Metadata for the replication data file: Buntaine, Mark T. 2015. Accountability in Global Governance: Civil Society Claims for Environmental Performance at the World Bank. International Studies Quarterly. Project data Project data used to compute the number and environmental categorization of projects is derived from the World Bank’s external project data portal. Available at: (Accessed January 2014) country Names of countries eligible to receive IDA or IBRD project from the World Bank during the study period. year Calendar year. bin.A Binary and positive when at least one environmentally risky category “A” project was approved for the corresponding year and country. n.A The count of the environmentally risky category “A” projects that were approved for the corresponding year and country. prop.amount.A The proportion of total IDA and IBRD lending for the corresponding year and country that was designated as category “A”. n.A.prev3 The count of environmentally risky category “A” projects that were approved in the three years prior to the corresponding year and country. n.A.prev5 The count of environmentally risky category “A” projects that were approved in the five years prior to the corresponding year and country. prop.amount.A.prev3 The proportion of total IDA and IBRD lending for the three years prior to the corresponding year and country designated as category “A”. bin.IBRD.only.prev3 Binary and positive when the country had at least one project financed entirely from the IBRD in the three years prior to the corresponding year. amount.prev3.bil The total amount of IDA and IBRD lending for the three years prior to the corresponding year and country. 1 bin.proj.prev3 Binary and positive when the country had at least one project financed by IDA or the IBRD in the three years prior to the corresponding year. n.proj.prev5 The count of all IDA and IBRD projects that were approved in the five years prior to the corresponding year and country. IP.eligible Binary and positive whenever the corresponding country had at least one active project or was within two years of being approved for an IDA or IBRD loan. Inspection Panel data Data about Inspection Panel cases was compiled from the online registry of cases produced by the World Bank. Available at: (Accessed January 2014). The list of cases in the study period, 1994-2009, is reproduced in the Online Appendix, Table 8. bin.IP.request Binary and positive when the country had at least one Inspection Panel request filed during the corresponding year, regardless of whether the request prompted an investigation. bin.request.prev3 Binary and positive when the country had at least one Inspection Panel request filed in the three years prior to the corresponding year. bin.investigate.prev3 Binary and positive when the country had at least one Inspection Panel request filed in the three years prior to the corresponding year that was approved for a full investigation. lag.n.IP.ENVprob The count of Inspection Panel investigations in the country that found implementation problems related to environmental safeguard policies prior to the corresponding year. Governance and policy implementation data The country-level variables were derived from a number of data sources, as follows: ENGOs A count of environmental NGOs listed in the last available edition of The Environment Encyclopedia and Directory, London: Routledge, 1st5th Eds. for the corresponding year. FH.polrights Freedom House indicator for political rights, with higher number indicated fewer political freedoms. Data available at: (Accessed January 2014). 2 FH.polrights.repress Binary indicator that is positive when political rights are highly circumscribed in the corresponding country (index value ≥ 5). govt.eff Worldwide Governance Indicator for government effectiveness produced by the World Bank Institute, with larger values indicating higher levels of governance. Data and information on the construction of indices available at: (Accessed January 2014). reg.quality Worldwide Governance Indicator for regulatory quality. voice.acct Worldwide Governance Indicator for voice and accountability. Binary and positive whenever at least one evaluation written by the Independent Evaluation Group (previously the Operations Evaluation Department) of the World Bank in the previous five years describes a failure to implement safeguard policies in a completed project. These data are coded by the author for a larger project in preparation, from documents available at: (Accessed January 2014). A count of the evaluations written by the Independent Evaluation Group (previously the Operations Evaluation Department) during the previous five years describing a failure to implement safeguard policies in a completed project. A count of the evaluations written by the Independent Evaluation Group (previously the Operations Evaluation Department) during the previous five years describing successful implementation of safeguard policies in a completed project. urbanpop.pct The percentage of the country’s population living in urban areas, available from the World Development Indicators at: (Accessed January 2014). GDP.pc.2000 GDP per capita in constant 2000 USD from the World Development Indicators. forest.mm2 Square megameters of forest for the corresponding country and year, computed from the World Development Indicators variable for square kilometers of forest. 3