THE WORLD BANK Annual Report 2012: World Bank Lending Presentation THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 The World Bank is a major source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world, as well as the largest single source of development knowledge. The Bank advances ideas about international projects on trade, finance, infrastructure, governance, education, health, poverty, climate change, and more to benefit the poor seeking new opportunities. Client-centered, accountable for quality results, dedicated to financial integrity and cost-effectiveness, inspired and innovative, the World Bank is committed to the dream of a world free of poverty. 2 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 THE WORLD BANK The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Established 1944 | 188 Members Cumulative lending: $571.0 billion (effective fiscal 2005, includes guarantees) Fiscal 2012 lending: $20.6 billion for 93 new operations in 38 countries* The International Development Association Established 1960 | 172 Members Cumulative commitments: $252.2 billion (effective fiscal 2005, includes guarantees) Fiscal 2012 commitments: $14.8 billion for 160 new operations in 49 countries* *Note: Regional operations have been excluded from the country count, and joint IBRD-IDA operations are counted only once, as IBRD operations. 3 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 THE WORLD BANK GROUP The World Bank (IBRD and IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) work together and complement each other’s activities to achieve their shared goals of reducing poverty and improving lives. 4 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 President of the World Bank and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Robert B. Zoellick Executive Directors and Alternative Directors Executive Directors Ian H. Solomon Nobumitsu Hayashi Ingrid G. Hoven Susanna Moorehead Ambroise Fayolle Konstantin Huber Marta Garcia Rudolf Treffers Marie-Lucie Morin Anna Brandt Rogerio Studart John Whitehead Mukesh Prasad Shaolin Yang Piero Cipollone Jorg Frieden Javed Talat Merza H. Hasan Abdulrahman M. Almofadhi Vadim Grishin Hekinus Manao Felix Alberto Camarasa Agapito Mendes Dias Hassan Ahmed Taha Renosi Mokate Alternate Directors Sara M. Aviel Yasuo Takamura Wilhelm Rissmann Stewart James Anne Touret-Blondy Gino Alzetta Juan Jose Bravo Stefan Nanu Kelvin Dalrymple Jens Haarlov Vishnu Dhanpaul In-Kang Cho Kazi M. Aminul Islam Bin Han Nuno Mota Pinto Wieslaw Szczuka Sid Ahmed Dib Ayman Alkaffas Ibrahim Alturki Eugene Miagkov Dyg Sadiah Binti Abg Bohan Varinia Cecilia Daza Foronda Mohamed Sikieh Kayad Denny H. Kalyalya As of June 30, Mansur Muhtar 2012 5 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Fiscal Year Highlights In fiscal 2012, the World Bank committed $35.3 billion, distributed in credits, loans, grants, and guarantees. 6 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Fiscal Year Highlights In fiscal 2012, IBRD committed $20.6 billion for 93 new operations in 38 countries. IDA committed $14.8 billion for 160 new operations in 49 countries. 7 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Fiscal Year Highlights The $20.6 billion in new lending commitments by IBRD is higher than the historical average ($13.5 billion in fiscal 2005-08), but less than the record $44.2 billion in fiscal 2010 and $26.7 billion in fiscal 2011. 8 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Fiscal Year Highlights IDA commitments amounted to $14.8 billion in fiscal 2012, including $12.1 billion in credits, $2.2 billion in grants, and $0.4 billion in guarantees. The largest share of funding went to Africa ($7.4 billion), followed by South Asia ($5.3 billion). 9 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Note: As a result of rounding, numbers in the following figures and tables may not add to totals, and percentages in figures may not add to 100. All dollar amounts used are current U.S. dollars. 10 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $35.3 Billion South Asia 18% Africa 21% Middle East and North Africa 4% East Asia and Pacific 19% Latin America and the Caribbean 19% Europe and Central Asia 19% 11 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $35.3 Billion Urban Development 12% Trade and Integration 5% Social Protection and Risk Management 10% Economic Management 4% Environmental and Natural Resources Management 11% Financial and Private Sector Development 13% Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 4% Rural Development 15% Rule of Law <1% Human Development 14% Public Sector Governance 11% 12 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $35.3 Billion Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 10% Transportation 13% Education 8% Energy and Mining 14% Public Administration, Law, and Justice 25% Information and Communications <1% Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 9% Finance 5% Industry and Trade 4% Health and Other Social Services 12% 13 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 IBRD Top Ten Borrowers │ Fiscal 2012 millions of dollars 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 14 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 IDA Top Ten Borrowers │ Fiscal 2012 millions of dollars 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 15 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Regional Lending by Theme and Sector 16 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Africa Regional Snapshot Total population 0.9 billion Population growth 2.5% Life expectancy at birth 54 years Infant mortality per 1,000 live births 77 Female youth literacy 69% Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 23.5 million 2011 GNI per capita $1,254 GDP per capita index (2000 = 100) 125 Note: Life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2010; other indicators are for 2011. Data are from the World Development Indicators database, with the exception of HIV/AIDS data, which are from the UNAIDS 2012 report "Together We Will End AIDS." Total Fiscal 2012 Total