Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract
Using Chemistry to Explain Biology
a - not
tom - to cut
a + tom = not cuttable
Basic units of all matter
Made up:
o Neutron = neutral
o Proton = positive
o Electron = negative
● Electrons and protons are attracted to
each other...
● But electrons move too much to join the
protons in the nucleus
● When...
o there are equal numbers of protons and electrons = no charge
o there are more protons than electrons = positive charge
o there are less protons than electrons = negative charge
● If an atom has a charge, called ion
● When two or more atoms (elements) bond to each other
● Compounds properties are very
different from individual atoms
● Ex) Na + Cl = Salt
● Created using bonds
● Three types of bonds...
Ionic Bonds (The Taker and the Giver)
Electron is transferred from one atom to the other atom
One atom adds an electron and gains a negative charge
One atom loses an electron and gains a positive charge
Since the atoms are charged, they are ions
Ex) Salt = NaCl
o Na loses electron
o Cl gains electron
Covalent Bonds (The sharers)
● Neither atom has enough electrons
● Atoms share electrons
● Ex) Carbon dioxide
Van der Waals Forces
(The Stickers)
Weakest of three bonds
Covalent bonds don’t always share equally
Some atoms attract electrons more than others
When molecules close together, creates attraction
Ex) Water, H2O
o Electrons more attracted to oxygen (O) and stay near it more
o Oxygen slightly more negative than hydrogen (H)
Bonding Activity
● Form groups of four (student choice)
● Pretend you are all atoms trying to become compounds
● Create a simulation for all three types of bonds
o Ionic
o Covalent
o Van der Waals
● When you are ready, come to Ms. Crocker. She will pick
a bond for your group to act out
Water - The Most Important
Most abundant Compound in all life
● Many unique properties make it
suited to support life
o Polarity
o Hydrogen Bonds
o Solubility
o High specific heat capacity
● Caused by Van der waals forces
● Creates hydrogen bonds in
o Slightly negative O is
attracted to slightly positive
● Hydrogen bonds create
cohesion and adhesion
Hydrogen Bonds - Cohesion
● Slight charge of water molecules attract other water
Hydrogen Bonds - Adhesion
● Slight charge in water molecules makes it stick to other
types of molecules
● Polarity means it can break apart ionic and polar
● Ex) Salt Water
o Negative Cl surrounded by positive H
o Positive Na surrounded by negative O
● Nonpolar molecules stay separate
o Ex) Oil (nonpolar) and Water (polar) do not
● Important for many characteristics of life
o Ex) Dissolves solids in our body to be carried
in our blood
High Specific Heat Capacity
● Water needs a lot of energy to raise by 1 degree
o Water is “sticky” due to cohesion, so needs
more energy
● Helps to maintain an important characteristic of
life - homeostasis
● Homeostasis maintains internal conditions like
temperature, nutrient levels, and water content
● High water content means our temperatures
don’t change easily
Properties of Water Worksheet
● Working individually or in pairs with the person sitting
next to you, fill out the worksheet
● We will discuss this in class
● Be prepared to share your answers
Acids and Bases
● Water is constantly reacting (breaking apart) to form
ions (charged molecules)
o H2O → H+ & OH- (Ions - Broken apart)
o H+ & OH- → H2O (Neutral - Reformed)
● In pure water - 1 in 550 million water molecules are ions
pH Scale
Measures H+ ions in a solution
On a scale from 0 to 14
More H+ is lower on the scale
7 is neutral
Logarithmic scale (something with a ph of 1 has 10x more H+ atoms than
something with a pH of 2)
pH Indicators
● Tests the amount of free H+ ions in a solution
● Will change different colors depending on the pH level
of a solution
● Ex) Bromothymol Blue
o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opsNV4VqAbk
● Chemicals that contain more H+
than pure water
● More H+ than OH● pH is below seven
● Strong acids have a pH of 0-2
● Chemicals that contain less H+
than pure water
● Less H+ than OH● pH greater than 7
● Strong bases have a pH of 11-14
Turn and Talk
● Why do you think strong acids and strong
bases are so corrosive (damaging, can
cause burns)?
Turn and Talk
● What do you think happens when you mix a
strong acid and a strong base?
● To maintain homeostasis, the body needs to maintain fluids between pH of
6.5 and 7.5
● Uses buffers
o can either be a weak acid or base (close in pH to the neutral of 7)
o in presence of strong acid, acts as weak base to accept extra H+
o in presence of strong base, acts as weak acid to accept OHo reduces rapid pH changes
● Ex) Bicarbonate molecules in blood (HCO3-)
pH Practice
● In your notes, identify the following as acid or base
o Human Blood - 7.4
o Rain - 5.6
o Bleach - 12.6
o Stomach Acid - 1.5
o Battery Acid - 0
o Urine - 6
o Seawater - 8
● Identify the strongest acid and strongest base
● Identify the weakest acid and weakest base