2008-09-08-Minutes - Colorado State University

Colorado State University – Pueblo
Faculty Senate Meet
September 8, 2008
First Draft
MEMBERS PRESENT: Judy Baca, Bill Brown, Courtney Bruch, Susan Calhoun-Stuber. JoAnn Crownover, Dave Dillon, Scott Erikson,
Ann Galloway, Vicky Hansen, Neb Jaksic, Liz Johnson, Yohanna Long, Tim McGettigan, Michael Mincic, Fawn-Amber Montoya, Karen
Pardue, Sue Pettit, Jack Seilheimer, Jennifer Shadle Peters, Ted Taylor, Brian Vanden Heuvel, Aga Waronska
The meeting was called to order by Senate President J Peters 3:07p.m.
 President Peters congratulated Brian Vanden Heuvel on his teacher of the year award.
 J Peters asked for approval of September 8, 2008 agenda. Motion made, 2nd
Motion passed.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: - August 15, 2008
 J. Peters called for the approval of the 8/15/08 minutes.
 Corrections to the minutes
 Mike Mincic stated that he was at the meeting, arrived late.
 Keeping an eye on / monitoring Student Evaluation proceedings
 S. Erikson made the motion to approve the minutes with corrections, 2nd by FA Montoya – Motion passed
A. Senate President’s Report
 Need a new parliamentarian – non-voting person. Senate follows the Sturgis rules of order which is a
streamlined version of the Roberts rules of order. Recommendation was made to email faculty at large for a
volunteer for the parliamentarian position. T Taylor made the motion to leave the selection of the
parliamentarian to President Peters. M Mincic 2nd motion. Motion passed
 President Garcia will be late due to a prior scheduled meeting
 Provost Meyer will not be in attendance due to a prior scheduled meeting in Denver
 Main focus today is to make sure all committees have all needed personnel and to find out if chairs have been
 Need a new CFAC representative
 Faculty Senate web page will be updated shortly
1. Steve Titus, ASG Representative
Steve informed the Senate about EBook Technology and explained the benefits of having EBooks. Steve
stated that the electronic technology (EBook) helps with student retention and colleges to standout in the
crowd plus the reduced cost for books. Steve named 4 large publishing companies that participate in the
EBook- McGraw Hill, Houghton, John Wiley, Thompson-Learning, The current estimated average savings
to the student is 51%. Steve explained that students could use their technology printing account to print
out a text book. Book can be downloaded into a PDF file and /or saved on the student’s laptop for 5
months. He also asked about needing printers for student to have access to download to their laptop and
then print chapters/book when the student needs to have a hard copy. Steve would like to come to the
senate in the future and ask for their endorsement to the faculty and administration on campus. Steve
was asked by President Peters to contact her directly when he has a proposal to put before the senate. It
was also suggested for the students to set up a coop / consignment store and Steve responded by saying
the student body had tried that idea in a previous year and did not work.
B. CSU-Pueblo Provost Report – Russ Meyer
 Unable to attend meeting due to meetings in Denver
CSU-Pueblo Presidents Report– Joe Garcia
 See below for President Garcia report.
Committee and Board Reports and First Readings
A. Academic Policies and Standards Boards 1. Need representatives from CEEPS & CHASS
2. Committee members are: Joe Marshall, Director of Admissions & Records, David Fresquez/Steve Titus
ASG, Leah Cerankowski, Joann Crownover, David Dillon, Yoanna Long, Fawn-Amber Montoya, Karen
Pardue, David Sandoval, Linda Wilkes, are the current members of this board.
3. The committee needs to elect the new chair
4. V Hansen will send out an email to all committee members to meet and elect a new chair
No report
There is a questions as to how many times a year this committee meets
B Vanden Heuvel stated the need to elect a new senate member by October; need to go back and
research the length of time for this committee
Committee on Committees
1. Committee met and Neb Jaksic elected chair
2. Committee members are: Neb Jaksic, Bill Brown, Aga Waronska, Vicki Hansen, Courtney Bruch,
3. Neb stated that most of the committees are filled CEEPS, CHASS need 2 representatives, received all
appointees from ASG.
4. It was asked who was the new member to the Faculty Procedures and Policy Committee - George Dallam
D. Curriculum and Programs Board 1. Met last Wednesday - for 2 hrs.
2. Curriculum changes are due by the 3rd Friday of the month, September 19th.
3. General process must be submitted to the college committee to submit to chair, dean, and then to
committee. New submissions process is to submit form through I drive directly to the university common
under CAPB with all the colleges listed in the directory. electronic signature
4. D Sullivan has been the chair for the last 9 years and will not be able to be the chair for the CAPB due to
the moving of the library. No one wants to be chair. It is a very heavy burden – there is no time release.
