Article Considerations Title: “Constitution of Alpha Kappa Psi

Article Considerations
Title: “Constitution of Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity”
Preamble: The Name of this chapter shall be Alpha Xi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi Professional
Business Fraternity
Article I
Purpose: The objects of this chapter shall be to further the individual welfare of its members, to
foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounts, and finance; to educate the public
to appreciate and demand higher ideals therein, and to promote and advance in institutions of
college rank courses leading to degrees in business administration.
Article II
“In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons
because of race, creed, color, national origin disability, age any consideration based on
affection, sexual, or associational preference, or any other classification which would deprive
the person of consideration as an individual.” The organization will guarantee that equal
opportunity and access to membership, programming, facilities, and benefits shall be open to
all persons.
No limitations
This chapter shall have four (4) general classes of membership student, faculty,
honorary, and alumni.
a. Student members shall be those members properly registered and actively
pursuing an undergraduate degree or graduate degree from The University of
b. Faculty members shall be those officers of administration and members on the
regular faculty of commerce, economics, business or business administration of
The University of Iowa or in other such college or university in which there is no
existing chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi.
c. Honorary members shall be those members not eligible for initiation under
either of the two (2) preceding classes of membership and to whom membership,
subject to approval of the chapter advisor, district director, regional director and
national president is granted as an honor and distinction.
d. Alumni members shall be those initiates who are not students, faculty or
honorary members at The University of Iowa.
This Chapter, under the direction of a vice president, shall adopt a program of study on
the history, organization, administration and ideals of Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity in
conformance with the Handbook of Alpha Kappa Psi. Pledges shall be required to successfully
complete this program of study before initiation. The program of study shall conclude with a
standard examination, prepared by the executive director, to be taken by each pledge, which
shall be graded by this chapter, the results of which shall be forwarded promptly to the
executive director.
Each prospective pledge of this chapter must:
a. Be enrolled at The University of Iowa
b. Meet all requirements and regulations with respect to Fraternity rushing and
pledging prescribed by The University of Iowa
c. Express their firm intention of completing a course of study in commerce,
economics, business or business administration, or their equivalent and of
receiving a degree in same.
d. Possess a grade point average of not less than that required for graduation by
The University of Iowa
e. Be invited to join the Fraternity and approved for pledging by the members of
the chapter
A Vote to select pledges may be taken at any regular meeting of this chapter provided a
quorum is present. A prospective pledge must be proposed by one (1) member of this chapter
and secondary by another member, after which the motion for vote must be on the table for at
least one (1) week before final vote is taken. However, upon unanimous vote of this chapter,
this provision may be waived in exceptional cases. Voting shall always be by secret ballot. The
number of unfavorable votes needed to exclude an individual shall not exceed fifteen (15%)
percent of this chapter’s membership in good standing. Upon request of any member, a
discussion may be held, and a second vote shall be taken before recess or adjournment of the
meeting. If a prospective pledge is rejected, that individual cannot again be proposed to be a
pledge until the entire pledge program is repeated. Similar votes may be taken during the
pledge program to determine whether pledges qualify to continue in the pledge program.
An individual who has accepted the offer to become a pledge of this chapter shall take the
pledge oath as stated in the Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi, administered by the master of rituals,
preferably at the chapter meeting after which candidates have been voted upon. The oath of
pledgeship shall be binding upon the pledge but not upon the chapter.
At the beginning of each pledge period, this chapter will inform each pledge of the financial
obligations they will assume if initiated into membership. The minimum length of this chapter’s
pledge program shall be five (5) weeks, except for freshmen pledges in which case the
minimum length of the pledge program shall be three (3) month unless a shorter period is
approved by the regional director. Any pledge that does not complete all requirements of the
pledge program shall be automatically dropped from pledging.
To qualify for initiation to membership each pledge must:
a. Fulfill the qualifications for admittance to the pledge program. Certification of grade
average must be obtained from the proper official of The University of Iowa.
b. Fulfill any additional requirements of this chapter and The University of Iowa.
c. Have satisfactorily completed the pledge program and the national examination
d. Have favorably appeared before a Court of Honor as specified in the Ritual of Alpha
Kappa Psi
e. Have paid the full initiation fee
f. Be invited to and approved for membership by the members of this chapter.
At the conclusion of the pledge program a final vote must be taken by the members of this
chapter to determine the eligibility of pledges for Ritual initiation.
Membership in this chapter shall be granted to any member or former member of another
professional fraternity in commerce, and no member of this chapter shall join another such
fraternity in competition with Alpha Kappa Psi.
