Chapter 12: DNA The Structure of DNA Important Contributors to the Genetic Code DNA Replication Activating Prior Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. List the eight characteristics of living things. List the five elements found in nucleic acids. Name the monomer of nucleic acids. Identify the three parts of the monomer mentioned in question three. Name two examples of nucleic acids. Identify two differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Which organelle serves as the site of protein synthesis? Name the monomers of proteins. Which organelle modifies, sorts, and packages proteins? Which organelle serves as an intracellular highway? Do you remember any of the eight characteristics of living things? 1. Living things are based on a universal genetic code (DNA) 2. Living things grow and develop 3. Living things respond to their environment (stimulus) 4. Living things reproduce 5. Living things maintain a stable internal environment (homeostasis) 6. Living things obtain and use material and energy (metabolism) 7. Living things are made up of CELLS 8. Taken as a group, living things evolve over time Nucleic Acids Large, complex organic compounds that store information in cells, using a system of four compounds to store hereditary information, arranged in a certain order as a code for genetic instructions of the cell. Elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus Monomer: Nucleotide 1. Phosphate group (Phosphoric Acid) 2. 5-carbon (pentose) sugar (Deoxyribose or Ribose) 3. Nitrogenous Base Nucleic Acids Nucleotides combine, in DNA to form a double helix, and in RNA a single helix The sides of the ladder are made up of the phosphate group and the sugar and the rungs of the ladder are nitrogen bases Examples of Nucleic Acids: 1. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) 2. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Nucleic Acids and Dehydration Synthesis Two categories of cells Prokaryotic -No Nucleus Eukaryotic -Nucleus -Unicellular -Complex -Cell wall (plants and bacteria) -Membrane bound organelles -Smaller Ribosomes -Cell membrane -Multicellular less complex -DNA - Ribosomes larger -Cytoplasm and complex -DNA is circular -Ribosomes -DNA is X shaped -Living things 0.1-10µm 10-100µm -Less complex Proteins Elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen Monomer: AMINO ACID (20 different kinds) Each amino acid has a central carbon atom bonded to 4 other atoms or functional groups Organelles Organelle that serves as the site of protein synthesis? Ribosomes (Rough ER) Organelle that modifies, sorts and packages proteins? Golgi Apparatus Organelle that serves as an intracellular highway? Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) DNA Structure Section 12.2: The Structure of DNA NOVA Journey into a Human (Interactive) Discovery of DNA (4 min) video clip Learn Genetics Tutorial Deoxyribonucleic Acid is a polymer formed from units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide monomer is made up of three parts: a) 5-carbon sugar (deoxyribose) b) phosphate group c) nitrogen base b. c. a. There are 4 nitrogenous bases found in DNA: Purines (2 rings) a) Guanine (G) b) Adenine (A) Pyrimidines (one ring) a) Thymine (T) b) Cytosine (C) Nucleotides Rosalind Franklin In the 1950s, British scientist Rosalind Franklin used a technique called X-ray diffraction to get information about the structure of the DNA molecule. X-ray diffraction revealed an X-shaped pattern showing that the strands in DNA are twisted around each other like the coils of a spring. The angle of the X-shaped pattern suggested that there are two strands in the structure. Other clues suggest that the nitrogenous bases are near the center of the DNA molecule. Watson & Crick At the same time, James Watson, an American biologist, and Francis Crick, a British physicist, were also trying to understand the structure of DNA. Early in 1953, Watson was shown a copy of Franklin’s X-ray pattern. The clues in Franklin’s X-ray pattern enabled Watson and Crick to build a model that explained the specific structure and properties of DNA. They built the first correct 3-D model of the DNA molecule. Erwin Chargaff Erwin Chargaff discovered that the percentages of adenine [A] and thymine [T] bases are almost equal in any sample of DNA. The same is true for the other two nucleotides, guanine [G] and cytosine [C]. The observation that [A] = [T] and [G] = [C] became known as one of “Chargaff ’s rules.” Watson and Crick In the double-helix model of DNA, the two strands twist around each other like spiral staircases. The double helix accounted for Franklin’s X-ray pattern and explains Chargaff’s rule of base pairing and how the two strands of DNA are held together. What they knew. . . DNA is made of two strands. Each strand has a sugar-phosphate backbone. The bases are in the middle connected through hydrogen bonds Deoxyribonucleic Acid: The DNA polymer looks like a twisted ladder, with the 5-carbon sugar and phosphate group making up the sides of the ladder and the nitrogen bases are the steps/rungs. Nitrogen bases pair according to certain rules Purines pair with pyrimidines Guanine pairs with Cytosine Adenine pairs with Thymine The nitrogen bases are held together by HYDROGEN bonds. