. Cite strong & thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what text says explicitly & inferences drawn RI.11-12.4. Determine meaning of words & phrases as used in text; analyze how author uses & refines meaning Learning Target (I Can…): Essential Questions: I can…analyze themes and author’s purpose to formulate detailed constructed response answers. 1. What is meant by “Common Core State Standards”? ] 2. What is a Common Core Exam? 3. What is meant by “constructed response”? 4. How to answer these types of questions? 5. What is meant by “writing prompt”? 6. How to answer these? 7. What is meant by “rubric”? 8. What is the point scale? 9. What are the requirements for each point? 10. What are “Anchor Standards? 11. How to analyze questions for literary elements and literary devises? 12. How to analyze literature 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. Technology Standards: 3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. Vocabulary: Level of Bloom's: 10. Read and compreh Analyze, Evaluate, Create 3. Evaluate a speaker’ Common Core, CC Exams, constructed responses, writing prompt, rubric, annotation, analyzing, considerable scope, cultural references, complex life questions, specificity, anchor standards, Elements of Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, Elements of Figurative Language, coverts, obtuseness, luxuriance, impervious, rebuke, sanctity, maternal, cynicism, derision, assimilating, purged, myopia, propitiate, pinnacles, truculently 2 Strategies/Sequence of Instruction: Monday: Engage: Explore: Explain: Elaborate: Evaluate: Student Group presentations HO LID AY DOK LEVEL: 3, 4 Tuesday: Engage: Explore Explain: Elaborate: Jeopardy Review Game Evaluate: Animal Farm Unit Test DOK LEVEL 2, 3, 4 Wednesday: Engage: Common Core/ Anticipation Guide. Explore: Close reading “Constructed Response” p1-9 in Mastering the Grade 12 Common Core in ELA. Constructed response passage and scoring practice p10-12. Explain: Introduce MSL and Common Core information, show Power Point on Common Core Standards, Identify College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading p13-14. Elaborate: Compare/contrast two workbook passages and peer response. Evaluate: Stoplight exit slip. What question, ideas, new perspectives considered…, learning stopped because…, learned because… Thursday: Engage: Theme practice worksheet Explore: Power point activities on terms p 26-32 & 36-38 MTG9-10CCiELA. Explain: Power point on terms 26 -32 & 38-41 MTG9-10CCiELA. Elaborate: Practice questions of story elements p 33-36. Evaluate: Chapter Summary quiz WORKDA 3 Friday: Engage: Review literary terms Explore: Practice making inferences in Chapter 4. Explain: Read and discuss selected excerpts/analyze complex characters Elaborate: Construct student cultural responses and experience Evaluate: 5 Ws HOLIDAY Assessment/Ways to Check for Understanding: Student written work, journals, exit slips, quizzes, homework Resources: Computer, LCD Projector, texts, handouts, art supplies 21st Century Themes: Global Awareness, Civic Literacy 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity & Innovation, Information/Media Literacy Reflection: Electronic Lesson Plan Template by © 2012 Janet Benincosa