Members may be expelled or suspension for the following reasons:
a. Failed to pay financial obligations without making other arrangements.
b. Misses three (3) scheduled meetings per semester without excuses acceptable to
the Executive Committee
c. Violations of the Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi, the Constitution and Statutory Code, the
Bylaws, rules and regulations and revealing the secrets of the Fraternity.
This may be done by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing.
Article III
Officers and Duties:
a.) The officers of this chapter shall be a president, vice president(s), secretary, treasurer,
business administrator, and master of rituals as elected by the chapter, warden, director
of corporate relations, alumni secretary, and chapter historian as appointed by the
chapter president, and any such other officer positions this chapter may designate,
subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Psi.
Chapter officer duties shall be as follows:
a. President: The president shall be the executive head of this chapter and shall preside
over its meetings; shall have the power to call special meetings when considered
necessary, and shall see that the officers of the chapter discharge their duties
faithfully, impartially, accurately, and promptly. The president shall enforce strict
observance of the law and policies of the Fraternity shall decide points of order, shall
have the power to appoint any officers or committees not provided for by the laws
of the Fraternity or these bylaws: and shall have authority to preside over any
committee of the chapter. The president shall not be entitled to vote within this
chapter except in the following cases, in the election of the national delegate and
alternate. In the election of the officers of this chapter, in the election of candidates
into membership, or in the event of a tie vote. The president shall have such further
powers and duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the Fraternity.
b. Vice President(s): The vice presidents shall assist the president in the performance of
the president’s duties, and in the absence or disability of the president, shall
succeed to the president’s powers and duties. In the event of a permanent vacancy,
the vice president shall function as president until an election can be held. The vice
president shall be responsible for the instruction of the pledges and for filing of
performance evaluation reports with the executive director. The vice president shall
have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the
Fraternity. At the discretion of this chapter, two (2) or more vice presidents may be
elected. In such case, the duties listed above shall be divided between the vice
presidents as provided by these Bylaws:
1. This chapter has voted to elect more than one vice president. The designation
and duties of this chapter’s vice presidents are as follows:
a. Vice President – Efficiency Duties: The filing of the performance evaluation
reports with the executive director. Also, serves as chair of the committee
b. Vice President – Pledge Instruction Duties: The instruction of pledges. Serves
as chair of the pledge instruction committee.
2. This chapter designates the Vice President – Efficiency as being first to
temporarily succeeded to the powers and duties of the president in the absence
or disability of the president. The Vice President – Pledge instruction shall be
second in order to temporarily succeed if necessary.
c. Secretary: The secretary shall keep accurate and complete minutes of all meetings of
this chapter, shall be the custodian of all records, files and documents of this chapter,
except for the financial books of account; shall be responsible for the general
correspondence of this chapter; shall keep a record of every initiate into the chapter
and shall keep a separate record of all pledges, initiations, suspensions, expulsions,
and deaths within this chapter and shall send duplicates of such records to the
executive director within five (5) days after the event thereof. The secretary shall
supply such reports as may be requested by Fraternity officers within five (5) days
from receipt of such requests, and shall have further powers and duties as
prescribed by the laws of the Fraternity within five (5) days after the election of any
chapter officer, the secretary shall notify the executive director, regional director
and district director of the results of that election.
d. Treasurer: The treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and
expended, and shall make expenditures only upon written authorization of the
president of this chapter. The treasurer shall be the custodian of all financial books
of account of this chapter which shall at all times be open to inspection and
examination; shall deposit all funds in the name of and to the credit of the chapter;
and shall prepare a budget covering all expected income and necessary expenses of
this chapter for the coming fiscal year at the beginning of the fiscal year and shall
send a copy thereof to the executive director. The treasurer shall forward National
Chapter initiation fees and membership records of new members to the executive
director within five (5) days after their initiation dates, shall promptly forward to the
executive director modification when a member has graduated, left college, or has
been suspended or expelled; and shall furnish such reports as may be requested by
Fraternity officers within five (5) days from receipt of such requests. The treasurer
shall be bonded to the National Chapter under a blanket bond, and shall have such
further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the Fraternity.
e. Master of Rituals: The master of rituals shall be in direct charge and supervision of
all ritualistic, initiation’s, and secret work of this chapter; shall conduct this office in
strict accord with the Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi, and shall have further powers and
duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the Fraternity.
f. Business Administrator: The business administrator shall assist the Vice PresidentEfficiency in coordinating this chapter’s effort to obtain a satisfactory standing in the
year Alpha Kappa Psi Chapter Performance Report system. The business
administrator will further assist in obtaining, preparing and filing all necessary
reports with the central office of administration.
g. Warden: The warden shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed by the
Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi and by the laws of the Fraternity.