Provost verbally said that there could be a 3 hr release time for the chair of the CAPB. J Peters stated the
Provost is aware of the amount of time it takes to chair this board and wants to find ways to streamline
the workload – course specific decisions need to be made at the college level. The CAPB should not be
addressing the course syllabus. This should be done at the college level. Several minor changes related to
the catalog have to go through the CAPB and this also needs to be reviewed and streamlined. J Peters
stated she would talk to the Provost regarding this.
Joann Crownover ask permission for the senate to recognize Dr. Carrasco – J Peters asked the senate body
for those in favor - Approved
Dr. Carrasco asked the faculty senate to look CAPB process. The curriculum review is based on the
assessment results from the previous fall and spring semester. The interval of time from the start of
school, with all the beginning of the school year activities, is not long enough to get everything completed
on time and be accurate. The CAPB has 2 major jobs - catalog changes / updates and program review. Dr.
Carrasco is asking the senate to look at the overall process of the CAPB, pull the program review process
out of the CAPB and make it 2 separate entities It was asked if this would be a handbook issue. Dr.
Carrasco stated that it could be in the future. J Peters stated that she would probably be asked to
establish a task force to look at this problem. Some questions/topics for discussion would be: catalog
changes that need to be deferred back to the college level, priorities established and reporting
procedures developed in a timely manner. Also, it should be possible to do mid-year updates to the
online catalog.
Faculty Compensation Committee – Tim McGettigan
1. Committee has not met yet but email exchanges have been brisk.
2. Provost mentioned at the Faculty Senate executive committee meeting he would like a follow-up analysis
of the 2005 faculty salary study results. Did the process actually meet its goal?
3. Provost Meyer & Human Resources paid for access to CUPA (College and University Personnel
Administration) data. With the CUPA data they can establish a set of peers and be able to figure out what
every person and position should make and have very precise data.
4. Summer School teaching stipends – there has been an 11% increase in summer school attendance and yet
the Provost cut summer school stipends by 36%. More cuts to follow.
5. Summer school stipends average 25% to 50 % less at CSU-Pueblo than at other institutions.
6. The Budget Board is a shared governance type committee that does exist but it has not been active for
the last 3 years. Dr. Applbaum created the Strategic Budget Advisory Committee in order to have a fast
acting committee to make rapid decisions about budget crises.
7. T McGettigan would like to re-institute a reporting point on the senate agenda for the Budget Board. The
Budget Board committee reports to the President and Provost.
8. Budget Board Committee members are: David Fresquez or Ellen Chacon - ASG, Mary Kontz - CEEPS,
George Dallam – CEEPS, Margaret Kleszynski-Library, Tim McGettigan-CHASS, and Joann Ballard.
9. President Peters stated that the meetings of the Strategic Advisory Budget Committee have consisted of
reports concerning the numbers of enrollment, transportation, facilities, which has centered on new
10. There is a seat for someone from the University Budget Board on the Strategic Advisory Budget
Committee but no one has been nominated to fill that position for the past three years.
A motion was made to let President Garcia present his report at this time. Motion 2nd
Motion passed.
President Garcia and Provost Meyer went to Denver to meet with the visitation team from the higher learning
commission regarding CSU-Global initiative. They wanted to meet with President Garcia and Dr. Penley to find
out how CSU-Global will work. The visitation team met with Provost Meyer yesterday and today.
The Provost was asked by the Chancellor to take on the additional position of Chief Academic Officer of the
CSU system. This will not interfere with his position as Provost. He will be attending CCHE meetings
representing the system and meetings with other Academic Officers once a month.
The President met with budget officer and they were discussing how to build a more inclusive budget for next
year involving people from the different units on campus. The President stated that there will be more money
for the coming year but not enough money to do everything everyone would like to have happen. Evaluate
and compare colleges and programs needs and how to tie the wish list to the stretch goals in the strategic
The President was asked about the lack of participation of the Budget Board Committee. The President stated
in the past the budget had not increased and the university barely met the mandatory costs of salary, benefits,
and utilities. The increase in student enrollment means, there will be some extra monies.
They build a normal budget with a 3 ½ % increase in enrollment. Even with a 12% increase in enrollment so
we still have to wait for the fall census date and then spring census date to determine budgets.
In Dr. Meyer’s new position as Chief Academic Officer, does he have some authority over CSU-Global?
President Garcia stated that he did not know the answer to that question. President Garcia stated that Dr.
