8th Grade Science Fair Project Calendar 2015-16 Date Activities and Learning Goals Students need to complete Week of 10/5 -Introduce Science Fair Projects -Review Log Books -Students come up with a question -Research Topic -Review information from websites that will eventually go into a bibliography -Complete Research -Review MLA format for online resources (MLA Bibliography Format Handout) -Proposal -Research Plan Worksheet -Bibliography Worksheet Week of 10/12 Week of 10/19 10/26 Research Due Week of 10/26 -Construct a purpose and hypothesis -Design an experiment; materials list and procedures Week of 11/2 Begin Experiment (Set Up Experiment/ Take photos/ draw diagrams) Continue Experiment (Collect Data/Take photos/ draw diagrams) Continue Experiment (Collect Data/ Take photos/ draw diagrams) Continue Experiment (Collect Data/ Take photos/ draw diagrams) Week of 11/9 Week of 11/16 Week of 11/23 11/30 Log Book Due Week of 11/30 Week of 12/7 Analyze Data and Write Conclusions Write Up Experiment 12/11 12/18 Rough Draft Due Final Draft Due -Write 300 word summary of research -Write Bibliography Write Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, and Procedures in Log Record Data in Log Record Data in Log Record Data in Log Record Data in Log Record Data in Log Type Rough Draft of Write-Up 8th Grade Science Fair Project Due Dates and Grading Rubrics Research Grade: Due 10/26/15 Includes: Proposal, Research Plan Worksheet, Bibliography Worksheets with Research on Back, Summary of Research (300 words or less), and Bibliography *Lessons and handouts will be provided in class to help with this process. *Summary of Research and Bibliography should be uploaded to your Science Fair Wiki site. Rubric: Element Proposal Research Plan Worksheet Bibliography Worksheets Summary of Research Bibliography Description Worksheet Completed and signed by parent Worksheet Completed Possible Points 10 10 Bibliography information completed and relevant research from the website listed on the back. A minimum of 5 are required for full credit. (4 points each) A one or two paragraph summary of the research was written in 300 words or less. Writing should be concise and should remain on topic of the investigation at all times. All websites used need to be properly cited using MLA format for online resources. A minimum of 5 resources should be used. 20 40 20 TOTAL = 100 points Log Book Grade: Due 11/30/15 Includes: All ideas relating to the construction of the purpose, hypothesis, materials list, procedures, data collection (observations, images, diagrams, data tables), analysis of data (charts & graphs), and conclusion. *The log book may be simply white lined paper stapled together or a composition book may be purchased. *Images and photos must be secured in log book with tape or glue stick. Rubric: Element Steps of the Scientific Method Log Date Entries Images/Photos Data Description All steps are clearly identified (i.e. Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, etc.) All log entries or data collected are dated with Month-Day- Year. Process is clearly documented through images and/or photos Multiple data entries were collected throughout experimentation process. Possible Points 10 10 20 30 TOTAL = 70 points Rough Draft Write-Up: Due 12/11/15 Includes: All parts of the scientific method (Purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, etc.) written in a formal document. * The Rough Draft needs to be uploaded to your Science Fair Wikiproject Site. Rubric: Checking for completion of each element only. Element Purpose Variables Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Collection Analysis of Data Conclusion Description Possible Points 5 One sentence describing the reason for doing the experiment. Identify independent, dependent, controlled/constant variables One sentence predicting the outcome of the experiment. A list of materials needed for the experiment. A list of procedures needed to perform the experiment. Data organized into data tables. Graphs and/or charts used to help analyze the data. Written summary of graph. A paragraph describing the outcome of the experiment and any conclusions drawn. Use RERUN. 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 TOTAL = 50 points Final Draft Write-Up: Due 12/18/15 Includes: All steps of the scientific method written in a formal document. * The Final Draft needs to be uploaded to your Science Fair Wikiproject Site. Rubric: Assessing scientific content contained in each element. Element Purpose Variables Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Collection Analysis of Data Conclusion Description One sentence describing the reason for doing the experiment. Identify independent, dependent, controlled/constant variables One sentence predicting the outcome of the experiment. A list of materials needed for the experiment. A list of procedures needed to perform the experiment. A log of all data collected during the experiment with dates of entry. Graphs and/or charts used to help analyze the data. Written summary of graph. A paragraph describing the outcome of the experiment and any conclusions drawn. Use RERUN. Possible Points 5 5 5 5 5 25 20 30 TOTAL = 100 points