List some of the different books you remember reading in high school. Which of these were your favorite and why? Which of them didn’t you like so much and why? What were some effective and ineffective assignments or activities your teacher used to teach those books. How would you teach them differently? How would you teach your novel? What grade level would your teach it and why How long would you take to teach it and why Design two class activities you would use Design two sample assignments you would use analyze characters, plot, setting, etc. Include handouts What visuals would you present Write an assessment Essay (prompt), project (design rubric), test (10 sample questions) Include handouts What themes would you cover What symbols would you cover What are important passages you would cover How is it an example of the Victorian age What value does it have in the classroom; why would you teach it What did your group think of the novel Must be done on PowerPoint slides 20-30 minutes in length Everyone in group must speak Cohesive presentation; practiced & prepared Must present general summary of novel first Use the assignments from literature circles as reference ideas Seniors 10 class periods Prince Hamlet mourns his father's death and his mother’s hasty remarriage to his uncle, King Claudius. Hamlet swears revenge after the ghost of his father tells him that Claudius has poisoned him. Hamlet accidentally kills the Polonius, the court chamberlain. Polonius's son, Laertes, returns to Denmark to avenge his father's death. Polonius's daughter Ophelia loves Hamlet but his behavior drives her to madness and she dies by drowning. A duel takes place and ends with the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet. SETTING ASSIGNMENT Please draw four scenes: Act 1 Scene 1, Act 1 Scene 2, Act 1 Scene 3, Act 1 Scenes 4&5 You need to illustrate the indecision of the central character of the scene and use one quote from each scene as a footnote to describe what you drew, be sure to give line number credit to the quote. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE ASSIGNMENT You need to choose any line of figurative language from the play and illustrate that exact language in a 8 x 11 (printer page) drawing. For Example: Hamlet says “I will attend my mother and speak daggers to her” Act 3 Scene 2. You would draw Hamlet with daggers coming out of his mother and going into the soul of his mother. WHERE’S MY LINE? DUMBSHOWS Divide the class into groups and give each group a different soliloquy, cut into sections so that each group member has one piece of text, randomly distributed. The students do not show their texts to one another but must arrange themselves into the “right” order so that they make sense of the speech, assisted only by the speaking of the lines. The whole speeches are read to the rest of the class and compared with Shakespeare’s text. Divide the class into small groups and have them develop and perform a dumbshow set to music of their choice based on one of the following situations drawn from events in Hamlet: a king is murdered by his own brother while he sleeps; a father’s ghost appears to a son and tells him shocking news; a young girl is brutally rejected by the man she loves and loses her mind; a funeral is interrupted when two enemies quarrel at the grave. Compare film adaptations of Hamlet’s character Fill in the blanks of the following outline. 1 pt each I. Act 1 A. Scene 1 1. The nightwatch see a ________ and ask ______to speak to it. 2. Horatio decides to tell _________ about the incident. B. Scene 2 1. Claudius and Gertrude _______ one month after the King’s death 2. __________ is granted leave to Paris 3. __________ is not granted leave to Wittenberg 4. Fortinbras is marching on Denmark and _________ writes to Fortinbras’ uncle to stop him. 5. Gertrude asks Hamlet to “________ “ his depression and cheer up C. Scene 3 1. _______ warns Ophelia that Hamlet is not able to choose his wife. 2. _______ warns Ophelia that Hamlet just wants to take advantage of her. 3. Polonius tells Ophelia that she must stop ____________ Hamlet Madness “I am but mad north-north-west.” Hamlet, II.2.347 Revenge “If thou didst ever thy dear father love, Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.” The Ghost, I.5.23-5 Mortality “There is a divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will --” Hamlet, V.2.10-11 Lies & Deceit “...suit the action to the word, the word to the action...” Hamlet, III.2.16 Corruption “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Marcellus, I.4.90 YORICK’S SKULL "returneth into dust" (5.1.30) THE GHOST "spirit of health or goblin damned" (1.4.5) GARDENS “tis an unweeded garden” (1.2.6) FLOWERS “that's for remembrance” (4.5.175) The famous passage by Hamlet (3.1.64) To be, or not to be—that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And, by opposing end them. To die, to sleep—No more—and by a sleep to say we end… The famous passage by Claudius (3.3.40) O, my offence is rank it smells to heaven; It hath the primal eldest curse upon't, A brother's murder. Pray can not, Though inclination be as sharp as will: My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent… Elizabethan Era interest in humanist philosophy, radical changes in ideas about religion Most performed and translated play in the world. Inspired more parodies than any other literary work. Great play because of its eloquent speeches and examination of the value of life Claims: Do you deal directly with your question in a definitive way? 5pts Do you make a presentation that is original and thought provoking? 5pts Are your ideas correct? 5pts Do your ideas work together to support one common theme? 10pts Data: Do you cite your text at least five times? 5pts Have you researched information regarding your book? 5pts Have you researched information regarding your author? 5pts Can you effectively discuss your data and present clearly? 10pts Warrant: Do you state why your book matters in a classroom? 10pts Do you state why your book matters to British literature? 10pts Balanced group presentation and involvement 10pts Materials for presentation: handouts, pictures, visuals 10pts Presentation preparedness and style 10pts Total Points Possible: 100