Fiscal 2012 New Commitments Disbursements IBRD $147 million IBRD $488 million IDA $7,379 million IDA $5,746 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2012: $40.2 billion 17 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Largest Share of IDA Lending went to Africa Share of total lending of $14.8 billion South Asia 36% Africa 50% Middle East and North Africa 1% Latin America and the Caribbean 3% Europe and Central Asia 2% East Asia and Pacific 8% 18 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Africa: IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $7.5 billion Urban Development 17% Economic Management <1% Environmental and Natural Resources Management 13% Trade and Integration 5% Financial and Private Sector Development 16% Social Protection and Risk Management 12% Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion Rural 3% Development 12% Human Development 9% Rule of Law <1% Public Sector Governance 12% 19 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Africa: IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $7.5 billion Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 18% Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 10% Transportation 5% Education 3% Energy and Mining 18% Finance 1% Public Administration, Law, and Justice 25% Information and Communications 1% Industry and Trade 4% Health and Other Social Services 15% 20 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 East Asia and Pacific Regional Snapshot Total population 2.0 billion Population growth 0.7% Life expectancy at birth 72 years Infant mortality per 1,000 live births 20 Female youth literacy 99% Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 2.3 million 2011 GNI per capita $4,235 GDP per capita index (2000 = 100) 224 Note: Life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2010; other indicators are for 2011. Data are from the World Development Indicators database, with the exception of HIV/AIDS data, which are from the UNAIDS 2012 report "Together We Will End AIDS." Total Fiscal 2012 Total Fiscal 2012 New Commitments Disbursements IBRD $5,431 million IBRD $3,970 million IDA $1,197 million IDA $1,484 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2012: $30.3 billion 21 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 East Asia and Pacific: IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.6 billion Urban Development 16% Trade and Integration 4% Social Protection and Risk Management 14% Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion Rural 1% Development 11% Economic Management 5% Environmental and Natural Resources Management 12% Financial and Private Sector Development 16% Human Development Public Sector 7% Governance 14% 22 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 East Asia and Pacific: IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.6 billion Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 20% Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 6% Education 4% Energy and Mining 8% Finance 8% Transportation 16% Public Administration, Law, and Justice 30% Health and Other Social Services 6% Industry and Trade 1% Information and Communications 1% 23 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Europe and Central Asia Regional Snapshot Total population 0.4 billion Population growth 0.5% Life expectancy at birth 71 years Infant mortality per 1,000 live births 19 Female youth literacy 99% Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 1.5 million 2011 GNI per capita $7,610 GDP per capita index (2000 = 100) 162 Note: Life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2010; other indicators are for 2011. Data are from the World Development Indicators database, with the exception of HIV/AIDS data, which are from the UNAIDS 2012 report "Together We Will End AIDS." Total Fiscal 2012 Total Fiscal 2012 New Commitments Disbursements IBRD $6,233 million IBRD $5,654 million IDA $362 million IDA $482 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2012: $23.0 billion 24 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Europe and Central Asia: IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.6 billion Trade and Integration 18% Urban Development 3% Economic Management 9% Environmental and Natural Resources Management 8% Social Protection and Risk Management 5% Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 1% Rural Development 2% Rule of Law <1% Public Sector Governance 14% Financial and Private Sector Development 26% Human Development 13% 25 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Europe and Central Asia: IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.6 billion Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 2% Transportation 19% Education 1% Energy and Mining 24% Public Administration, Law, and Justice 23% Information and Communications <1% Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 1% Finance 7% Industry and Trade 3% Health and Other Social Services 18% 26 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Snapshot Total population 0.6 billion Population growth 1.1% Life expectancy at birth 74 years Infant mortality per 1,000 live births 18 Female youth literacy 97% Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 1.7 million 2011 GNI per capita $8,544 GDP per capita index (2000 = 100) 128 Note: Life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2010; other indicators are for 2011. Data are from the World Development Indicators database, with the exception of HIV/AIDS data, which are from the UNAIDS 2012 report "Together We Will End AIDS." Total Fiscal 2012 Total Fiscal 2012 New Commitments Disbursements IBRD $6,181 million IBRD $6,726 million IDA $448 million IDA $342 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2012: $33.2 billion 27 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Latin America and the Caribbean: IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.6 billion Urban Trade and Development Integration 12% <1% Social Protection and Risk Management 12% Environmental and Natural Resources Management 16% Financial and Private