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA): Structure of DNA The DNA strands are ANTIPARALLEL They run in opposite directions. One strand is arranged 5’ to 3’ while the other strand is 3’ to 5’ 5’ and 3’ refer to the carbon atoms in the deoxyribose sugar. Check your understanding… DNA is a long molecule made up of units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is made up of three basic Deoxyribose Phosphate group Nitrogenous base parts: __________, __________, &__________. (5 C sugar) Nitrogenous bases There are 4 kinds of ______________ in DNA. pair They _______ according to two rules: Purines always pair with ___________ Pyrimidines and 1) ________ Cytosine and _________ Thymine pairs 2) Guanine pairs with _________ with adenine. Comprehension Question If Cytosine makes up 22% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA from an organism, then adenine would make up what percent of the bases? A. 22 Answer is C: B. 44 • C pairs with G for a total of 44% • 100-44 = 56% (for A and T) C. 28 • Divide by 2 for the % of A D. 56 E. Not enough information is provided to determine the answer to this question DNA Replication Section 12.3 PBS DNA Workshop Learn Genetics Tutorial DNA Replication Because each of the two strands of the DNA double helix has all of the information to reconstruct the other half, the strands are said to be complementary. Each strand of the double helix serves as a template to make the other strand. DNA Replication Practice A T C C G A T G A T T T A G G C T A C T A A RNA Transcription Practice - Uracil (U) replaces Thymine (T) A T C C G A T G A T T U A G G C U A C U A A Illustration of DNA Replication DNA Replication (1:04 min) DNA Replication PBS: The Nuts and Bolts of DNA Replication DNA Replication DNA replication is carried out by a series of enzymes. a) They separate (unzip) the two strands of the double helix. b) DNA polymerase adds new nucleotides. DNA Replication Biointeractive - Short clip of DNA Replication (1 min) DNA Replication How does it replicate? 1. Helicase - is an enzyme that separates the two DNA strands by breaking the hydrogen bonds in the middle. DNA Replication (3:56) DNA Replication 2. DNA Polymerase: adds nucleotides to the single stranded DNA according to base pairing rules. DNA polymerase only moves in one direction, from 5’ to 3’ for the new strand formation DNA Replication Leading Strand: the 5’ to 3’ strand, DNA polymerase can add nucleotides to make one continuous strand. Lagging Strand: the 3’ to 5’ strand, DNA polymerase moves in the opposite direction. DNA polymerase forms short segments of DNA called Okazaki fragments. DNA Replication 3. Ligase: uses covalent bonds to connect Okazaki fragments together in the lagging strand. DNA Replication 3D (3:27) DNA Replication Summary 1. 2. 3. The double helix unzips with helicase down the middle as base pairs separate. DNA polymerase adds the correct complimentary nucleotide to each exposed strand. Ligase connects all fragments. A complimentary strand is created for each original strand in the double helix. DNA Replication Process 3D Animation (5:45) Important Contributors to the Genetic Code Section 12.1: Identifying the Substance of Genes The Secret of Life - The Discovery of DNA (9 min) PBS Episode 1 of 5 - DNA The Secret of Life (54 min) The Genetic Code: To truly understand genetics, scientists realized they had to discover the chemical nature of the gene. If the molecule that carries genetic information could be identified, it might be possible to understand how genes control the inherited characteristics of living things. Griffith’s Experiments: The discovery of the chemical nature of the gene began in 1928 with British scientist Frederick Griffith, who was trying to figure out how certain types of bacteria produce pneumonia. Griffith isolated two different strains of the same bacterial species. Both strains grew very well in culture plates in Griffith’s lab, but only one of the strains caused pneumonia. Griffith’s Experiments: The disease-causing bacteria (S strain) grew into smooth colonies on culture plates, whereas the harmless bacteria (R strain) produced colonies with rough edges. Griffith’s Experiments: When Griffith injected mice with disease-causing bacteria, the mice developed pneumonia and died. When he injected mice with harmless bacteria, the mice stayed healthy. Perhaps the S-strain bacteria produced a toxin that made the mice sick? To find out, Griffith ran a series of experiments. Griffith’s Experiments: First, Griffith took a culture of the S strain, heated the cells to kill them, and then injected the heat-killed bacteria into laboratory mice. The mice survived, suggesting that the cause of pneumonia was not a toxin from these disease-causing bacteria. Griffith’s Experiments: In Griffith’s next experiment, he mixed the heat-killed, S-strain bacteria with live, harmless bacteria from the R strain and injected the mixture into laboratory