Romeo & Juliet Key Literary Terms • Juliet struggles between loving and hating Romeo. She pleads with him, “Deny they father and refuse they name;/Or, if though wilt not, be but sworn my love, /And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” Compose a letter to Juliet about whether you think she should choose to be with her family or with Romeo. In your opinion, where does her loyalty belong? Explain the reasoning behind your response. Journal Entry #1 • Romeo confides in Friar Laurence about his relationship with Juliet. Is the Friar a good person for Romeo to confide in? Why or why not? As a man of the church, do you think it’s morally sound for the Friar to marry Romeo & Juliet if he does not believe they are in love? Journal Entry #2 Juliet takes the side of her husband, Romeo, when he is banished for killing Tybalt. She says to the nurse, “Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?” How much should a person defend or support his or her spouse, even when the spouse has done something wrong? Be sure to back up your opinion. Where do you think Juliet’s allegiance should be? With Romeo or her family? Journal Entry #3 • Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. • (DRAMA IS FICTIONAL ACTING) • The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" Drama! • The written text of a play, which includes the dialogue between characters, stage directions, and often other expository information. Dramatic Script • The overall structure or shape of a work that frequently follows an established design. Forms may refer to a literary type or to patterns of meter, lines, and rhymes. • IAMBIC PENTAMETER! Literary Form • a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. • • • • Wise fool (OXYMORON) Bittersweet (OXYMORON) Nobody goes to that restaurant because it is too crowded You shouldn’t go into the water until you know how to swim. • If you didn’t get this message, call me. Paradox • In George Orwell's Animal Farm, the words "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" are part of the cardinal rules. Clearly this statement does not make logical sense. However, the point of a paradox is to point out a truth, even if the statements contradict each other. • In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the title character states "I must be cruel to be kind." On the surface, once again, this statement does not seem to make much sense. Can an individual convey kindness through evil? Paradox in Literature • Example: • Was ever a book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? • O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face! • A damned saint, an honorable villain! Paradox in Romeo & Juliet • Fact Vs. Opinion United Streaming Fact vs. Opinion • An extended uninterrupted speech by a character in a drama. • Mercutio: Queen Mab Speech Charlie Brown Monologue Monologue • A character speaks to the audience. • Zach Morris Aside • Chorus: They address audience on purpose with the prologue. Aside A character re-states his thoughts or feelings without addressing any other characters. Balcony scene: Romeo explains to himself how beautiful Juliet is. Hamlet Soliloquy Soliloquy • The voice used by an author to tell/narrate a story or poem. Speaker • Instructions printed in italics used to describe sets, lighting, sound effects, and the appearance, personalities, and movements of characters preforming a particular play (not meant to be spoken) • A playwright's written instructions provided in the text of a play about the setting or how the actors are to move and behave in a play. Stage Directions Stage Directions • a writer of plays Playwright • Key Terms unit test today. • Clear you desk, make sure you have a pen or pencil. • WHEN YOU FINISH: • Hang on to test until I have you put them in bin. • You may work on your literary analysis Unit Test • The position or claim that author establishes. Arguments should be supported with valid evidence and reasoning and balanced by the inclusion of counterarguments that illustrate opposing viewpoints. Argument Position • Support provided to mark an assertion as reasonable. Defense of a Claim • In your literary Analysis Paper, you will be defending a claim that you will make regarding Romeo & Juliet. You will be asked to take stance/position on something within the play that you feel strongly about. • Look over rubric & requirements. Literary Analysis