Intro to the Outsiders notes show

Thirsty Thursday Thespians?
HUH,WHAT? Can you say that at school??
1) Get your manilla folders.
2) sssshhhhhhhh…… the rest is a competition!
3) Tell me on a piece of scrap paper what
figurative language term I used in the title.
• 4) What is a thespian? Write the definition.
• 5) Put your name and the time on your scrap
paper and give to me.
True, False or not sure??
In your journal put the date, number 1-15 and answer the following
1. Susan Eloise
2. S.E. Hinton's publisher
suggested she use her
initials instead of her first
name so that male reviewers
would not ignore the novel
for having been written by a
female; she subsequently
chose to continue using her
initials so as to better
separate her public life from
her private life.
4 . She was inspired to write The Outsiders, her first
and most popular novel, because of the two divided
groups that existed at her school, Will Rogers High
School in Tulsa. These groups were known as the
Greasers and the Socs (Socials).
During that time she also witnessed the beating of
her friend by two other high school students. The
Outsiders was published by Viking in 1967, and it
became the second-best-selling young-adult novel in
publishing history, with more than eight million
copies in print.
Susan Eloise Hinton, daughter of a salesman and a
factory worker, was neither a "greaser" nor a "Soc," but
more at home with the greasers, who lived in her
5 & 7. Hinton started work on The Outsiders at age
15 (in 10th grade) and spent a year and a half
working on the book, saying that the hardest part
was knowing when to stop. Having taught herself to
type because she couldn't read her own
handwriting, she typed out the first draft, 40 pages,
The Greasers & The Socs
The Greasers—Are the poorer kids and live on a different
side of town from the Socs. The Greasers wear jeans, Tshirts, jean jackets, or leather jackets. Their hair often looks
greasy from hair products.
The Socs—Are the wealthy kids that live on the “rich” side of
town. The Socs have cars and wear Madras plaid shirts.
--Both groups fight, drink, and smoke cigarettes.
Madras—a type of
cotton plaid fabric.
The Socs wear
madras shirts.
Rumble—a fight.
Usually a big fight
with two groups or
gangs and
During the rumble scene in The Outsiders movie,
locals were used as 'extras'. Swayze recalls things
getting "...a little too real, one guy coldcocked me
square in the face. so I knocked him out. I really
didn't mean to hit him that hard..."
heater: Gun.
weed: Cigarette.
rumble: Fight.
hood: A greaser that commits
fuzz: Police.
lighting up: Lighting a cigarette.
dig: Like something.
boozed up: Drunk.
rank: Un-cool.
swipe: Steal.
broad: Beautiful girl.
cancer stick: Cigarette.
12. Paul Newman
Actor mentioned
on the very first
page of the novel
“When I stepped out
into the bright
sunlight from the
darkness of the movie
house, I had only two
things on my mind:
Paul Newman and a
ride home. I was
wishing I looked like
Paul Newman—he
looks tough and I
In the 60s girls still wore
dresses instead of pants
Wealthier boys wore
khakis and plaid.
1964 Mustang
1964 Corvair
The Monkees
Bobby Vinton
The Beatles
Median household income
1967: $7,143
2005 (latest figure): $46,242
Cost of a movie ticket
1967: $1.20
2007: $6.58
Price of a pack of cigarettes
1967: $0.30
2007: $4.50
Cost of a McDonald’s Big Mac (introduced in 1967)
1967: $0.45
2007: $3.22
Average cost of a new car
1967: $2,750
2007: $28,200
Creative—likes reading, drawing, & movies
Dropped out to support the family by roofing, acts like a strict
parent to Ponyboy
Drops out to work at a gas station, very positive, peacemaker at
Steve Randle
Soda’s best friend.
Two Bit Mathews Jokester, still attends school for fun not for grades
Dallas Winston
Criminal (hoodlum), can be dirty or mean to girls
Johnny Cade
Carries a switch blade since he was beaten by Socs, abused,
gang’s pet
Soda’s girlfriend
Cherry Valance
Soc Cheerleader, but still is open minded enough to be
friendly to the Greasers
Time to do
the Friday dance!!
Free Write Friday! Suggested topic:
Quietly Work on Narrative Storyboardcomplete Plot, Climax , Falling Action/Resolution
Pick up a copy of “The Outsiders”
Character sketch
Gather your belongings and be ready to move
Line up (with belongings) in alphabetical order by the SECOND LETTER of your
Now that you’re in a group, send one representative to the front to draw a
name. (Gatherer)
On one side of your white paper, gather as much information as you can from
Chapter 1 about your character. Write words ALL OVER the page that
describe him. (Investigator) (Recorder)
On the other side, create a neat VISUAL representation of your character.
One option is to draw a picture. However, if you’d rather make a collage or
just use words or do some other creative representation of your character, you
may do that as well. (Designer)
Now, back on the brainstorm side, write down WHO did WHICH ROLE.
FINALLY Fast Friday!! 
Get your manila folders with hanging
file folder, and a copy of “The
Have a notebook, or a few pages of
paper available so that you can take
Open your “Outsiders” books to
chapter 2
Lets discuss……..
1. Why do you think Johnny
stood up to Dally when he
continued to hassle Cherry &
2. What is a Greaser’s definition of
a fair fight? (p29)
3. According to Two-Bit, why don’t
Socs fight fair?
4. Explain why rings are
important in this chapter. What
could rings symbolize?