mice. The injected mice developed pneumonia, and many died. Griffith’s Experiments: The lungs of these mice were filled with the disease-causing bacteria. How could that happen if the S strain cells were dead? Griffith reasoned that some chemical factor that could change harmless bacteria into disease-causing bacteria was transferred from the heat-killed cells of the S strain into the live cells of the R strain. Griffith’s Experiments: He called this process transformation, because one type of bacteria had been changed permanently into another. Because the ability to cause disease was inherited by the offspring of the transformed bacteria, Griffith concluded that the transforming factor had to be a gene. Avery, McCarty, and MacLeod: A group of scientists at the Rockefeller Institute in New York, led by the Canadian biologist Oswald Avery, wanted to determine which molecule in the heat-killed bacteria was most important for transformation. Avery and his team extracted a mixture of various molecules from the heat-killed bacteria and treated this mixture with enzymes that destroyed proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and some other molecules, including the nucleic acid RNA. Transformation still occurred. Avery, McCarty, and MacLeod: Avery’s team repeated the experiment using enzymes that would break down DNA. When they destroyed the DNA in the mixture, transformation did not occur. Therefore, DNA was the transforming factor. Hershey and Chase: Hershey and Chase studied viruses—nonliving particles that can infect living cells. The kind of virus that infects bacteria is known as a bacteriophage, which means “bacteria eater.” Hershey and Chase: When a bacteriophage enters a bacterium, it attaches to the surface of the bacterial cell and injects its genetic information into it. The viral genes act to produce many new bacteriophages, which gradually destroy the bacterium. When the cell splits open, hundreds of new viruses burst out. Hershey and Chase: American scientists Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase studied a bacteriophage that was composed of a DNA core and a protein coat. They wanted to determine which part of the virus – the protein coat or the DNA core – entered the bacterial cell. Hershey and Chase: Hershey and Chase grew viruses in cultures containing radioactive isotopes of phosphorus-32 (P-32) sulfur-35 (S-35) Hershey and Chase: Since proteins contain almost no phosphorus and DNA contains no sulfur, these radioactive substances could be used as markers, enabling the scientists to tell which molecules actually entered the bacteria and carried the genetic information of the virus. Hershey and Chase: If they found radioactivity from S-35 in the bacteria, it would mean that the virus’s protein coat had been injected into the bacteria. If they found P-32 then the DNA core had been injected. Hershey and Chase: The two scientists mixed the marked viruses with bacterial cells, waited a few minutes for the viruses to inject their genetic material, and then tested the bacteria for radioactivity. Hershey and Chase: Nearly all the radioactivity in the bacteria was from phosphorus P-32 , the marker found in DNA. Hershey and Chase concluded that the genetic material of the bacteriophage was DNA, not protein. Hershey and Chase’s experiment with bacteriophages confirmed Avery’s results, convincing many scientists that DNA was the genetic material found in genes—not just in viruses and bacteria, but in all living cells. Rosalind Franklin: In the 1950s, British scientist Rosalind Franklin used a technique called X-ray diffraction to get information about the structure of the DNA molecule. X-ray diffraction revealed an X-shaped pattern showing that the strands in DNA are twisted around each other like the coils of a spring. The angle of the X-shaped pattern suggested that there are two strands in the structure. Other clues suggest that the nitrogenous bases are near the center of the DNA molecule. Watson and Crick: At the same time, James Watson, an American biologist, and Francis Crick, a British physicist, were also trying to understand the structure of DNA. They built three-dimensional models of the molecule. Early in 1953, Watson was shown a copy of Franklin’s X-ray pattern. The clues in Franklin’s X-ray pattern enabled Watson and Crick to build a model that explained the specific structure and properties of DNA. Watson and Crick: In the double-helix model of DNA, the two strands twist around each other like spiral staircases. The double helix accounted for Franklin’s X-ray pattern and explains Chargaff’s rule of base pairing and how the two strands of DNA are held together. Erwin Chargaff: Erwin Chargaff discovered that the percentages of adenine [A] and thymine [T] bases are almost equal in any sample of DNA. The same thing is true for the other two nucleotides, guanine [G] and cytosine [C]. The observation that [A] = [T] and [G] = [C] became known as one of “Chargaff’s rules.” Chapter 13: RNA and Protein Synthesis Transcription and Translation RNA: Ribonucleic Acid Section 13.1: RNA DNA and RNA (6:57) HOW DNA IS USED TO MANUFACTURE PROTEINS Genetic Code (genes) Intermediates Molecules that express our genes RNA = Ribonucleic Acid Consists of a long chain of macromolecules made up of nucleotides. a) 5-carbon sugar (ribose) b) phosphate group c) nitrogen base 3 differences between DNA and RNA: 1. RNA is single stranded, DNA is double stranded 2. RNA contains uracil in place of thymine 3. 