E-NEWSLETTER DISTRICT 8 November 2012 Volume 1, Issue 1 Inside this Issue 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLEASE Submit FCCLA articles and photos – page 1 West Henderson High FCCLA – Henderson County – page 1 Owen High FCCLA – Buncombe County page 2 Enka High FCCLA – Buncombe County page 2 Cane Creek Middle FCCLA – Buncombe County – pages 2 & 3 A Message from our State President – page 3 2012-13 NC FCCLA State President – James Mauney 1) PLEASE, please, please District 8 FCCLA chapters, get your FCCLA happenings to me so that one of our many state-wide goals for the 2012-13 can be met. This “goround” I only received happenings from 4 chapters. This newsletter is supposed to be a district-wide newsletter. Our district starts in McDowell County and goes WEST to Cherokee. Our district consists of 16 counties. I know many of your chapters have done an amazing amount of FCCLA activities. So please, in our next newsletter (articles/pics are due January 31) let us hear from you!!! Get your articles e-mailed to me, James Mauney jclmauney@gmail.com 2) West Henderson FCCLA ADVISORS: Jennifer Taylor & Courtney Tiger West Henderson’s FCCLA chapter has been BUSY! August was the month for our “TShirt” Fundraiser. We raised $1300.00 for our chapter. September brought about our “Ice Cream Social”. There, members shared with FACS students what FCCLA is about and who can join. In the month of October, students participated in a CTE organization Pizza Party. Also in October, CTE students brought in candy to make treat bags for local nursing home residents at our annual “Bring Your Own Pumpkin” Party. We all had an excellent time carving pumpkins Page 1 WHHS FCCLA “BYOP” Party West Henderson’s FCCLA “Ice Cream Social” WHHS FACS students finding out about FCCLA 3) Owen High Owen High FCCLA ADVISORS: Charlotte Elliott & Ashley Beauregard Owen High FACS students have a newly formed FCCLA chapter this year. Their start-up resources, as far as money is concerned, are limited. So to make a little $ for their chapter this year, Owen FCCLA had a “Snow Cone” Fundraiser. Call it what you want; we think it’s FATE…the day of the Snow Cone Sale, it actually snowed. Yum…syrup for OHS FCCLA snow cones Let’s have a try of this OHS FCCLA snow cone! 4) Enka High FCCLA ADVISORS: Meigan Messer and Anne Linhart FCCLA Jets have been hard at work this year faithfully giving of their services. The B.E.A.R Closet II is a “Baby Equipment and Resource” closet run by a local Methodist church. Enka’s chapter have volunteered their services twice this school year. Chapter members have sorted and organized baby clothes and equipment to help persons-inneed find what they are looking for. Chapter members have gladly extended a “helping hand” to their community. “Here is the way we make snow cones”! Enka FCCLA offers time to B.E.A.R Closet Page 2 Enka FCCLA chapter works “BEARY” hard! Enka’s FCCLA members in the B.E.A.R. Closet 5) CCMS FCCLA ADVISOR: Mary Mauney So far this year, Cane Creek Middle School’s FCCLA chapter has done many things. On September 19th, the future officers planned our activities for the school year. September 26th was the officer induction ceremony, which every member and school administrator was invited to. On September 28th and 29th, four members attended the yearly state projects meeting at Harnett Central High School in Lillington, NC. These four members learned about “Student Body” and taught this national program effort at the district meeting on November 7th. Members stayed after school on October 2nd to work on our Children’s Hospital Community Service Effort. October was our Community service and “Power of One’ month. CCMS’s FCCLA chapter has been very busy and will be for the remainder of the school year. Cane Creek Middle School’s FCCLA Officer Induction/Rose Ceremony CCMS FCCLA at our District Leadership meeting 6) NC FCCLA State President’s Message I really hope that your FCCLA year is going well! I would like for you to know that your State Officer team is working diligently on the 2012-13 NC FCCLA state goals this year. WE all have enjoyed our year serving you. I feel that our State Projects Meeting in Lillington was a success. We had a good turn-out of members wanting to learn about the different national programs FCCLA has to offer. There, we really got the “word” out about our state-wide Face book and Twitter pages. To date, we have 212 friends on Face book and 81 followers on Twitter. Our week in Raleigh as Governor’s Pages was truly eye-opening. Much knowledge was gained and a great deal of time was spent on community service projects. We will continue our service to NC FCCLA. Thank you 2012-13 FCCLA members for making my job as your President extremely rewarding! YOUR Faithful Leader for NC FCCLA 2012-13 Your 2012-13 NC FCCLA State Officer Team ATTENTION FCCLA MEMBERS: This has been District 8 NC FCCLA! We are signing off for now…until next time when district articles and FCCLA photographs are due (JANUARY 31ST)! Remember – to make this “E-Newsletter SUCCESSFUL, I need your timely submissions. Thank you in advance for your time and efforts. Have a GREAT rest of 2012, and I CANNOT wait to hear about ALL of the “Extra-Unordinary” activities our district’s chapters have accomplished! Page 3