Chapter 3 Lesson 3


The Age of Exploration

Chapter 3

Lesson 3: Spanish Explorations


◦ Grant

◦ Conquistador

◦ Reform

◦ Reformation

◦ Counter-Reformation

◦ Missionary


◦ Juan Ponce de Leon

◦ Hernando Cortes

◦ Estevanico

◦ Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

◦ Francisco Pizzaro

◦ Atahuallpa

◦ Hernando de Soto

◦ Martin Luther


◦ Florida

◦ Mexico City

◦ New Spain

The Spanish Explore Florida

After Spain claimed land in the Americas, more explorers and soldiers sailed there to:

◦ Find adventure and riches

◦ Become rich through trade

◦ Earn national glory

◦ Convert Native Americans to Christianity

Juan Ponce de Leon

◦ A conquistador who helped conquer Puerto Rico

◦ Was interested in finding the “Fountain of Youth” on the island of


◦ Instead landed in Florida (La Florida: “flowery”)

◦ Was wounded in battle against the Calusa tribe who fought against their land being conquered

◦ First Spanish explorer to set foot in modern-day USA

Early Conquistadors

Hernando Cortes

◦ 1519: sent to find gold in the land of the Aztecs

◦ Motecuhzoma, the Aztec emperor, thought that Cortes might be the “light-skinned God” so he welcomed him

◦ Cortes imprisoned him and war began

◦ The Spanish won because of their guns, horses, and the diseases they passed along to the Native Americans

◦ 1521: built Mexico City, Spain’s new empire in the


◦ nquistadors/


Early Conquistadors

Seven Cities of Gold

◦ Spanish leaders in Mexico City heard a Native

American story about seven cities of gold

◦ Sent a priest, Marcos de Niza, who took along an enslaved African named Estevanico

◦ Estevanico was killed

◦ De Niza returned and said he had seen a golden city


Early Conquistadors

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

◦ Heard de Niza’s story

◦ Set out with 300 soldiers, several enslaved Africans, and 1,000 enslaved Native Americans

◦ Explored what is now the Southwestern United States

◦ Never found gold

◦ No riches, but claimed land for Spain

 New Spain: Mexico, Southwestern United States, and Florida


Expeditions Continue

Francisco Pizarro

◦ 1531: Led 180 soldiers on an expedition to the western coast of South America

◦ Met the Incas, led by Atahuallpa

◦ A priest traveling with Pizarro told the Incas they had to accept Christianity and Spanish rule

◦ Atahuallpa said, “NO!” and war started

◦ Spanish took Atahuallpa prisoner

◦ After Atahuallpa died, Pizarro took control of the region

Expeditions Continue

Hernando de Soto

◦ Explored the Southeastern United States and claimed much of it for Spain

◦ He and his men were the first Europeans to see the

Mississippi River

◦ Meeting with Native Americans often ended in bloody battles

 Worst: against the Mobile tribe in what is now Alabama

◦ 1542: de Soto died of fever

 Only 300 of the 600 men he started his journey with survived

Missionaries to America

In Europe, the Catholic Church became politically powerful.


◦ 1517: Martin Luther called for change

◦ Was forced out of the Church, but had many followers

◦ Lutheran Church was established


◦ The Church’s reaction to the reformation

◦ Banned books, punished protesters

◦ Worked on spreading its power to the Americas through missionaries

 Some forced Native Americans to convert and enslaved them
