Postsecondary Goal

January 10, 2011
Presenters: Sally Hollow Horn,
Marilyn Johnson, PhD, & Sue Bement
BIE, Division of Performance and Accountability
Some segments were adapted from Dr. Juan Portley’s
presentation on Secondary Transition (2011).
» Transition IEP Findings:
• Post School Goals
• Documents absent on NASIS. Upload of
• Transition Services linked to goals
» Employability Skills
» Appropriate and measurable postsecondary goal
in each area (Training, Education, Employment
and Adult Living Skills);
» Postsecondary goal updated annually?
» Evidence of transition assessment?
» Transition services to enable student to meet
postsecondary goals.
» Transition course of study?
» Annual IEP goal related to transition service needs?
» Evidence that student was invited to IEP meeting.
» If appropriate, evidence that a representative of any
agency was invited?
» Measurable postsecondary goals
» Annual Transition goals
» Present level of performance (academic
achievement & functional performance)
» Transition activities and services
» The postsecondary goals must indicate the
goals a student expects to pursue after high
school graduation.
» Example: I will earn an Associate degree in
Construction Trades (Carpentry) from Maricopa
Community College.
» Non Example: Shania will research occupations
she would like to pursue after graduation
during the Career Readiness class.
» Is it outcome-oriented?
» Can it be counted by someone (certificate, # of hours,
» Will it occur after the student leaves secondary
» Do goals include training, education, employment and
adult living skills?
» Independent Living skills are required for students with
greater challenges (e.g. students with intellectual
» Employment: After graduation, I will work as a
construction helper in my uncle’s Construction business.
» Education: Upon graduation, I will start my nursing
degree at a community college, then go to the university.
» Independent Living: Upon completion of high school,
Jerod will live with his sister and gain competence in
accessing public transportation and work related skills.
» What kinds of assessments (informal and formal)?
» Are the areas assessed the most important ones for this student,
given his/her post school goals? (individualized!)
» Are they age-appropriate?
» Are they valid and reliable for the students you are assessing?
» Who administers assessments? When? How Often?
» How are results shared with students and with the IEP team?
» How are results “tracked” over time?
» How are results used to develop goals and courses of study, and to
determine service needs?
» Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
» – “Age Appropriate Transition
Assessment Guide”
» – “Age Appropriate Transition
Assessment” Fact Sheet
» U.S. Dept of Labor O*NET
• - Interest profiler, ability profiler
» Workkeys. A system for assessing work skills for varied
» Will the student need outside agency services (for a
successful transition) during the next year?
» For the current year, any evidence in IEP that
representatives of the following agencies/services
were invited to participate in the IEP development?
• Postsecondary education, vocational training, or
continuing and adult education
• Integrated employment (incl. Supported empl.)
• Independent living or community participation
NOTE: Must obtain consent to invite to IEP meeting!
» Postsecondary Goal
After I graduate from high school, I will earn certification as
a pharmacy technician at a community college.
» Transition Goal
Chelsea will achieve proficiency of 90% on math skills related
to pharmacy technician including: (a) math problems that
require 2 or more operations, and (b) calculation of
averages, simple ratios, simple proportions using whole
number and decimals (
Transition Activity
Chelsea will volunteer at the local pharmacy to help restock
dispensing items (labels, pill bottles, etc.). Transition
Coordinator will assist her in securing clearance for the
» Guidance:
Activities and Strategies should relate to
postsecondary goal preparation. The instruction
section should state more instructional things,
like research areas of interest, interview people,
register for dual credit, etc.
-Teach Jeff the
Paraphrasing Strategy
educator teacher
Provide modifications and
accommodations in core
academic classes
-School/general ed
Research, identify, & visit at -Jeff w/case mgr or
least 3 colleges of interest
transition specialist
-Fall 2011
Research, select, &
complete one unpaid and
one paid internship in law
-Jeff (case mgr
- Fall 2011Spring 2012
Meet with DVR counselor
for eligibility determination
& possible college supports
DVR counselor, Jeff, Winter 2011
parents (case mgr.
Courses Selected
Skills for Success (reading, future planning, personal mgmt)
English I, Algebra I, P.E./Girls Basketball, Physical Science,
U.S. History
English II, Applied Math I, P.E./Girls Basketball,
Keyboarding/Computer Literacy, Biology Concepts/Biology,
World Geography
English III, Geometry, Girls Basketball, Psychology/Sociology
Spanish I (1/2 cr.)/Government, Work Study (1/2 cr.)
English IV, Algebra II, Culinary Essentials/Sewing, Clothing &
Crafts, Public Speaking/Girls Basketball, Spanish II (1 cr.),
Work-Study (1 cr.)
» Becky will master the skills of “information processing” in
COMP 1001 with 95% accuracy, as measured by unit exams
and final exam.
» Becky will demonstrate basic awareness of computing
occupations to the counselor’s satisfaction as measured by
an interview.
» Becky will identify 3 post-secondary educational programs for
computing occupations in her careers class 9-week advisory
» Becky will articulate her accommodation needs in computing
environments through her interview with the rehabilitation
services counselor.
» Jana will increase her reading comprehension skill levels from 5.9
to 7.5 grade level equivalents by May 2011, in order to move into
post-secondary education as planned, as measured by her scores
on the standards-based assessment.
» Jana will demonstrate acquisition of spatial concepts and
computational skills critical for a field of study and career in
visual arts, by passing her Geometry I class with a grade of B or
» By April 2011, Jana will create and apply a process for analyzing
her job shadow experiences, her results from transition
assessments, and her visits to colleges to determine the most
feasible area for planning an internship the following year, as
measured by her comprehensive plan.
» NSTTAC Indicator 13 Checklist
» O’Leary’s TOP’s checklist
» NSTTAC’s training materials
˃ Web-based examples and non-examples
» Sally Hollow Horn, Education Program Specialist,
(505) 563.5276,
» Marilyn Johnson, PhD, Education Program Specialist,
(505) 563.5273,
» Sue Bement, Education Program Specialist, (505)