Meyer is involved on the academic council and each institution has five representatives on the academic
council at CSU-Global. They are charged with making sure that it meets the same academic standards as here
and at CSU Ft Collins. CSU-Pueblo is asking the higher learning commission for the authority to offer distance
learning education courses. CSU-Pueblo currently does not have the authority to offer distance learning. The
way CSU-Pueblo will be able to offer distance learning is through CSU-Global.
All have a vested interest in seeing the university grow. Retaining students, all the remodeling, campus
environment -- is there a group coordinating these activities to help students enjoy their campus life? Goal is
to provide good academic programs and good campus environment. Students need to see that what they get
here is better than at other universities. One of the important items needed is the new residence hall. Parents
don’t like things off campus. The university needs to make sure the students get the same level of service off
campus that they have on campus.
President said we need to hire more tenure track faculty. We need to watch what and where programs are
growing and the need to diversify the faculty. They want to find people who want to be in Pueblo.
The university now is competitive with other universities in salaries.
Handbook Committee
1. Mike Mincic, Susan Calhoun-Stuber, Brian Vandenheuvel, Scott Eriksen, Karen Pardue
2. Three action items – no Chair elected yet.
3. Develop a site on blackboard to facilitate the referendum to make voting easier. The ITC has another
platform called Share Point for voting. They are moving away from blackboard.
4. Need to go through chapter 2; some minor numbering issues need to be clarified
5. The Provost suggested he would like to see the Faculty handbook split into policies and procedures.
Chapter two is policy and everything else is procedure. Procedural items can be changed at the CSUPueblo campus. This has been done at Ft Collins and the committee will be in contact with Ft. Collins to
see how they separated their handbook.
6. Two items, in addition to the FDAP document, were not put on the agenda for the last board meeting, and
will therefore have to wait until next spring for approval.
G. Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee – Judy Baca
1. Met first time last week.
2. The committee will work to find out what happened to the Faculty Discipline Policy.
3. The committee wants to resolve the communication problem and meet with everyone involved with the
Faculty Discipline Policy issue. The committee members are - Provost, R Huff, attorney, J Baca, George
Dallam, Carol Loats, Janet Nichols, Julie Fronmuller and Aga Waronska.
4. The committee has tried very hard to keep everyone informed as to what is going on with the discipline
policy. A lot questions remain in what is needed to get this policy completed and sent before the Board.
We are still waiting to get all parties together to work on this issue.
5. The Faculty Discipline Policy was sent as a referendum to all CSU-Pueblo faculty and was voted on by the
faculty. If there are any changes to the FDAP the changes must be voted on by the faculty.
6. Need to elect a chair
Review faculty survey
Revisit the process of policy vs procedures.
What happened to the APR changes from last year for the handbook?
H. General Education Board – Courtney Bruch
1. Met during Convocation
2. The results from spring student survey results in a power point format and should look on the I Drive for
the report.
Information Technology Board - Bill Brown
1. Nothing to report
2. Need to elect a chair
Board of Governors Representative’s Report – Scott Eriksen
1. Rick Huff attended first meeting. He informed everyone that it was not a typical meeting.
2. CSU-Global is right on target and moving along. The nearest competitor is University of Illinois who is
trying to participate into this market.
3. There are several hundred students enrolled in CSU Global.
4. Enrollment of the students is meeting their profile.
N Jaksic stated that he needs another person on the IT Board
T Taylor volunteered to work on the Information Technology Board. Scott nominated Ted. Moved by acclamation Motion
Motion passed
K. Ad Hoc Sustainable Future Committee – Jack Seilheimer
1. Incorporate this committee as a standing committee this year.
Discussion, Second Readings and Action Items - Jennifer Peters
A. Confirmation of committee appointments – cannot confirm committees today. Need chairs for some committees
and still need some members. Confirm the committees by email next week.
B. President Peters stated she could email the Action Agenda list update. One concern for the action agenda is the
honors program.
C. Spring 2009
D. Colleges and depts. To put programs forth through the CAPB
Sue Pettit made the motion to extend the meeting for five minutes. Motion 2nd
Motion carried
Can the dept make an enhancement to a course for changes or does a new course have to be created and run
through the CAPB?
Joann Crownover asked to speak to the senate. She introduced Ann Galloway who is replacing Paul Sefcovic on the Senate
Graduate Studies Board – David Dillon
1. Will meet on Wednesday
Unfinished Business
New Business – Jennifer Shadle Peters
Incorporating the Sustainable Future Committee as a standing committee.
Adjournment – Jennifer Shadle Peters
 Jennifer proposed to adjourn the meeting at 5:05pm. Motion seconded. Motion passed
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela K Parrack,