• Simulates actions and interactions of objects in a two-d grid
• Actors are displayed by a GUI
• Can add new actors to the grid and invoke methods on all actors
• Each actor ‘acts’ in a specified way
• Rock – does nothing
• Flower – darkens its color
• Bug – moves forward if it can. It can move into an empty spot or onto a flower. When it moves, it deposits a flower in its previous location. If it moves to a location occupied by a flower, that flower is removed from the grid. A bug can’t move if it is blocked in front by either another nonflower actor or the edge of the grid. When a bug is prevented from moving, it turns 45⁰ to the right.
• BoxBug – Moves like a bug. Additionally, if it encounters no obstacles, it traces out a square of flowers with a given side length. If a BoxBug is blocked from moving, it makes two right turns and starts again.
• Critter – gets a list of its adjacent neighboring actors and processes them by “eating” each actor is not a rock or another Critter. It then randomly selects one of the empty neighboring locations and moves there. If there are no available empty locations, a critter does not move.
• ChameleonCritter – gets a list of adjacent neighbors, randomly picks on of them, and changes its color to that of the selected actor. Moves like a Critter, but additionally, it first changes its direction to face its new location before moving.
• Encapsulates row and column values for any position in the grid
• Provides constants for compass directions and turn angles
• Provides methods for determining relationships between locations and compass directions
Constants that represent compass directions:
Constant int Value
Constants that represent commonly used turn angles
Constant int Value
• public Location(int r, int c) – constructs a Location with given row and column
• Accessors
– public int getRow()
– public int getColumn()
• public Location getAdjascentLocation(int direction) – returns the adjascent location in the compass direction closest to direction
• public int getDirectionToward(Location target) – returns the direction, rounded to the nearest compass direction, from this location toward a target location
• public int getHashCode() – generates and returns a hash code for this
• Comparison methods
– public boolean equals(Object other)
– public int compareTo(Object other) – by row first, then left to right
• public String toString() – form (row, col)
• Superclass for every creature
• HAS-A location, direction, and color
• Has the ability to put itself in the grid and remove itself from the grid
• Actor is a black-box class
• public Actor() – default constructor; blue actor facing north
• Accessors
– public Color getColor()
– public int getDirection()
– public Location getLocation()
– public Grid<Actor> getGrid() – returns null if actor is not in grid
• Mutators
– public void setColor(Color newColor)
– public void setDirection(int newDirection)
• public void moveTo(Location newLocation)
– If new location is occupied, actor in that location is removed from grid
– Preconditions:
• This Actor is in a grid
• newLocation is valid in this Actor’s grid
• public void putSelfInGrid(Grid<Actor> gr, Location loc)
– Precondition: loc is valid
• public void removeSelfFromGrid()
• public void act()
– Reverses direction of this actor
– This method is often overridden in subclasses
• public String toString()
– Returns a String with the location, direction, and color of this Actor
• Acts by doing nothing (act() is overridden with empty method body)
• Default constructor that creates a black rock
• Second constructor that allows construction of a Rock with a specified color
• Acts by darkening its color (act() is overridden; reduces values of the red, green, and blue components of its color by a constant factor)
• Default constructor that creates a pink flower
• Second constructor that allows construction of a flower with a specified color
• Moves forward in a straight line
• Turns only if it is blocked
• Can be blocked by the edge of the grid or a non-Flower actor
• Any flower in the bug’s path is removed from the grid
• public Bug() – default constructor; constructs a red Bug
• public Bug(Color bugColor) – constructs a Bug with specified color
• public void act() – turns bug 45⁰ to the right without changing location (adds Location.HALF_RIGHT to bug’s current direction)
• public boolean canMove()
– Returns true if:
• Location directly in front of it is valid
• Location directly in front of it is empty or contains a flower
• public void move() – moves bug forward, places a flower that is the color of the bug in its previous location
• IS-A Bug that moves in a square pattern if unimpeded
• Two private instance variables
– sideLength – number of steps in a side of its square
– steps – keeps track of where the BoxBug is in creating a side; gets reset to 0 when a side has been completed or if the bug must start again after encountering an obstacle
• public BoxBug(int length) – constructor; sets sideLength to length; initializes steps to 0
• public void act() – overridden method performs one step in the creation of the BoxBug’s square
• Steps for making the square:
– act() method tests whether the bug is still in the process of making a side – if(steps < sideLength)…
– If this is true, and the bug can move, the bug moves and steps is incremented
– If this is false, the bug turns by calling turn() twice – then, steps is reset to 0
– If steps < sideLength is true but canMove() is false, the same preparation for a new side occurs (turn, turn, reset steps)
– If BoxBug is unimpeded in making its square, and sideLength is k, there will be k+1 flowers on each side of the square
• IS-A actor with the following behavior:
– Get a list of neighboring actors
– Process the actors
– Get a list of possible locations to move to
– Select a location from the list
– Move there
• No explicit constructor, thus default Actor constructor used (blue Critter facing North)
• public void act() – gets a list of neighbors, processing them, gets a list of possible locations to move to, selects one of these, moves to selected location
• public ArrayList<Actor> getActors() – returns a list of adjacent actors
• public void processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors) – processes actors; Critter
“eats” all actors that are not rocks or other critters.
• public ArrayList<Location> getMoveLocations() – returns a list of valid, adjacent, empty, neighboring locations, which are the possible locations for the next move.
Grid method getEmptyAdjacentLocations() is used, with the critter’s current location as its parameter
• public Location selectMoveLocation(ArrayList<Location> locs) –
– Assign n to length of list
– If n == 0, return current location of critter
– Get random int from 0 to n – 1 (int r = (int)(Math.random() * n))
– Return locs.get(r)
• public void makeMove(Location loc) – moves Critter to specified Location
– Precondition: loc is valid
– Implemented with moveTo() in Actor
• IS-A Critter
• Instead of eating neighbors, it randomly selects one actor and changes its color to that of the selected actor
• Moves like a Critter with one difference, before it moves it turns to face its new location
• public void processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors) – randomly selects adjacent neighbor, changes its color to that of selected actor. Does nothing if no neighbors exist
• public void makeMove(Location loc) – moves like
Critter, but faces new location before it moves
– setDirection() is used
– getLocation().getDirectionToward(loc) used as parameter for setDirection()