Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Average Daily Time Spent Viewing Television by Person Across Measured Markets Serbians watch the most TV per day hours:minutes hours:minutes Serbia 5:39 Macedonia 5:18 Mexico 3:22 Malaysia 3:18 3:16 United States* 5:04 South Africa Greece 5:03 Sweden 3:10 Croatia 4:49 New Zealand 3:08 Hungary 4:47 4:18 South Korea 3:06 Ireland 3:05 Italy Turkey 4:17 Indonesia 3:01 Poland 4:14 Australia 2:59 Puerto Rico Lebanon Philippines Slovenia 4:06 3:41 3:30 3:28 Taiwan 2:41 China** 2:36 Venezuela 2:35 Thailand 2:11 *United States estimate based on Q1 2010 monthly average. For all of the most current estimates of U.S. cross-platform video consumption, please refer to Nielsen’s U.S. Three Screen Report. **China estimate for directional use only, based on China 3 Screen Shanghai Pilot, April 2010. Source: The Nielsen Company, Global Television Audience Measurement. Minimum reporting age is 4; except in Indonesia, New Zealand, Turkey (5); in Sweden (3); in Philippines and United States (2) and in Australia, Cyprus, Dominican Republic and Italy (0). Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Number of TVs Per Household in Selected Countries Spain, United Kingdom, USA, Chile, Columbia, Venezuela and Mexico have the greatest number of TVs Country 2005 2010 Country 2005 2010 Country 2006 2010 Germany 1.331 1.568 UAE 1.230 1.217 Argentina 1.626 1.676 Spain 1.948 2.106 Kenya .734 .803 Brazil 1.659 1.822 France 1.618 1.810 South Africa 1.078 1.146 Chile 2.414 2.482 United Kingdom 2.158 2.228 Japan 1.918 1.765 Columbia 1.818 2.071 Italy 1.872 1.781 India 1.114 .967 Ecuador 1.824 1.916 Egypt 1.076 1.072 China N/A .185 Peru 1.839 1.838 Kuwait 1.244 1.390 Canada N/A 1.892 Venezuela 2.117 2.212 Lebanon 1.529 1.702 USA 2.377 2.429 Mexico 2.060 1.995 Source: Global TGI network, coordinated byKantar Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Index of HDTV Ownership by Region Index = 100. Both North America and Europe over-index for HDTV ownership 180 160 157 140 120 110 100 80 90 60 63 63 Middle East, Africa, Pakistan Latin America 40 20 0 Asia Pacific Europe North America Notes: n=27,665 online consumers, ages 15+; Indexed to all respondents, globally. Source: The Nielsen Co., Global Online Survey, March 2010 Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Total Number of Newspaper Titles (Paid and Free), 2005-2009 By region. 6,241 newspaper titles in Asia, a region where the number of dailies is still growing Region (No. of Territories*) No. of Dailies 4 YR % Change 1 YR % Change 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (2009/05) (2009/08) 403 422 448 469 469 16.38 0 North America (27) 2,140 2,143 2,134 2,128 2,145 0.23 0.8 South America (13) 1,112 1,121 1,157 1,293 1,308 17.63 1.16 Asia (48) 5,196 5,513 5,928 6,080 6,241 20.11 2.65 90 92 92 91 91 1.11 0 Europe (47) 2,389 2,497 2,519 2,504 2,493 4.35 -0.44 Total (196) 11,330 11,788 12,278 12,565 12,747 12.51 1.45 Africa (48) Australia & Oceania (13) Notes: This table includes figures from countries and territories for which WAN had at least one year of data on number of titles or circulation of paid or free dailies. *WAN estimated some figures for countries and territories that do not have a complete set of data for all five years. Source: World Association of Newspapers Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Circulation of Dailies, 2005-2009 Total average circulation, in thousands -3.74% North American circulation is declining, but Europe’s rate of decline is greater Circulation of Dailies 4 YR % Change 1 YR % Change Region (No. of Territories*) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (2009/05) (2009/08) Africa (46) 9,267 10,068 10,755 11,681 12,246 32.15 4.84 North America (26) 71,186 70,716 69,710 66,942 64,436 -9.48 -3.74 South America (12) 14,128 14,775 15,670 16,277 15,963 12.99 -1.93 305,791 321,513 340,562 345,884 348,770 14.06 0.83 3,675 3,735 3,779 3,670 3,626 -1.33 -1.20 Europe (47) 109,922 117,521 119,457 118,264 108,406 -1.38 -8.34 Total (192) 513,969 538,328 559,933 562,718 553,447 7.68 -1.65 Asia (48) Australia & Oceania (13) Notes: This table includes figures from countries and territories for which WAN had at least one year of data on number of titles or circulation of paid or free dailies. *WAN estimated some figures for countries and territories that do not have a complete set of data for all five years. Source: World Association of Newspapers Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Average Circulation Per Title, 2005-2009 By region, in thousands In Africa, daily newspapers are increasing their circulation Circulation Per Title Region (No. of Territories*) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 4 YR % Change 1 YR % Change (2009/05) (2009/08) Africa (46) 23.1 24.0 24.1 25.0 26.2 13.42 4.80 North America (26) 33.3 33.0 32.7 31.5 30.1 -9.61 -4.44 South America (12) 13.8 14.3 14.7 13.5 13.2 -4.35 -2.22 Asia (48) 58.9 58.3 57.4 56.9 55.9 -5.09 -1.76 Australia & Oceania (13) 40.8 40.6 41.1 40.3 39.8 -2.45 -1.24 Europe (46) 57.9 59.8 59.9 59.4 56.1 -3.11 -5.56 Total (191) 47.8 48.2 48.0 47.0 45.8 -4.18 -2.55 Notes: This table includes figures from countries and territories for which WAN has information on both number of titles and circulation for both paid and free dailies. *WAN estimated some figures for countries and territories that do not have a complete set of data for all five years. Source: World Association of Newspapers Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Total worldwide broadband penetration, 2005-2009 Approximate broadband subscribers, in millions Annual change 580 2010 485 2009 410 2008 344 2007 286 2006 2005 Source: Paul Budde Communication, 2010 221 20% 19% 19% 20% 29% 36% 2010 At year’s end, broadband subscribers will number over 500M and account for 35% of all internet connections Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Total Number of Broadband Households by Region, 2009 Broadband subscriber households, in millions. Market share 108 Western Europe 99 South and East Asia 93.5 North America 64.3 Asia Pacific 27.9 Latin America 23.6 Eastern Europe Middle East and Africa 12.6 Source: Paul Budde Communication, 2010 25% 23% 22% 15% 6.5% 5.5% 3% Western Europe has the highest percentage of broadband households globally Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Top ten countries by number of broadband subscribers, 2008-2009 Subscribers, in millions 71 China 70 United States 88 84 28.5 31 Japan 21 Germany France 16 18 United Kingdom 16.5 18 24 14.5 15.5 South Korea Italy Q1 2009 Q1 2008 10 12.5 Brazil 8 10 Canada 9.5 9.5 Note: Figures are rounded. Broadband is defined as a service with minimum speed of 144Kb/s. Figures are based on self reporting by carriers. Source: Paul Budde Communication, 2010 24% Increase in broadband subscribers in China, where the average user spends 2.7 hours a day online Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Mobile subscribers by region, 1993-2009 Subscribers, in millions 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 North America 92.9 116 138 151 168 180 208 247 270 292 304 