Fortuna tibi sit

1. In what room of the house would a Roman most likely have slept?
A. Tablinum
B. Atrium
C. Latrina
D. Cubiculum
2. What is the meaning of the Latin verb that lies at the root of the English word “audition”?
A. to see
B. to perform
C. to hear
D. to inspect
3. What tense is egit?
A. Present
B. Imperfect
C. Perfect
4. What tense is audiebat?
A. Present
B. Imperfect
C. Perfect
5. Say in Latin: “They drink.”
A. bibit.
B. bibint.
C. bibat.
D. Present / Perfect
D. bibunt.
6. Which principal part do you use to form the imperfect tense?
A. 1st Principal Part
B. 2nd Principal Part
C. 3rd Principal Part
7. Which of the following is NOT a possible translation of dormiverunt?
A. They were sleeping.
B. They slept.
C. They have slept.
9. What does cibus, cibi mean in English?
A. dog
B. food
C. dinner
10. What is the 3rd Principal Part of maneo, manere?
A. manivi
B. manui
C. mansi
D. 4th Principal Part
D. They did sleep.
D. city
D. None of these.
11. A noun in the nominative case usually performs what role in a Latin sentence?
A. Subject
B. Direct Object
C. It shows possession.
12. Which of the following nouns is plural?
A. nautae
B. femina
C. felem
13. Which of the following nouns is in the accusative case?
A. puella
B. forum
C. viae
D. dominum
D. canis
14. What is the ONLY form of leo, leonis that could correctly complete the sentence: “___ canem spectant.”
A. leo
B. leonem
C. leones
D. None of these work.
15. What is the accusative form of tablinum, tablini (n)?
A. tablinus
B. tablinum
C. tablini
D. tablina
16. What is the plural form of poeta, poetae?
A. poetam
B. poeti
D. poetes
C. poetae
17. What is the 3rd Person Singular Imperfect Tense form for sum, esse, fui?
A. est
B. erat
C. es
D. eras
Passage A: (Read this passage and answer questions 18 – 25)
Clemens in foro ambulabat. turba maxima erat in foro. servi et ancillae cibum emebant. multi pistores*
panem vendebant. panem* vendebant. poeta recitabat. fabulam recitabat.
*pistor = baker
* panis, panis = bread
18. What’s the most precise way to translate the first sentence?
A. Clemens was in the forum walking.
B. Clemens is in the forum walking.
C. Clemens was walking in the forum.
D. Clemens walked in the forum.
19. How do you translate the word erat in the first line?
A. was
B. is
C. is running
D. ran
20. In “poeta recitabat”, what would the sentence look like if the subject were made plural?
It must be grammatically correct.
A. poetae recitabat.
B. poetae recitabant.
C. poeta recitabat.
D. poeta recitabant
21. What’s the subject of the sentence: “fabulam recitabat”?
A. The story
B. “He”
C. The stories
D. “They”
22. What is the proper translation of the sentence: “servi et ancillae”?
A. The slave and the slave-girl
B. The slaves and the slave-girls
C. The slaves and the slave girl
D. The slave and the slave-girls
23. How many verbs in this passage are in the imperfect tense?
A. zero
B. three
C. five
D. seven
24. Which of the following statements CANNOT be logically deduced from the passage:
A. Clemens was in the forum
B. Clemens bought bread in the forum.
C. A poet was reciting a story.
D. All of the above can be deduced.
25. Were there a lot of people in the forum?
A. Yes
B. No
C. The answer can’t be determined from this passage.
26. Say in Latin: “The king led the farmer through the city.”
A. rex agricola per urbem ducit.
B. rex agricola per urbem duxit.
C. rex agricolam per urbem ducit.
D. rex agricolam per urbem duxit.