5. Explain in complete sentences
what “things are rough all over”
means. [Make sure to include who says this
1. Explain two of Ponyboy’s opinions
about Cherry Valance. Use direct
quotes from the text to support
your answer.
1. Opinion
Ponyboy feels that
2. Opinion
Cherry has a lot of
class especially since
she didn’t want to
stay in the car at the
movies with boys
getting drunk.
1. Evidence
Cherry says “It’s not my
idea of a good time to sit
and watch people get
drunk.” Ponyboy thinks
“the way she said it…her
idea of a good time was
probably high-class, and
probably expensive” (p27)
2. Evidence
1. Opinion
Ponyboy feels that
2. Opinion
After Cherry throws her
Cherry has a lot of
Coke in Dally’s face while
class especially since
Marcia drinks hers,
she didn’t want to
Ponyboy realizes that
stay in the car at the
Cherry holds true to
movies with boys
certain principles.
getting drunk.
1. Evidence
Cherry says “It’s not my
2. Evidence
“Cherry had said she
idea of a good time to sit
wouldn’t drink Dally’s
and watch people get
coke if she was starving,
drunk.” Ponyboy thinks
“the way she said it…her
idea of a good time was
probably high-class, and
probably expensive” (p27)
and she meant it.” p30
1. Opinion
Ponyboy feels that
2. Opinion
Ponyboy thinks that
Cherry has a lot of
Cherry is a good judge of
class especially since
people. She takes one
she didn’t want to
look at Johnny and
stay in the car at the
figures him out.
movies with boys
getting drunk.
1. Evidence
2. Evidence
Cherry says “It’s not my
“Cherry looked at him
idea of a good time to sit
and watch people get
drunk.” Ponyboy thinks
“the way she said it…her
idea of a good time was
probably high-class, and
probably expensive” (p27)
sizing him up as she had
me. Then she smiled
softly, and I knew she
had sized him up right.”
1. Opinion
Ponyboy feels that
2. Opinion
Ponyboy thinks that
Cherry has a lot of
Cherry with her long red
class especially since
hair is very attractive.
she didn’t want to
stay in the car at the
movies with boys
getting drunk.
1. Evidence
2. Evidence
Cherry says “It’s not my
“Boy, she was good
idea of a good time to sit
and watch people get
drunk.” Ponyboy thinks
“the way she said it…her
idea of a good time was
probably high-class, and
probably expensive” (p27)
looking.” p21
“Gosh, she was pretty.”
Cherry Valance was a
real looker.” p25
Time to read chapter 3……………………………..
While we are reading come up with 2 more
opinions that Ponyboy says about Cherry
Valance. Write those on a piece of notebook
paper and put in the turn in tray at the end of
WHEN YOU ARE DONE reading chapter 3 and
writing the opinions, as well as evidence to
back up those opinions, you need to write
a rough draft of your narrative.
when you come back to me!!
I will miss you!
1. Opinion
Ponyboy feels that
2. Opinion
Ponyboy thinks that
Cherry has a lot of
Cherry can open up to
class especially since
him, and additionally he
she didn’t want to
also feels comfortable
stay in the car at the
with her.
movies with boys
getting drunk.
1. Evidence
Cherry says “It’s not my
2. Evidence
“She was coming through
idea of a good time to sit
to me all right….She didn’t
and watch people get
have to keep her guard up
drunk.” Ponyboy thinks
with me” p38
“the way she said it…her
“I don’t know why I could
idea of a good time was
probably high-class, and
probably expensive” (p27)
talk to her; maybe for the
same reason she could
talk to me.” p39
1. Opinion
Ponyboy feels that
2. Opinion
Ponyboy’s opinion of
Cherry has a lot of
Cherry is that she is
class especially since
surprising and
she didn’t want to
confusing—not what he
stay in the car at the
expects a Socy
movies with boys
cheerleader to be .
getting drunk.
1. Evidence
Cherry says “It’s not my
2. Evidence
“ ‘I could fall in love with
idea of a good time to sit
Dallas Winston’…she left
and watch people get
me standing there with my
drunk.” Ponyboy thinks
mouth dropped open.”p46
“the way she said it…her
idea of a good time was
probably high-class, and
probably expensive” (p27)
Johnny feels bad for the girls,
and tells Dallas to leave them
alone. Dallas stalks off. Pony &
Johnny sit with them.
1. When Pony's ears get red, it means he's...
a) angry.
b) embarrassed.
c) jealous.
d) sad.
2. "It seems like there's gotta be someplace without greasers or
Socs, with just people..." (Who said?)
a) Pony
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Two-Bit
Answer the following using complete sentences:
3. “Just don’t forget that some of us watch the sunset too” Who
says this and what does it mean?
4. Why is Ponyboy so upset when Darry hits him? Why doesn’t he
get upset when other greasers hit him?
Write each statement in the order it occurred in the chapter. When you are done,
make sure you have 8 statements. You CAN use the book.
•Pony & Johnny watch the sunrise and discuss a poem by
Robert Frost.
•Dally arrives.
• Johnny returns with supplies: baloney, bread, matches, Gone
with the Wind, peroxide, and a deck of cards.
• Dally mentions that since the murder there is an ongoing war
between the Socs & Greasers.
• Ponyboy wakes up and doesn’t know where he is.
• Pony reads a letter from Sodapop.
• Cherry Valance is a Greaser spy.
• Pony & Johnny change their hair as a disguise.