5-carbon sugar is ribose in RNA, deoxyribose in DNA Amoeba Sisters: DNA vs. RNA (4:43) 3 main types of RNA: 1. Messenger (mRNA) -instructions for making proteins 2. Ribosomal (rRNA) -found in ribosomes (where proteins are made) 3. Transfer (tRNA) -transfers amino acids to the ribosome mRNA rRNA tRNA RNA Synthesis: Transcription The process by which a molecule of DNA is copied into a complementary strand of RNA (mRNA). RNA Synthesis: Transcription All 3 types of RNA are synthesized from DNA in the nucleus and then used to synthesize proteins in the ribosome. Protein synthesis is a two step process: 1) Transcription: DNA mRNA (nucleus) 2) Translation: mRNA amino acids proteins (ribosome) DNA Transcription and Protein Assembly (3:01) RNA Synthesis: Transcription mRNA must bring the genetic information from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome in the cytoplasm. An enzyme, RNA polymerase , attaches to the DNA molecule and separates the double helix. The enzyme moves along the DNA molecule and synthesizes a complementary mRNA strand. RNA Synthesis: Transcription Transcribe the given DNA sequence into a complementary mRNA: A T G C A A G TC A T T C C A G C T U AC G UU CAG UAA G GU CGA RNA Synthesis: Transcription Creating mRNA 1. Double stranded DNA 2. RNA polymerase binds to DNA and assembles a single strand of RNA 3. Single stranded mRNA RNA Editing: The process of transcription takes place in the nucleus. The mRNA must be processed before leaving the nucleus. 1) Introns and exons are transcribed from DNA 2) Introns are cut out of the mRNA and exons are spliced back together 3) A cap and a tail are added to the mRNA RNA Editing: Introns: Intervening sequences – pieces of the mRNA cut out and discarded Stays IN the nucleus Exons: Expressed sequences – the remaining pieces are spliced back together to form the final mRNA that leaves the nucleus EXiting the nucleus EXpressed Some introns are involved in regulating gene activity. Splicing is necessary for export of mRNA from nucleus Alternative RNA splicing allows some genes to produce different polypeptides since some can encode more than one kind of polypeptide, depending on which segments are treated as exons during RNA splicing Introns may facilitate recombination of exons between different alleles or even between different genes. Exons shuffling can result in novel proteins or the evolution of new proteins. May allow for more crossing over between exons of alleles or for mixing and matching of exons between nonallelic genes Protein Synthesis Section 13.2: Ribosomes and Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis: The information that DNA transfers to mRNA is in the form of a code, which is determined by the way in which the four nitrogenous bases are arranged in DNA. DNA directs the formation of proteins. The monomers of proteins are amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids. A peptide bond holds two amino acids together. A water molecule is removed when a peptide bond is formed • dehydration synthesis! Protein Synthesis: The mRNA produced in the nucleus during transcription travels to the ribosome to begin the process of translation. Once at the ribosome, the mRNA is read 3 nucleotides at a time. A codon is a combination of three sequential nucleotides on mRNA. Protein Synthesis: There are 64 different codons. Each codon specifies a particular amino acid that is to be placed in the polypeptide chain. AUG is the “initiator” codon. There are 3 “stop” codons. Protein Synthesis: Translation involves mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA. Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries the amino acids to the ribosome. (different tRNA for each amino acid) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) makes up the major part of the ribosome. Three sequential nucleotides on a tRNA molecule are called an anticodon. The anticodon on the tRNA is complementary to the codon of mRNA. Protein Synthesis: Protein Synthesis: tRNA UAG CUG AAU CGC UUA GUC CUA mRNA AUC GAC UUA GCG AAU CAG GAU Protein Synthesis: Each codon & anticodon bind together, and a peptide bond forms between the two amino acids. The polypeptide chain continues to grow until the ribosome reaches a stop codon. Protein Synthesis: Protein Synthesis: A stop codon is a codon for which no tRNA molecule exists. The ribosome releases the newly formed polypeptide. Protein Synthesis: Protein Synthesis (DNA transcription, translation and folding)(2:17) PBS Video: From DNA to Protein (3:24) Central Dogma – flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to Protein DNA Transcription Nucleus mRNA Translation (Ribosome) Cytoplasm Protein Made of Amino Acids The Central Dogma of Biology (2:51) Mutations Section 13.3 Mutations Mutations are heritable changes in genetic information. A mutation results from a mistake in duplicating genetic information during DNA replication. Types of Cells Affected Germ Mutation - affects a reproductive cell (gamete or sperm/egg) Does not affect the organism Passed to offspring Somatic Mutation – affects body cells (all cells except gametes) Not passed to offspring Types of Mutations All mutations fall into two basic categories: Those that produce changes in a single gene are known as gene mutations. Those that produce changes in a part of a chromosome, whole chromosomes, or sets of chromosomes are known as chromosomal mutations. Ameoba Sisters – Mutations (7 min) Mutagens Mutations can be caused by chemical or physical agents - mutagens Chemical – pesticides, tobacco smoke, environmental pollutants Physical – X-rays and ultraviolet light Animated Intro to Cancer (12:07) Gene Mutations Mutations that involve changes in one or a few nucleotides are known as point mutations because they occur at a single point in the DNA sequence. They generally occur during replication. If a gene in one cell is altered, the alteration can be passed on to every cell that develops from the original one. Gene Mutations Point mutations include substitutions, insertions, and deletions. Substitutions In a substitution, one base is changed to a different base. Substitutions usually affect no more than a single amino acid, and sometimes they have no effect at all. Substitution - Silent Mutation A change in one base pair has no effect on the protein produced by the gene. This is allowed for by the redundancy in the genetic code. Example (as shown in picture): Both GGC and GGU code for the amino acid glycine. Thus, the mutation is “silent,” i.e. causes no change in the final protein product. Substitution - Missense Mutation A change in one base pair causes a single amino acid to be changed in the resulting protein. The result is called “missense” since the code is now different. The effect of a missense mutation on the protein is unpredictable. In the following example, GGC has been changed to AGC, resulting in a different amino acid. Substitutions – Missense Example In this example, the base cytosine is replaced by the base thymine, resulting in a change in the mRNA codon from CGU (arginine) to CAU (histidine). Sickle Cell Anemia A missense mutation is the cause of the disease, sickle cell anemia. a change in one base pair alters one amino acid effects hemoglobin protein, causing red blood cells to take on a strange shape Sickle Cell Anemia Substitution - Nonsense Mutation a change in a single base pair creates a stop codon. Because this kind of mutation creates a stop signal in the middle of a normally functional gene, the resulting protein is almost always nonfunctional hence the term “nonsense” mutation. Substitution Silent Mutation Missense Mutation Nonsense Mutation Insertions and Deletions Insertions and deletions are point mutations in which one base is inserted or removed from the DNA sequence. If a nucleotide is added or deleted, the bases are still read in groups of three, but now those groupings shift in every codon that follows the mutation. Frameshift Mutation Insertions and deletions are also called frameshift mutations because they shift the “reading frame” of the genetic message. Frameshift mutations can change every amino acid that follows the point of the mutation and can alter a protein so much that it is unable to perform its normal functions. Frameshift Mutation: Example: Deletion: THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT ATA TET HER AT Insertion: THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT CAR TAT ETH ERA T Insertions Deletions Muscular Dystrophy Both Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker muscular dystrophy result from mutations of a gene on the X chromosome that codes for the dystrophin protein in muscle cells; this protein helps to stabilize the plasma membrane during the mechanical stresses of muscle contraction. About 2/3 of cases are due to deletion mutations. If the number of nucleotides deleted in the mRNA is not a multiple of three, this type of FRAMESHIFT mutation results in a severely defective or absent version of the protein, resulting in more rapid breakdown of muscle cells and the more severe DUCHENNE muscular dystrophy. If the number of nucleotides deleted in the mRNA is a multiple of three, the mutation does not cause a frameshift and this typically results in a less defective version of the protein, less rapid breakdown of muscle cells, and the milder BECKER muscular dystrophy. Up to one-fifth of cases of Duchenne muscular dystrophy are caused by a nonsense mutation (a point mutation that results in a stop codon). Muscular Dystrophy Because the dystrophin gene is on the X chromosome and because the alleles for defective dystrophin are recessive, both of these types of muscular dystrophy are much more common in boys than in girls. Duchenne muscular dystrophy affects one in every 3500 male babies. Gene Mutations Substitution Frameshift Mutation