Western Europe 155 235 283 303 332 365 394 428 478 492 519 Eastern Europe 13.5 27 50 74.4 100 190 250 332 376 416 425 Asia Pacific 152 234 330 434 529 645 849 1,060 1,339 1,700 2,050 Latin America 40.9 63.2 86.8 100.8 123.7 175.1 239.6 307.7 381 458 483 Other 20.4 49.3 63.2 69.1 101 120 — — — — — Middle East — — — — — — 99 129 169 210 235 Africa — — — — — — 134 195 269 378 463 470 734 950 1,113 1,355 1,675 2,174 2,750 3,343 4,012 4,479 World Total 2.05B China, India and Indonesia are markets with high numbers of mobile users Notes: Statistics for Turkey are included in the Middle East. North America includes USA and Canada, but excludes Mexico, which is included in Latin America. Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Worldwide Smartphone Sales by Operating System, 2008-2009 By units and market share (%) NOKIA A majority of smartphones still use its Symbian operating system 2009 Company 2008 Units Market share Units Market share Symbian 80,878.60 46.9% 72,933.50 52.4% Research in Motion 34,346.60 19.9% 23,149.00 16.6% iPhone OS 24,889.80 14.4% 11,417.50 8.2% 15,027 8.7% 16,498.10 11.8% Linux 8,126.50 4.7% 10,622.40 7.6% Android 6,798.40 3.9% 640.5 0.5% WebOS 1,193.20 0.7% NA NA OtherOS 1,112.40 0.6% 4,026.90 2.9% 172,373.1 100% 139,287.9 100% Microsoft Windows Total Source: Gartner, Feb. 2010 Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Tablet sales forecast and computing mix U.S., 2008-2015 Share of U.S. consumer PC sales by form factor NOTEBOOK DESKTOP NETBOOK TABLET 2015 18% 42% 17% 23% 2014 19% 42% 17% 23% 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 20% 42% 23% 17% 43% 27% 17% 44% 32% 21% 17% 44% 38% 18% 13% 18% 6% 44% 45% 18% 45% Percentages not total 100% because of rounding. Note: As of Q3 2010, the data in this forecast is currently being updated. Source: Forrester 9% 23% Projected sales of tablets, expected to pass desktop PC sales Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Mobile Phone Video Penetration by Region, 2010 Index = 100. Emerging markets over-index for mobile video 160 140 145 136 120 118 100 80 60 55 40 45 20 0 Asia Pacific Europe Middle East, Africa, Pakistan Latin America North America Notes: n=27,665 online consumers, ages 15+; Indexed to all respondents, globally. Source: The Nielsen Co., Global Online Survey, March 2010 Global Media Habits 2010 How media is consumed around the world Global Internet Traffic Growth Forecast, 2009-2014 Consumer internet traffic, petabytes per month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CAGR* 2009-2014 North America 2,279 3,351 5,015 6,495 8,096 9,652 33% Western Europe 2,277 3,179 4,538 6,361 8,541 11,143 37% Asia Pacific 3,251 4,416 5,961 7,944 10,475 13,856 34% Japan 474 730 1,062 1,457 1,857 2,286 37% Latin America 297 482 744 1,132 1,727 2,726 56% Central Eastern Europe 304 447 651 941 1,336 1,893 44% Middle East and Africa 49 78 120 216 329 515 60% File sharing 4,091 5,075 6,197 7,492 9,125 11,340 23% Internet video 2,776 4,725 7,718 11,026 14,838 19,468 48% 107 263 711 1,502 2,686 4,075 107% 1,688 2,273 3,006 3,930 4,933 6,134 29% Video calling 83 128 199 284 407 599 48% Online gaming 63 86 120 167 226 307 37% 122 134 141 144 145 146 4% 8,930 12,684 18,092 24,546 32,361 42,070 36% BY GEOGRAPHY BY SUB-SEGMENT Internet video to TV Web/data VoIP Total Consumer internet traffic Asia Will be responsible for the biggest slice of internet traffic by 2014 Video Note: Petabyte = one million gigabytes. *CAGR = compound annual growth rate. Source: Cicso Internet traffic will increase mainly as demand for video grows