Sector Development 6% Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 3% Rural Development 12% Rule of Law 1% Economic Management 4% Public Sector Governance 13% Human Development 21% 28 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Latin America and the Caribbean: IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.6 billion Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 5% Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 11% Education 16% Transportation 19% Energy and Mining <1% Finance 4% Public Administration, Law, and Justice 31% Information and Communications <1% Health and Other Social Services 9% Industry and Trade 5% 29 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Middle East and North Africa Regional Snapshot Total population 0.3 billion Population growth 1.7% Life expectancy at birth 72 years Infant mortality per 1,000 live births 27 Female youth literacy 88% Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 0.3 million 2011 GNI per capita $3,530 GDP per capita index (2000 = 100) 128 Note: Life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2010; other indicators are for 2011. Data are from the World Development Indicators database, with the exception of HIV/AIDS data, which are from the UNAIDS 2012 report "Together We Will End AIDS." Total Fiscal 2012 Total Fiscal 2012 New Commitments Disbursements IBRD $1,433 million IBRD $1,901 million IDA $80 million IDA $102 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2012: $8.4 billion 30 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Middle East and North Africa: IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $1.5 billion Urban Development 16% Economic Management 2% Environmental and Natural Resources Management 13% Social Protection and Risk Management 16% Financial and Private Sector Development 20% Social Development and Gender 7% Rural Development 9% Rule of Law 1% Human Development 8% Public Sector Governance 7% 31 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Middle East and North Africa: IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $1.5 billion Water, Sanitation, Transportation <1% Public Administration, Law, and Justice 19% and Flood Protection 5% Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry Education <1% 8% Energy and Mining 29% Industry and Trade 4% Health and Other Social Services 26% Finance 9% 32 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 South Asia Regional Snapshot Total population 1.7 billion Population growth 1.4% Life expectancy at birth 65 years Infant mortality per 1,000 live births 52 Female youth literacy 73% Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 2.7 million 2011 GNI per capita $1,305 GDP per capita index (2000 = 100) 172 Note: Life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2010; other indicators are for 2011. Data are from the World Development Indicators database, with the exception of HIV/AIDS data, which are from the UNAIDS 2012 report "Together We Will End AIDS." Total Fiscal 2012 Total Fiscal 2012 New Commitments Disbursements IBRD $1,158 million IBRD $1,037 million IDA $5,288 million IDA $2,904 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2012: $37.8 billion 33 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 South Asia: IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.4 billion Social Protection and Risk Management 4% Urban Development 9% Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 9% Environmental and Natural Resources Management 7% Financial and Private Sector Development 1% Human Development 23% Public Sector Governance 5% Rural Development 43% Rule of Law <1% 34 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 South Asia: IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $6.4 billion Transportation 8% Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 6% Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 19% Public Administration, Law, and Justice 16% Information and Communications <1% Industry and Trade 4% Health and Other Social Services 7% Education 19% Financial and Private Sector Development 3% Energy and Mining 17% 35 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Lending by Theme 36 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Economic Management IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $1.3 billion Middle East and North Africa 3% Latin America and the Caribbean 21% Africa 2% East Asia and Pacific 27% Europe and Central Asia 47% South Asia – not applicable 37 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Environmental and Natural Resources Management IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $4.0 billion South Asia 11% Middle East and North Africa 5% Africa 25% East Asia and Pacific 19% Latin America and the Caribbean 26% Europe and Central Asia 14% 38 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Financial and Private Sector Development IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $4.7 billion Middle East and North Africa 7% Latin America and the Caribbean 8% South Asia 2% Africa 25% Europe and Central Asia 36% East Asia and Pacific 22% 39 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Human Development IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $5.0 billion Africa 14% South Asia 30% East Asia and Pacific 9% Middle East and North Africa 2% Europe and Central Asia 17% Latin America and the Caribbean 28% 40 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Public Sector Governance IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $4.0 billion South Asia 8% Middle East and North Africa 3% Africa 22% Latin America and the Caribbean 21% East Asia and Pacific 23% Europe and Central Asia 23% 41 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Rule of Law IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $126 million Middle East and North Africa 9% South Asia 1% Africa 17% Europe and Central Asia 13% Latin America and the Caribbean 60% East Asia and Pacific – not applicable 42 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Rural Development IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $5.4 billion Africa 17% East Asia and Pacific 13% South Asia 51% Europe and Central Asia 2% Middle East and North Africa 2% Latin America and the Caribbean 15% 43 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $1.2 billion Africa 21% South Asia 44% East Asia and Pacific 6% Europe and Central Asia 4% Middle East and North Africa 9% Latin America and the Caribbean 16% 44 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Social Protection and Risk Management IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $3.5 billion Middle East and North Africa 7% South Asia 6% Africa 27% Latin America and the Caribbean 23% Europe and Central Asia 10% East Asia and Pacific 27% 45 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Trade and Integration IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $1.9 billion Latin America and the Caribbean 1% Africa 20% East Asia and Pacific 15% Europe and Central Asia 64% Middle East and North Africa; South Asia – not applicable 46 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Urban Development IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $4.1 billion South Asia 14% Middle East and North Africa 6% Africa 30% Latin America and the Caribbean 19% Europe and Central Asia 5% East Asia and Pacific 26% 47 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Lending by Sector 48 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $3.1 billion Africa 24% South Asia 38% East Asia and Pacific 13% Middle East and North Africa <1% Latin America and the Caribbean 23% Europe and Central Asia 2% 49 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Education IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $3.0 billion Africa 8% South Asia 42% Middle East and North Africa 4% East Asia and Pacific 8% Europe and Central Asia 3% Latin America and the Caribbean 35% 50 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Energy and Mining IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $5.0 billion South Asia 22% Africa 28% Middle East and North Africa 9% Latin America and the Caribbean <1% East Asia and Pacific 10% Europe and Central Asia 31% 51 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Finance IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $1.8 billion South Asia 12% Africa 5% Middle East and North Africa 8% East Asia and Pacific 31% Latin America and the Caribbean 16% Europe and Central Asia 28% 52 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Health and Other Social Services IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $4.2 billion South Asia 11% Middle East and North Africa 9% Africa 27% Latin America and the Caribbean 15% East Asia and Pacific 9% Europe and Central Asia 29% 53 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Industry and Trade IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $1.4 billion South Asia 20% Middle East and North Africa 4% Latin America and the Caribbean 27% Africa 25% East Asia and Pacific 7% Europe and Central Asia 17% 54 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Information and Communications IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $158 million South Asia 4% Latin America and the Caribbean 14% Africa 40% Europe and Central Asia 9% East Asia and Pacific 33% 55 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Public Administration, Law, and Justice IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $8.7 billion South Asia 12% Middle East and North Africa 3% Africa 21% Latin America and the Caribbean 23% East Asia and Pacific 23% Europe and Central Asia 18% 56 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Transportation IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $4.4 billion Middle East and North Africa <1% South Asia 11% Africa 8% East Asia and Pacific 24% Latin America and the Caribbean 28% Europe and Central Asia 29% 57 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection IBRD and IDA Lending by Region │ Fiscal 2012 Share of total lending of $3.6 billion Middle East and North Africa 2% South Asia 11% Latin America and the Caribbean 9% Africa 38% Europe and Central Asia 3% East Asia and Pacific 37% 58 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Regional Lending History 59 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Africa: Total IBRD and IDA Lending │ Fiscal 2007-12 millions of dollars 14,000 12,000 11,436.9 10,000 8,202.9 8,000 6,000 7,060.0 5,796.9 5,686.5 2007 2008 7,525.2 4,000 2,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 60 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 East Asia and Pacific: Total IBRD and IDA Lending │ Fiscal 2007-12 millions of dollars 9,000 8,152.7 8,000 7,997.0 7,516.7 7,000 6,627.6 6,000 5,000 4,468.1 4,043.9 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 61 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Europe and Central Asia: Total IBRD and IDA Lending │ Fiscal 2007-12 millions of dollars 12,000 10,816.2 10,000 9,362.8 8,000 6,595.3 6,124.7 6,000 4,000 3,762.2 4,171.1 2,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 62 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Latin America and the Caribbean: Total IBRD and IDA Lending │ Fiscal 2007-12 millions of dollars 16,000 14,031.0 14,000 13,906.9 12,000 9,629.2 10,000 8,000 6,628.8 6,000 4,553.3 4,660.0 2007 2008 4,000 2,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 63 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Middle East and North Africa: Total IBRD and IDA Lending │ Fiscal 2007-12 millions of dollars 4,000 3,736.5 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,064.7 2,000 1,723.0 1,000 1,513.0 1,469.8 1,500 907.9 500 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 64 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 South Asia: Total IBRD and IDA Lending │ Fiscal 2007-12 millions of dollars 12,000 11,333.9 10,130.0 10,000 8,000 6,445.6 6,000 5,631.6 5,433.6 4,246.8 4,000 2,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 65 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2012 For more information visit: 66