h. Director of Corporate Relations: The director of corporate relations shall be
responsible for the conduct of a public relations program for this chapter, including
activities in the areas of faculty relations, community relations, relations with
students who are non-members, chapter alumni, and relations with such other
groups that may be deemed desirable or assigned by the chapter president. The
director of corporate relations shall supply such data, reports, and information and
material that may be requested by the editor of The Diary for publication therein.
i. Alumni Secretary: The alumni secretary shall assist in all matters pertaining to
alumni relations; shall compile and maintain a list of current addresses of all alumni
members of this chapter; shall be responsible for communication with alumni
members of this chapter; shall promote interest in the creation of an affiliation with
alumni chapters, shall notify alumni chapters of the names and addresses of
members locating to areas where alumni chapters are based; and shall have such
further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the Fraternity.
j. Chapter Historian: The chapter historian shall compile and enhance a historical
record of this chapter; shall assist and cooperate with the History Committee of the
National Chapter; shall maintain a scrapbook of chapter memorabilia and history of
events, and shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the
laws of the Fraternity.
No person shall be elected to a chapter office unless that person is an initiated member
in good standing. No candidate for elected office shall be on probation by The University of
Iowa or be in arrears for any chapter obligation. A person must have at least one (1) semester
as an active in order to be president of the chapter or vice president – pledge instruction.
A person who wants to be an officer must be nominated and seconded. This person may
either accept or decline the nomination. The nominee gives a speech as to why they want the
position and then the active body votes. A candidate for elected office shall be declared elected
when that member receives a number of votes equal to fifty (50%) percent plus one (1) of the
quorum present.
An elected officer may be removed from office only after a petition signed by fifteen
percent (15%) of the student members in good standing of this chapter is introduced at a
regular meeting of this chapter. The motion for vote must be on the table for at least one (1)
week before a final vote is taken. A three-quarters vote of the student members in good
standing of this chapter shall be necessary to remove an elected officer from office. If an
elected officer is removed from office, that office shall be declared vacant, and an election shall
be held as soon as practicable to fill the vacant office.
Article IV
Advisor: The chapter advisor is responsible for the proper conduct of this chapter in all local,
regional, and National Chapter fraternity matters, and shall be accountable to the regional
director. It shall be the chapter advisor’s duty to report to the regional director any violations of
the laws or policies of the Fraternity within this chapter. The chapter advisor shall have such
further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the Fraternity. The chapter shall,
upon request, submit to the regional director the names of three (3) resident alumni or faculty
members who are qualified to serve as chapter advisor. From the names submitted the regional
director shall select a chapter advisor.
Article V
a. Meetings will be held once (1) a week. The meetings are held every Wednesday night.
b. The membership will be notified of a special meeting at least one (1) week in advance by
either in person or in writing.
c. Quorum: A majority of the members in good standing or a college chapter shall
constitute a quorum.
d. Special meetings of this chapter may be called by the president or by a majority vote of
the Executive Committee.
Article VI
a. The officers of this chapter shall be elected no later than December 15 and shall be
installed within four weeks in accordance with the installation ceremony for the Ritual
of Alpha Kappa Psi. Elected officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year; appointed
officers shall serve for one semester, with the exception that appointed officers may be
removed from office at the discretion of the officer that made the appointment.
b. Each student and faculty member of this chapter shall be notified, either in person or in
writing, by the chapter secretary of the date, time, and place of officer elections, said
notice to be given at least fourteen (14) days before the scheduled election.
Article VII
a. Yes, there are dues: The amounts will be determined by the National Chapter and
the Executive Committee of this chapter. This chapter may assess its own dues and
fees provided same are not lower than the dues and fees required by the National
b. The President and the Treasurer are in charge of the financial affairs.
c. Upon dissolution, state money and mandatory student fees revert back to the
granting organization. Group fees should be divided as stated in the constitution and
carried out by the dissolving group’s members and officers. If the group has
dissolved and group fees have not been divided as stated in the Constitution by five
years from last account activity, monies in the group’s 00 account will revert to an
account specified for this purpose within UISG/ECGPS. These funds will then be
available for distribution through SABAC or GPAC guidelines in compliance with
University of Iowa policy.
Article VIII
a. All eligible voting members will be informed of the proposed amendment by reading it
at two consecutive meetings and notification by mail.
b. This may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the student membership of this
chapter in good standing, after first making a motion for any proposed amendment and
then allowing that motion to lie on the table for at least one (1) week before a final vote
is taken.
c. All changes must be approved by the National Chapter and the Student Activities Board.
Article IX
This may be ratified by two-thirds vote of the student membership of this chapter in good